To the growing awareness of a 'hidden' tyranny I invite considering two aspects, one is the exposure of networks of shared or overlapping private interests that operate politically by deceit of a masked agenda, and the other is the ideas or thinking that effectively constitute the mask.
The former is the level of the personality structure - which is usually denied illumination by the assignment and operation of the mind of guilt and its attack in the other, that serves the basis of power struggle. The latter is thinking that runs as accepted currency, and in exactly the same way as our financial currency systems, is fundamentally rigged or running on the basis of masking deceit.
The term 'Too big to fail' has been assigned to the banking sector in its exposure as a predatory deceit. To rip out the tares would destroy the harvest crop. A true discernment as to the true and false is called for in vigilance against deceit.
A world of lies results from protecting or masking over a hidden lie. Lies go forth and multiply as fig-leaf thinking that by nature shuns or distorts any light of an honest account that would expose our own sense of invalidity or unworthiness. But the lie - like a trojan ploy - hides in the forms of truth, kindness, caring and respectability and is believed and defended as true.
Tim Noakes exemplifies a core honesty of self along with his family support and community support of a willingness to stand in such honesty, despite threat, smear or coercion. This is not the basis for making special his person, but for the likewise aligning in honesty of witness as the core relational value for self, community, and society. So signing the petition may be much more than doing something and then reverting to routine. It can be a stirring of recognition of worth, that needs witnessing and acknowledging in our thought word and deed - whatever lives we may be living.
Unless we live from a truly extended sense of worth, we are defaulted to thinking that allows us to be manipulated.
Another term for honesty or truth is without manipulation.
The vendetta runs much deeper than any persons who show up on the radar. A sense of justified hate runs as 'self-righteous' exclusion. Cognitive dissonance operates such that no communication can reach any who are certain their hate is just vengeance served.
But to a growing willingness to listen and see with a fresh perspective, messengers and symptoms that before were made war upon, are revealed as the bearers of true communication, as the manipulative framework of self-deceits, is released to self honesty.