I resonated with Cowan's first interview with Mercola and followed up to Knut Sroka's site and then bought and read Cowan's book. I also followed up on Frank Chester. The book did not find the same target in me as it may in others. I have a sense that some from the Medical hierarchy find it important to 'come out' as a human being. I did not resonate there so much but I appreciate that what he chose to do was in alignment with more than conventional medical approach. I can see something like that in Malcolm's wit and humour - as a larger communication than a merely technical treatise - and yet the technical components stand.
That better ways to attend or help people who suffer disease, may be found in archives or in traditional practice rather than in modern 'studies' is more than possible. But often it is the framework from which society at the time is working that does not allow, recognize or take notice of genuine help or truly useful information.
I thought Bruce Lipton has the best example of that when we found it was not the DNA that 'controlled' the cell but the environment via the cells peripheral receptors. His exposition was met with stony silence and turned backs. After re-checking his work over again - to make sure that it stood up, he approached a mentor in private and showed him the work and asked him why it was meeting such a reaction. "Well, it's not what we are thinking", was the reply. That's It!
As for what Cowan or anyone has to say, it is really your business as to what you resonate with and why. I can see a host of reasons NOT to get pulled into the long grass of focusing in symptom-fear, and so I would naturally seek out information that reflects a basis for holding an awareness that is calm and connected and therefore vigilant for honesty and against (self) deceits - no matter what is being offered us.
Anna writes of becoming free of angers that have 'unconsciously' run as undercurrent for most of her life. I appreciate her witness. We all have different variations on that theme. When we have already reacted, we are in the framing of that interpretation.... and unlikely to know it.
I associate the Christ with a quality of being in which the reactive impulse no longer runs un-watched or un-owned and so I look forward to the birth of such a quality in humanity as a whole - regardless of the otherwise clash of personal 'identities' that would make truth a weapon and therefore beat to a different drum.
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