Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Whack-a-Mole as loss of consciousness to systemic defence

Why are a lot of infected people asymptotic? Do they have particularly healthy endothelia? And where does vitamin D fit into this hypothesis? * (see below for my response to this)

Dr. Malcolm Kendrick: (to David)
Because they have a good immune system and bat the virus away before it can do any damage.

To Malcolm:
This almost suggests a 'bad' immune system and 'naughty' viruses.

Why not allow a functioning immune system to be where natural viral response IS immune function, rather than where a ‘detoxing episode’ becomes framed as a 'life threatening pathogen'?

In this I assign such 'sickness' a role within health rather than as a source of fear and control for human (psychic-emotional and social-medical) interventions and impositions.

As well as toxicity is strain. Constant strain is a great burden on the resources and an episode of sickness can in effect force a rest that may save not just a stitch in time, but an MI - Heart attack.

Our accepted model is the context for our perceiving and reacting to our world.
The game of 'whack-a-mole is an attempt to  'make it go away' - and in a short term need - may be called for. You may want to allay a cold onset so as to deliver the speech you have been invited and paid - and travelled to deliver.  On the other hand you may be glad of an excuse not to have to attend a function that is compelled, meaningless and onerous.
My health changed radically when I became self employed within a sense of meaning and challenge that aligned me in joy in life. Great strain can be the 'normal' of a life never able to really happen.

The more we want something to 'go away' the more defences are set against it - normalised as structures that we lose the capacity to even imagine changing - while the 'pesky moles' take on more dissonance as a systemic breakdown that of course calls up systemic means to batten down or bat away feared conflict.
Feared conflict then becomes the systemic replacement for what consciousness once navigated with a sense of wholeness.

In my reading today I encountered research that states consciousness has been steadily decreasing - my own explanation being that of constant normalise strain of defences against unresolved conflict.  I duck-goed 'Gert Gerken' as the reference to what is in my printed book:

The researchers at GRP now feel that over the past twenty-five years the brain of the 
average individual has undergone significant changes in its organization. The decrease in 
sensitivity to sensory stimuli implies that stimuli are being processed 
in a different way than before. Researchers hypothesize that there are fewer cross linkag-
es or networks in the brain; therefore primarily optical stimuli go directly to 
the optical center without activating other sensory or emotional centers. Thus 
human beings can take in very powerful stimuli that are discordant, senseless, or 
contradictory without being bothered. The trend researcher Gert Gerken has 
labeled this phenomenon "the new indifference." 

I note that this pattern applies no less to Science.
How normal are we willing to be?
'Whatever!' ?

Redesignating human being as an infection status that must subjugate its own life to protect a 'herd' that HAS no individual expression - excepting of course those who design and run the model. We used to call it the rat race, and seek to escape, but now it is more of a global experiment on human lab rats in which our safety is their paramount concern. (!)
Language structures the mind. "Watch it, you!" - If you value having one.
Awareness of the world around us may be too painful to bear - but may also facilitate recognising and releasing model frameworks that invisibly lock down and mask conflict into the body Corporate such as to protect a caged bubble from upset and offence.

Why are a lot of infected people asymptotic? Do they have particularly healthy endothelia? And where does vitamin D fit into this hypothesis?

Because the term ‘infection’ is being abused. There are innumerable latent virus and bacterial functions within you at any given time. Are you thus a walking time bomb of contagion that could go off amidst an protected status of susceptibility that is in fact a likewise diverse Biotic synergy?(“Life Jim, but not as we know it”).
‘Asymptomatic infected people’ means ‘healthy people’.
Medicalising life as a source of profit and control works by framing health, life and nature in terms of an evil to eradicate, control, and manage – rather than Be and share in.
Its a technological version of St George that has in effect become the evil or chaos he thought to subdue.
Generally – life is a workability – excepting that it loses the ability to create workarounds to blocks, scarcities and conflicts that don’t resolve and operate as blocks, toxicities, imbalances and insufficiencies.
Allowing that a lot of iatrogenic and environmental stress or exposure is the result of unresolved human (relational) conflicts, we are effectively poisoning our own nest – perhaps most insidiously under the guise of boosting or manually taking over our ‘immune function’ (life).
Vit D has such a massive role within health (immune function) as to ask why did we agree to lockdown into hypothesis that framed us out of our natural environment of common sense health and fitness for a medicalised weakness demanding mass sacrifice of individual liberty – or else be assigned the status of virus by a Medical State?
The recent events are only closing the door on a herd that had already been domesticated and branded – bar a bit of shouting and some bio-technical track and tracery.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Where in all this is solid ground?

Quite apart from valid counts, are valid tests, for valid conditions or established fact.
Science shifted from empiricism to the computer model, and from empirically validated standards to convenient (model supporting) mathematical abstracts.

We (mostly) take on trust that a 'novel' (?) virus was 'discovered' in serum taken from a very very few suffering extreme respiratory reactions to extreme air pollution. Despite the fact that viral expressions (they come from living cells) constantly mutate - and are thus 'new' as a matter of course - and yet share the same basic profiles of symptom as other flus, colds, and coronaviral infections/expressions.

So where in all this is a 100% solid ground from which to begin science - rather than applying scientific processes to pet theories or subconscious fears given funding?

Zoom out and see that overall cause of death has more correlation with the lockdown - and so the scientific idea (if you need proof) is to challenge the correlation so as to disprove causation - yes? However, death is generally the result of a series of breakdowns of life support - which are personal (psychic-emotional) as well as social and environmental - now compounded by social and political hysteria which is none the less keeping an iron grip regardless any appeal to reason or call to account.

Like a game of musical chairs, when the music re-starts, there is less support for living. Initially this is those who die from their fear and isolation - and from the measures undertaken as defence. That this is a top-down orchestration is simply evident.

The idea of a mainstream 'reality' as a management system, that insiders are aware of as partial or false is part of any masked private agenda. A restructuring to vertical commands rather than horizontal interactions of communication and trust under structures of guidance and support for life.
We find out what love is by creating a world without it.
But what we give our love or energy and support to - remains our choosing.
The need I see is for restoring and holding perspective amidst polarising and self-reinforcing reaction.

There is an imperative operating through the few, set over the many - under various narrative justifications for 'orders' or paid employ. Insiders know more but are less able to speak even if they were moved to.

It's all very well to judge others - but we meet our own risk-assessment in terms of where do we draw our line as to what we say, to whom, whether we comply and the way we comply - and why. This is the realm of responsibility FROM which we meet with or communicate to others. We can all rush about (at home in our heads) with what everyone else SHOULD do or should never have done - but where is our voice at any table of social decision making?

I sense that a Reset was and is inevitable - but that those doctoring our Economy and engineering of Society want to manually manage the outcomes, by blocking our immune response and setting up bio-tech dependencies as a deeper level of control.

Under compression of severe challenge or impending death, we are often moved to align in the qualities and priorities that a life driven by worldly demands denied us. Making our peace and aligning in the joy of each moment as we can find willingness to recognise is also a healing modality - regardless the physical outcome.

Intuitively I sense there are many who intuit that fear is itself dangerous, and so they are indeed living a chosen bubble by which to not give fear the power to wreck their lives - even while the wrecking of the world we knew is being carried out with helicopter money and completely unsustainable premises. Force Majeure is being claimed by some as a way to escape contracts they can no longer keep. Is it an Act of God (as used to be used in legal documents) or is it the pre-emptive assumption of such an act under a manually usurped 'new world order'?
Somewhat like the premise of the vaccination - in which a limited sacrifice, operates the masking belief in defence from the feared Total Sacrifice - (and which of course DOES the thing it is premised to defend agaist).

Terrors from the deep are very real in their effects

These 'what if's' are for what purpose?
I have read that in places where doctors can strike, the death toll goes down when they do.
However the belief that doctors save lives and are a bulwark against terror of death and disease is so deep set that no mere facts will make the slightest difference.

I now move from personal reply to general reflection.

We are in a time in which we can witness such deep set terrors in operation.
I read this morning a section of J Chilton Pearce (The Biology of Transcendence) on his childhood night terrors - which unlike nightmares always ran their full course and could not be interfered with by 'reality' - ie parents attempts to calm or reason an open eyed screaming child, for all stimuli fed the terror and became part of it. The terror eventually ran its course and left a complete amnesia accompanied by a dread of being alone.
At a certain age he determined to allow going into the dream and to remember it, which was the capacity to observe the event from a perspective outside its drama - and thus release it. This he did.

Terrors from the deep are very real in their effects - not least in our defences set up against them,
The main difference I see in our current collective terror - which is not really about an infectious virus but the activation of ancient fear, is that it was summoned or invoked by design. I recognise the cock-up theory offers a masking mitigation against such unthinkable or unbearable malice - but is not our recoil from this the 'blind eye' by which it operates as 'private agenda'?

The need to seek and find diversion by which to  avoid being alone with what we cannot bear will drive all kinds of agenda - but the willingness and readiness to go into it as the desire and determination to be free of running and hiding from it - is a development of character and consciousness of love of life - rather than clinging to fears.

Deaths are inherent to a realm of birth and unfolding experience, but killing is an intent that has repercussions on the giver and receiver that generate trauma that - unless truly addressed - does energetically manifest negative symptoms in the families and societies of its context.

By deceit, people can be induced to effectively kill themselves, in ways that leave the setter of the deceit free of blame or at least able to claim plausible deniability. Junkfood, weedkiller, polluting  manufactures, as well as inducing and fermenting fear, conflict and war - such as this one.
But regardless the legal shenanigans,and masking in obfuscations, the record holds the act of intent to denial as a backlog of debt, that of itself 'locks down' and denies future growth.

The weight of a great evil or terror cannot be escaped by masking in an increasing dense masking bubble - excepting as a binding to blind mechanism as some coded memory of what life might have been, set in targets of compliance where once the heart moved freely.

The point of looking directly at what is going on is not to feed moral outrage - though we meet it - but to uncover where our own identity masking has set beliefs that deny us a true appreciation of - and basis for - shared reality.

Fear of denial and exclusion - like a cornered rat - can strike out in last ditch defiance.
When this fear is shared by the 'establishment' as their vision of an inescapable future of breakdown, as fear of pain and loss - it is nurtured and grown as a global strategy of 'escape' - not for humanity but for their vision of control over its perceived unworthiness.

My sense is that compression is a natural process of refinement that comes to seed - (what could be a more compressed life form than a seed?) - that harvests or integrates the fruits of its prior expansion as a result of qualitative acceptance - or priorities. Conflicts cannot be pushed out into long grass when all is converging to a reckoning. But by what mind is the reckoning? Because the mind that generated the conflict can only operate the narrative of masking as an expression OF it.

And yet the very nature of fear given power of acceptance and belief, is to shut down the higher centres of consciousness that translate and embody qualitative intelligence to workable and practical action.

Here we are.

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post #2

How about holding the Media to account?
There would have been no pandemic without the lockstep media.
The hope of a political sovereignty in our political class or system is misplaced.
Financial parameters operate the ability to favour or choke back almost everything now – including global food supply and permission to leave your house or earn a living.
Financial and social restructuring is the underlying purpose of the pretext that works it intended purpose. The basis of our ‘economics’ is fraud and all else is necessarily captured or subverted to run and protect a society running on deceit – which can only operate destructively in self-reinforcing loop.