Sunday, 6 October 2019

Lead toxicity heart disease

Note lead is being used as one of a class of toxic metals - that are also neurotoxic.
So what are the metals or similar-acting toxins that effect either the damage or the interference in the capacity to defend, repair, and renew?
I suggest aluminium is also a candidate. There are a range of other known toxins that I also submit as candidates. I just read the study on pesticides as the most likely cause of 'Havana Syndrome'.
In short toxic exposures are systemic and pervasive with regional variations. Regs on pesticides or any other health protection are either non existent or overridden by multinational corporate agenda. Banned toxins are simply resold in other 'markets'. This includes vaccines known to harm.

But the key theme is that toxicity is built in to our way of life.
You note leaded petrol - eventually phased out but only being used because it was patented - not for any functional necessity. Lead is still in our mains water supply - and some areas have very toxic water. (Flint, Michigan etc).
Much of this in my opinion is a result of centralisation requiring a top down imposition of systemic organisation running on deductive reasoning rather than inductive observations and re-alignment.

In Malcolm's metaphor, control itself is the centre piece of its own framing - as an interjection and substitution for what comes naturally - or rather the way nature actually works.
The establishment of kings, high priesthoods and power class thereof became the model of the self - as a top down control of the self-mind-brain over its body. We have it backwards - but are all in the idea of control over life as something fundamentally threatening, treacherous and opposition to our fantasy of how things should be - and which forms the basis of the ideas we presume and internalise as true that then 'force all the other pieces out of shape'.
Hence restoring our own true shape by releasing the false frame of unquestioned reality that is in fact believed and perceived confirmation bias - allows other pieces to find us as part of a reintegrative wholeness or coherency.

The other side of the story to toxicity is cellular of functional immunity.
How can we be more resilient in our capacity to neutralise and recover from toxic shocks that may be an event running on top of persistent background exposure?
I see this as more than a shopping list of todo's.

And there is huge evidence to suggest that the degradation of human population is by design - sometimes as the 'side effects' of higher profits but also as a more stupid and less troublesome populace and also Malthusian stealth.

Alas, opening to the larger picture can in itself be a factor for heart failure for deep fear, horror or indeed rage can all serve as toxic or inflammatory attack on the body.

I understand that IV vit C - and perhaps other antioxidants - can neutralise the acute risk of fatality from toxic exposures of some kinds.

I also understand that we can die from our defences rather than the attack or problem itself. This has become extrapolated to human society as iatrogenic disease as well as many unexpected effects of solving problems that unwittingly generate new problems by displacement.

Mercury poisoning was once the applied remedy of the 'quicks' those physicians who purged the disease with poisons such as quicksilver, (mercury). This is indeed in the original meaning of pharma as both poison and remedy.

While not advocating the example, there are some who accept potentially poisonous snake bites as part of their Sunday service without dying. There is more going on than meets the eye.

It is my sense that toxicity is the basis of disease and that what we call infection is in fact the body's attempt to heal or clear it. But because we associate infection with pathological (evil) viruses - we have a contagion of fear that generates its own 'defence system' - often to protect the cause (of sickness) by attacking the effects (symptoms interpreted as attack).
Fear can mount on fear to an inflammation of hysterical breakdown of communication - as we are seeing in our current affairs and inability to sanely address them.

So at the least I suggest that there is an inner and and outer part to all these things  but the inner is the art of hiding itself in internalised presumptions of asserted and believed reality.

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