Thursday, 21 November 2019

Willing Slavery Or Willing Freedom?

Yes. This issue reveals itself as being simply a matter of willing slavery or wiling freedom. But however you are moved to choose, it takes two to tango. Freedom has to move beyond the seemingly protective and dependable realm of 'ruled' thoughts to a more integrative relation and appreciation of the whole being.
That 'define and control' should be turned as a weapon against members of its on kind is of course un-kinding, war, or 'evil' in the mind of laws that hold for the true protection of life.

That a few should take unto themselves the right to decide and develop the development or discarding of human attributes lies of course in them being given the power to do so by the laws not only of state, but of the mind by which the subjects think. 

The idea of protection is one with the idea of threat and fear and is used to capture the allegiance and compliance or sacrifice of life-force to the 'power' that grants life - or indeed 'social credit' as to be applied under a more tightly regulated system of terms and conditions.

Unwillingness to slavery (at either pole of its expression), is the need to call upon and align in a true and full resource that has been significantly discarded or substituted for, by a system of collectivism operating as the justification for un-kinding to life by subversion and absorption to a quantified, and programmed, data set of conditions and 'responses' (sic).

Many are increasingly to become aware that they are essentially willing participants to their own degradation and extermination - perhaps made easier by delivering others to such a fate under false premise, so as to secure a temporary status of a relative privilege or protection.

Having developed 'thinking' to such a specialised tool, can we recognise and release its peculiar liability of rendering life as a dead or degraded thing to be upgraded, replaced and discarded.
Thinking can make the box that you die in - or rather, the box in which we see the death of the promise and potentials of life on Earth while thinking to save each our own apart - collectively!

If the reader does not understand, it is because their very thinking is predicated on not understanding this - and such a predicate IS the 'shutting down' of the freedom to question thought or of the enquiring and uncovering of the realisations of the Life, Mind, and Purpose of which we truly are - knowingly so, or otherwise.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

A Comment On Corruption

A lot of it is systemic I believe - though I also accept the term 'medical mafia' - but few realise the system they operate FROM. Because its premises or presumptions are internalised and ritually reinforced. Once an idea has ben internalised it almost has a life of its own - and a protected status. We usually don't call it anything because its the 'world' implicit in our actions, thoughts and communications.

This comes under:
Easier to deceive (or persist in the official illusion) than to get anyone to accept they are deceived. Anything assigned status of self-protection is defended against threat. Even a protection racket. Do people know what they do? And if they frame it in justifications or relative merits - or evils - they may still regard themselves as not responsible for what the system - as they see it - dictates or permits (what they get away with as normal).

Systemic thinking is often a replacement for relational intelligence - hence a prescribing robot is surely in the pipeline. And serving a control agenda under threat - ie scarcity driven reductionism.

Monopolistic market capture generates scarcity as its business model - after opening and preparing the market. Rockefeller et al were way to big to hold accountable by US Gov and that was way back. But systemic thinking is vulnerable or simply hackable by fraud.

Monday, 11 November 2019

Enemy of the State

Technology (incl 5G) is an arms race - beneath the mask of progress for the Human Good - and the fear than others will get there first leads to pre-emptive strikes.
The Malthusian motif is very fitting to a wide spectrum of social engineering by stealth and guile.
People who don't think like that don't find it easy to accept there are those who do - and act on it in a progressive unfolding or making a new world order - though so much is so destructive that I wonder if some deeper hatred of life simply thrives on breaking down anything it hates and yet is never appeased because life is still here.
A movie called Enemy of the State was either prescient or conditioning us. It has a very funny NSA surveliance moment - I wont spoil. But inflatable tanks and the like are standard kit in the use of deceiving the target to feel more outgunned than they in fact are. Snowden may be a hero or an amazingly clever psyop. The test might be in what your heart chooses to live from rather than setting the mind in an either/or. Don't believe just because it looks and sounds convincing - feel for the green light of an inner resonance. 
I do see that amazing stupid moves seem to be extremely effective at controlling a narrative while leading people to both feed it by giving it attention and currency of focus - while feeling superior because its is so impossible to miss as a target.
Desperate times methinks call up desperate measures by the manipulative to induce others to sustain the unsustainable. War on carbon life forms here we go...
An Internment of Things beckons. Lord of the Internment of Things ... That rings a bell.

My sense is that trending data is marketable and sought as insider information. Not individual behaviours - unless of course you become a elevated to a risk or threat status according to algorythms and  are assigned some overview of a more snoopy kind which still may be automated to collect a readout for a human operator - who may not be as motivated as incentivised and lastly if you are really a 'threat' or chosen as an asset or proxy - then you might have a team monitoring and logging your every fart.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Disinformation By Contagion 

Very interesting article here concerning antibody suppression after measles infection, which you have mentioned. Seems we need have no fear, and that this is a good thing the body does in its infinite wisdom. Let me know what you think.

in response to the themes above:

The PR running from the study on Measles 'undermining immunity' is a weaponised headline with apparently supporting text. If you find any journalist doing any job of checking or even engaging with the articles they copy paste - let me know.

I went to the study and skimmed it.
Does one laugh or cry?

Bankers and lawyers and scientists are trained to repackage toxic debt (consequence of their acts) into something they can induce others to buy.

Is there an online translator for language intended to obfuscate?

I agree with your link and with Thomas Cowan in that immunity is not what we think it is (or are told to accept it to be), and so there is an extension of a flawed model or actively believed hypothesis that the study suffers by inheritance.

Then there is the sample size from which to derive such dramatic conclusions - single figures appeared later that didn't correlate to the several hundred at the opening??
The dubious nature of the control group given flu vaccine??

I'm sure Malcolm could make a shortlist of flaws, misrepresentations or weaknesses - but I would rather he educate others in practicing doing so.

If there is substance to argument it can come out unafraid of being challenged - indeed it should welcome any critical perspective so as NOT to deal in misinformation unwittingly.
By challenge I don't mean ad-hom and smear tactics.
Easier to steal the gold in Fort Knox than bring vaccine science to a true accountability - although I have my doubts that there is any in there.

Good to mention the overall death by any cause figure.
I regard a study as false until demonstrated otherwise.
Particularly when selected and weaponised to protect such overwhelmingly powerful vested interests.
'They' are insistent on wanting mandatory vaccination on humans as legally enshrined and protected. It has nothing to do with caring - excepting to manipulate the sympathies of those who do. 

Otherwise why hide from Science and why deny open and honouring relational debate and education? Many NEED to believe they are 100% right in this because if they are wrong they are complicit in a horrifying abuse of trust. That's one reason to have 'Science' - to thoroughly check that what we think is so - is truly as we think - or not. If there is any reasonable doubt - don't force it on anyone by law or by incentivised coercion - such as vaccinate or take your kids out of school.  But if 'they' are right because they say so and because you have no say, then you KNOW the nature of what is wearing the white coat, the banker's suit, the political office, or the environmental concern. 

You may not be able to always deny vaccinations against your will or any other physical or medical or psychological abuse. But you can align with immunity to deceit by loving truth and letting the rest go.

I was sad to see BBCH (BUILDING BRIDGES IN CHILDREN’S HEALTH) - in your linked article - costing £100 p.a - but I suppose it is for professionals and not the laity...

PS IF Measles CAN reset secondary immunity relating to past exposures it may be very useful as a treatment for people with dysfunctional immune responses?

Do we die from the 'disease' or from our defences...?