Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Lao Tzu
A key to our times is to see that our OWN mind is being used against us.
Without awakened responsibility for thought, we are unaware of the structures that are invisible to us because we think within - and out from - their framing automatically, or by habit.
The characteristic signature of such a ploy is a reversal of thought, assigned reality
While we do not have the ability to control Reality, our reality is filtered and interpreted by beliefs that operate as our social identity reinforcement - that can and does extend a capacity to deny a directly perceived or intuited reality in favour of a social compliance.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair
The development of the ability to shape social narrative is associated with politics, propaganda, corporate PR, advertising and social engineering by a complex of such an 'industry'. It's very premise is to manipulate an outcome by whatever means work - and this is a result of a failure of communication or a REFUSAL to open a relationship of communication - which can simply arise from self-specialness - that can be expressed negatively as victim or threat, as well as positively in terms of denial, exclusion or overcoming of threat. Playing the victim or victims for leverage of control while asserting outrage at being questioned and accusing the questioner of moral depravity and demanding its denial. Offering the 'strongman' to a cultivated insecurity under threat. These patterns run in our own minds - not just in exemplary 'psychopaths' or lockstepping self-interests of the Establishment.
My sense is that to speak truth as power, we have to uncover truth in ourselves, rather than claim moral right to represent truth as a personal claim set over or against another.
To put this another way - we need to align thought, word and deed to a wholeness or congruency - lest we say one thing while doing another. This correction will never occur under a blame and shame, or 'guilting and sacrificing' culture. Truth HAS to include self-acceptance as a current state or a 'supportive cast' for self-evasion will sow and reap an imposed partiality instead of consciously accepted open preference.