Wednesday, 13 November 2019

A Comment On Corruption

A lot of it is systemic I believe - though I also accept the term 'medical mafia' - but few realise the system they operate FROM. Because its premises or presumptions are internalised and ritually reinforced. Once an idea has ben internalised it almost has a life of its own - and a protected status. We usually don't call it anything because its the 'world' implicit in our actions, thoughts and communications.

This comes under:
Easier to deceive (or persist in the official illusion) than to get anyone to accept they are deceived. Anything assigned status of self-protection is defended against threat. Even a protection racket. Do people know what they do? And if they frame it in justifications or relative merits - or evils - they may still regard themselves as not responsible for what the system - as they see it - dictates or permits (what they get away with as normal).

Systemic thinking is often a replacement for relational intelligence - hence a prescribing robot is surely in the pipeline. And serving a control agenda under threat - ie scarcity driven reductionism.

Monopolistic market capture generates scarcity as its business model - after opening and preparing the market. Rockefeller et al were way to big to hold accountable by US Gov and that was way back. But systemic thinking is vulnerable or simply hackable by fraud.

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