I realise I might be repeating an old question already answered somewhere in the last fifty something blog posts but in considering the very basic elements of death by heart failure, I see this whole argument being one of a faulty plumbing system - albeit a self repairing one.
Is it considered that the heart fails because a blockage in the arteries stops the blood flow and starves all organs including the heart of energy to maintain function?
I have read that many who die of a 'heart attack' are found without such blockages' and many who die of other causes are found to have such blockages.
The heart is electrical in its operation and communicates electro-magnetic field potentials - which is how the heart function can be electrically recorded by a cardiogram. There are also heart diseases associated with electrical failure of the heart. Electrical fluctuations in our atmosheric conditions as a result of Solar activity are known to have correspondence with heart 'attacks' whether via block or by interference in the tock of its clock - or pacemaker cells.
So is the blockage itself the cause of death or are their other factors that often or almost always accompany it? The heart stops - but is that because a spanner is in the pump?
Science often specialises and begins to suggest that life happens in different compartments and every specialist defends their field against intrusion by other fields. This pattern is itself not unique to science but a specialisation of a human tendency or mental sense of control.
Science as a technologism of 'define in order to predict and control' can and does serve compartmentalised or private agenda at expense of the whole.
I have a sense that the heart is in some sense a like a conductor to its orchestra,for a synchrony of functional communication, regulation and exchange. I also have a sense that victorian science - like lead plumbing, remains in place at the cost of more integrative understandings as a primitive makeover on older superstitions that persist in an Emperor's new clothing that cannot be questioned without self-invalidating. Not that thermodynamics is not capable of explaining and accounting for a lot of practical mechanism in physics and in biology - but that there is a contextual layer that it is blind to in the realm of electromagnetic self organising fields of communication that are not themselves physical so much as interfacing qualities to quantities and vice versa and that a primary aspect of renewal, support, immunity, vitality, inspiration, energy and joy in living and sharing life is a connectivity at all levels.
The physical experience is not a risk of death so much as having death built in by design in support of life. But note the phrase physical experience combines two orders of reality within the quality and qualities of life. We also have non-physical experience of imagination and thought that if we observed our self in any day, occupies us more than our real-time relational environment. We live IN our model or image of reality as part of our survival in the body and can and do identify our survival with the image or model and not just the body - and can and do die or sicken as a result of shocks relative to experience of fears, threats and attacks or losses to our self as worldview and ability or acceptability and inclusion.
All kinds of self strategy against personal loss of face, power, status or social inclusion operate the complexities of human manipulative intent and thus of politics in all spheres of life including medical science as a funded institutional identity seeking its own survival in such terms.
Toxicity can be an ignorance - no one knew asbestos was deadly - but when they did the powers that be looked the other way and made it a toxicity by negligence and design - knowingly persisting in deadly hazards for the unwitting until law suits called the tune perhaps. Our world is in many ways toxic relative to dosage and duration - along with resilience and capacity to clear whatever and regain balance or function. Fever is a way the body responds to a toxic shock - but we tend to see fever as the disease - along with the itis and the associated bacterial or virological condition.
Back to heavy metal poisoning - is there a reliable affordable way of testing for this? I wonder because these can also be laid down in fats that may then be dormant - until or unless released back into circulation.
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