Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Psychic-Emotional Conflict Is Dis-Ease 

Maybe it was when FM radio waves joined in synergistically. And glyphosate et al mixed in with the saltpitre etc. Who now would investigate the same kind of graphs for smoking since first data was collected? Settled science of an active consensus is protected against reality.

There is such a thing as a negative poster child or 'scapegoat' onto which all the sin can be loaded and righteous superiority vented. I don't say this to join a 'side' but as an observation.
Germany post ww1... and ww2... Carbon dioxide - and sat fats.

On a more acute scale, the diversionary tactic takes the eye off the ball while making any kind of headlines.

All of these strategies can be seen as 'psychological defences' that pertain to everymind in one form or another.

While it wouldn't work to convey my meaning, I not the term 'psychological' is itself a dissociating or distancing term for psychic-emotional issues - be they conflicted, fear-inducing and defence-activating, or a transcendent and joyful appreciation - that may or may not bring social exclusion.

Psychic-emotional conflict is the basic structuring of human consciousness running over human being. I separate the two because a self-consciousness can inhibit, block, filter and distort the appreciation and experience of simply being.
Babies learn to not get in the way of their gut - eating through to eliminating and I see this as a part of learning to focus in the world of the body. In this sense our body-mind (all the chakras if you want) is like a channel through which being knows existence as this particular focus - within a shared focus of nature and culturally inherited and acquired nurture - or psychic-emotional strategies for maintaining a self in terms of the particular as well as general themes of our self and world. For we learn to model it, and we adapt to the model. Once trained, many operate within the frame of their training - while some open the willingness of revision - or learning new ways to see and respond that open new cultural perspective - as an integrative or healing restorative instead of a persistent 'strain' of managed sickness of conflicted purpose or split mind.

But within the narrative identity of attempt to present settled consensus over denied conflicts, is the defence of the split mind as if the rejected or denied is to be outsourced to the 'general population', the taxpayer, or indeed our environment and of course our body.

This attempt to escape conflicts by diversion and denial is only piling them up in forms of delay-avoidance that operates short term illusion for long term pain - that may kill us slowly while clinging to illusions, or flip from managed chaos to chaotic breakdown of any sense of management in a moment.

While common themes come up, I feel that every instance is a unique situation calling for willingness to look and listen - not only to 'the world' of effects and symptoms, but to the 'inner realm' of cause - which is a discernment of the active purpose or purposes as revealed in the psychic-emotional resonances of the communication both with the 'call for help' as within the 'helper'. In other words, things are not always as they seem or are presented or even believed to be - from anyone's point of view. 

The mutual agreements that turn a blind eye to 'psychic-emotional' context are often driven by the wish to make the problem go away or at least hide it or stop it interfering with 'business as usual' - for either the controllers or owners of the suppliers of such a market demand or the buyers.

The body politic attracts or develops biota relative to the terrain or environment. The human environment is always mediated by psycho-emotional meanings and interpretations. This means that our core definitions and beliefs set the range of response, and can set up dysfunction and disease by design - and protect such design as the 'survival' of a psychic misidentification - that then operates parasitically or at expense of the whole. An assertive identity operates a fixed or settled sense of self and reality, set against 'otherness', of association with threat, fear or rejection.

The recognition of self in another is not a loss of self, but the basis of a true with-ness and worth-ship of living. Projection of self-specialness onto others, (positive or negative) is a psychic-emotional trick of getting by association (without giving honest presence) or getting rid of self-negatives by scapegoating. Old habits run a second nature at expense of our first. Dissonant experience is a call to wake up - or identify and release what gets in the way of a truly present appreciation. Noticing is for curiosity - not blame.

Heart And Mind Health

If we were to allow the expansion of our model rather than defending it against change, we would discover there is not only more to the heart than a pump - but that the idea of a pump is a misnomer. A crudely magical model assigns a face, intent or human motive to winds and planets and world and mechanistic model can only assign mechanical substitutes for the same magical 'forces'. The idea that everything works together or the One in the Many and the Many in the One - is not only abstract, but 'all at once' - with different 'levels' of communication at different speeds for different functions within a whole 'Idea' that cant be broken up and put back together - although all the kings horses and men can of course act as if they not only can, but must!

Wholeness or health is properly a basis FROM which to live - especially amidst the experience of a Humpty Dumpty (self and) world.

This means listening in, or receptivity - and discernment - where we are guided in a 'field of wholeness' that can of course include, research, advices and intuitions. But vigilant against the deceits of our own fear-driven wishfulness, or wish induced fears. 

Monday, 4 March 2019

The 'Magic Rings' That All Operated On The Internet Of Rings 

The Internet started out as a decentralised communication system designed to stay working through nuclear war. That is - it was conceived as a military use.
Military research and applications includes educational institutions.
Decentralised thinking made use of anarchic hippies.
While it may seem trite, Tolkien's fable posited the worship and subjection to 'techos' with the idea of the 'magic rings' that all operated on the Internet of Rings - and the palantír (seeing stones) were like the Internet in that the unwary were simply sucked into Sauron's wll who also had a palantír - and the strong willed could wrest free to see many things far off - but were not so free as they believed and saw things that fed their despair and to then work Sauron's will via the undermining of their own through pride. (Denethor).

The basis for mind or market capture is to give out free sweets or cheap credit - something too good to be true - grab it while you can - and then choke back the supply to the established dependency, as a means to train the captives to behave so as to be allowed to live - or of course ripped off and left to die, or sickened and killed for profit (the role of predator established over the role of meat).

However - your dismissal of the Internet is unfounded. Although even as we speak it is being choked back or censored so as to operate as a limiting and controlling of narrative dictate (settled consensus expert science etc) - the Internet is a window of opportunity for re-education from a willingness to question and explore or consider various facets of any issue rather than take the meds. But the basis from which to do so does not come from outside - being as awakening responsibility to self-honesty instead of running under a spell (conditioned thought-response).

I don't see or expect ANY fair consideration of ANY evidences presented in the framing of the accusations. The very framing itself is the trap. The trap is designed in every way to induce reactions that strip the mark of their full wits and thus to compromise or incriminate themself.

Malcolm HAS replied as he did and so that is now done. I feel that all who appeal to reason and call for sympathy in a true cause to others are played for naiveté by an undercurrent of denial that is the first to accuse 'denialism' in others - and the first to worship helplessness and 'innocence' in victims that the accused are then smeared with.

I write all the time to a thought-reversal that underlies a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner) - but to little understanding - because the social construct overrides the true relational being in exactly the way the Internet of Rings (Things) is being rolled out - at vast and advance capital investment globally - irrespective of apparent political factions.

'He who can not be named' - (Potter) - is like realising that power (of terror) operates through what cannot be openly discussed, criticised or challenged without attracting penalty from the power to deliver it. Only a token few need be made example of (Wakefielded) so as to silence others in self-protective self-censor. Show trials are nothing new. The public view is asserted and incentivised regardless the facts and this is business as usual for power by fear and deceit.

Back to Tolkien. 'Technos' is not just clever or complex financial instruments by which to conceal toxic debt - but that same kind of thinking applicable to all communication and exchange. And as the usurping and replacement of creative relational endeavour - which it suckles on as a dependent even while poisoning and hollowing its host. (You).

Choosing NOT to use the 'Ring' is not pacifism as an ideal, but the yielding or releasing of the urge to personal power - which at best is a self-inflated fantasy, but always becomes a vindictive and hateful reaction to all that does not play a supporting role to a sense of self-specialness.

Choosing not to take the bait of the deceiver is allowing an inner discernment to reveal what is truly present and abide in what is true as an integrity that excludes no one - though they may choose not to accept it for themselves if they are protecting invested illusions - but of that will they then become aware - and thus their mask becomes tighter to maintain and pretend real.

We have choice or we would be robots. But we do not decide what the choice is between. Truth is a matching resonance of recognition of coherency and congruency. Illusions demand sacrifice of truth in order to pass off in its place. Fear is division, and works a mind of concealment - unless consciously NOT chosen. Now we have stepped across the line fear says 'DO NOT CROSS!' and now we need full presence of mind to learn to navigate in coherency with our situation - both as it presents and as we are interpreting it.

Persecution in this sense is an opportunity to deepen our faith in willingness FOR truth - by refusal to give allegiance to illusions. Or it can be used to feed a sense of self-specialness in grievance as a basis from which to justify hate as 'power'.

Another way of seeing this is that we can respond in like kind and persist the passing of guilt, hate and sacrifice in our world and down the generations - or we can let the buck stop here and only give as we in truth would receive and process the loveless within a willingness to heal and be healed. (Of course you can take a drive and shout at everyone if that works to open the emotional into a recognition of what runs beneath - but only if it can be done safely. Discerning what is imagined from what is current is 'mindfulness' although I have some issue with the term.
We are not as conscious as our thinking tells us. We are not as our thinking tells us - but it can serve who we truly are rather than masking over and denying us. Centring ourselves in stillness or nature opens the qualities in which to use thought sanely - until we become lost in reaction - hence opening discipline of inner listening instead of reacting is freedom lived - not merely idealised or wished for.