Thursday, 10 October 2019

A Mind As If Split From Its Body And World, Set Within Its Own Tale-Spin

Why stop at damage to the endothelium? Why not address 'damage' or degradation of the blood? Perhaps significant but if Pollack is as reproducibly proven in his EZ water demonstrations - as also applies in cells and arteries - along with all protein-activated phase changes - then is this vicinal (endothelial) charge-gradient a factor? I cant see why NOT.
Vit C and other antioxidants are supply of free electrons - yes?
My interest is in a recognition of our Universe and therefore our life - as having an electrical nature that then operates as complex self-organising Open 'system' of balanced energies, structure and in our case consciousness - excepting that you might say we have lost our balance in terms of a mind that is as if split from its body and Universe and set within its own tale-spin - as a negatively polarised or fear-defined sense of self and world. And somewhat invisibly so in a society of mutual reinforcement.

I am certain that shocks in life or trauma - can and does 'store' in the body in various ways and places - and can be reactivated or triggered by all manner of events.
Persistent as well as acute toxicity is also a shock.
As one who has experience in opening the consciousness (and also of experiencing trauma), I see a normalisation of fear that is otherwise invisible. Any unresolved issues can seek magical remedy in displacements that cannot address the cause but can and will bring all the elements of the original issue into the arena of the 'cure'. Who is listening?

How much attention is given to the truth of love in gosh knows how many pages and comments on CVD - Heart disease. It is in these pages and comments but 

Science tends to operate behind the scenes - in theory of mechanism - where people mostly live front-end user interface generated by currently accepted narrative identity that may base itself on such theories - which are hardly settled Fact an more than theologies.

While many are re-educating themselves after realising a lot of such is more of a top down 'economy' if not racket than a true service - most haven a basis from which to start and grow confidence - and so its a matter of which 'experts' to follow. However, intuition comes into this and there is a difference between those who risk their career or peer credibility in aligning in integrity as they find it relative to following a 'standard of care' that is backed by trillion dollar marketing companies - except to the layman - billion dollar research would find a cure if there was one - ergo - there isn't one - but its in the pipeline - just keep the funds coming.

I don't know that Jerome will reach many who are not already in a sense on board with the 'anti-statin insurgency'. I use that term after reading a paper at:
Titled: Health Wars and Beyond: The Rapidly Expanding and Efficient Network Insurgency Interlinking Local and Global Online Crowds of Distrust.

Re-education is not just facts' but growing consciousness as to the way to gather and the purpose of application of what is uncovered and currently accepted as a basis from which to live -  while always open to further insight. A 'narrative identity' is generally a 'For and Against' sense of self that is generally For whatever supports Against. This is a blind binary polarisation that cannot  really think at all. When there is no life being lived and shared, what is not used fades by non use - and what is resisted persists.

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