Monday, 11 November 2019

Enemy of the State

Technology (incl 5G) is an arms race - beneath the mask of progress for the Human Good - and the fear than others will get there first leads to pre-emptive strikes.
The Malthusian motif is very fitting to a wide spectrum of social engineering by stealth and guile.
People who don't think like that don't find it easy to accept there are those who do - and act on it in a progressive unfolding or making a new world order - though so much is so destructive that I wonder if some deeper hatred of life simply thrives on breaking down anything it hates and yet is never appeased because life is still here.
A movie called Enemy of the State was either prescient or conditioning us. It has a very funny NSA surveliance moment - I wont spoil. But inflatable tanks and the like are standard kit in the use of deceiving the target to feel more outgunned than they in fact are. Snowden may be a hero or an amazingly clever psyop. The test might be in what your heart chooses to live from rather than setting the mind in an either/or. Don't believe just because it looks and sounds convincing - feel for the green light of an inner resonance. 
I do see that amazing stupid moves seem to be extremely effective at controlling a narrative while leading people to both feed it by giving it attention and currency of focus - while feeling superior because its is so impossible to miss as a target.
Desperate times methinks call up desperate measures by the manipulative to induce others to sustain the unsustainable. War on carbon life forms here we go...
An Internment of Things beckons. Lord of the Internment of Things ... That rings a bell.

My sense is that trending data is marketable and sought as insider information. Not individual behaviours - unless of course you become a elevated to a risk or threat status according to algorythms and  are assigned some overview of a more snoopy kind which still may be automated to collect a readout for a human operator - who may not be as motivated as incentivised and lastly if you are really a 'threat' or chosen as an asset or proxy - then you might have a team monitoring and logging your every fart.

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