Friday, 29 December 2017

Unfit to Live 

In Rwanda those deemed unfit to live were called 'cockroaches' and therefore vermin control was encouraged to replace any moral sense, and of course being seen to defend the hated is to become associated with them and their fate. ("Who is not with us is against us"). I believe this mentality enables the likes of Pharma to perpetrate genocide, without qualm. But it isn't only in such corporate institutions. The idea that humans are like a virus on the planet and deserve to be culled is widespread. Eugenics never went away, it only changed its form.

Once we are willing to blank (the humanity of) under by name-magic, every kind of cruelty becomes possible or even righteously espoused. As if one can 'personalise' hated attributes (in oneself) and kill them or drive them out on the scapegoat. But it is the basic underlying 'religion' of getting someone ELSE to pay for the consequence of one's own error - so as to remain 'free' to persist in error. Appeasing the 'gods' to live another day and hatred of guilt does demand that someone PAY!

I prefer to challenge the thoughts and not the personal motives assigned or projected onto the thinker. I challenge anyone propagating the idea that hate-named others are 'unfit to live' as a valid or meaningful currency of discourse. Something in the heart's operation is different as a result of forgiveness or release of the personal sense of victim and vendetta. Much less stress and strain in a freedom to be who we are, by releasing others of what we thought we needed them to be.

Heart attack is an opposite to heart acceptance, whether strain over time or a sudden sense of violation- such as trauma of loss.

"Well a man hears, what he wants to hear, and he disregards the rest" ~ Simon and Garfunkel: The Boxer.

I don't believe you. But if you say so. So it is for you by your own volition.
If communication is your understanding of the purpose of language - then you may engage in a relationship of willingness. Apart from Malcolm - I have yet to receive a welcome (though I haven't read all the latest i/c). But that is not my point or where I am coming from in contributing to the undoing of the causes of heart disease.

So if communication means 'group-think' then of course I am coming out from left field. I simply do not subscribe to the beliefs that you take as true - but I do not attack or denigrate you for believing them. You may believe you are attacked and so act as you do - but where, in what way - how or exactly what?

If you simply don't relate to anything I am saying - which overlaps and joins with many commenters here in the themes of heart health and sickness - then go about your own business.
The fact that you engage with me means you do have resonance - albeit negatively. But apart from insisting you can't read english unless it ticks all your boxes and jumps through your hoops, you say nothing of substance - but seek to invalidate my own posting by smear. Perhaps a group of you will make consensus of settled science, and get Malcolm to stop letting me post. But I regard such behaviour as hysterical or without any basis in fact.

But it is simply observable that where vested interests operates, communication cannot get through if it is seen to undermine or threaten that investment. When you bemoan the capture and corruption of the medical system, you assign a hateful or evil intent. But here you are in the same sort of mode. Why?

Boosting what?
What on earth are you on about?
There is life outside and beyond the realm of your current scope - that you will one day celebrate!

I don't believe you read me with willingness to understand - but I am always willing to be wrong.

Here is something tailored to who you present yourself as:

What you are accepting as 'your thoughts' are not truly your own. But by accepting them and protecting them as if they are you, your true thoughts are denied. This mind-capture is something you assign to 'sheeple' - AS IF the same does not apply to you. There's the deceit from which an arrogance presumes to judge others. Theres how to stay in a game while pretending to wake up! Boosting your status in your own game.

Perhaps you are willing to pause all of that and look to your own heart - however you feel or imagine your heart within you - and find a love for humanity - even though we are currently such a disappointment to you. Any spark will suffice.

If you are willing to do this, you will also uncover the thought inside your heart that aligns against your peace - as hatred of whatever storyline, but you will find the recognition of that which is true of you - and as worthy of you as of everyone. Give it to know you have it.

One of the values of the saying - "as a man thinketh, so he is'  is to use it backwards: 

What I am currently experiencing myself and life to be (in this or any situation) is a result of what I am thinking and accepting in my heart. If I am depressed, threatened, conflicted or under strain, I can look within as the curiosity as to how and why I am defining myself, in this or that situation.  Is it true? What do I believe I am getting out of believing this? No blame. Just a desire for release of conflicted strain of sickness and stress management. Any step is an advance for humanity in withdrawing allegiance to thinking that keeps us in conflict, darkness, and great strain.

Is this not using the scientific method of enquiry to the faithful feedback of our whole experience - because our experience OF anything is always a filtered interpretation.

In the UK it is simple to buy actual cinnamon rather than the substitute.
We buy organic spices that to the best of our knowing have not been irradiated to favour the storage and distribution sector.
In US - I have the sense that freedom to not label, mislabel or lie cheat and steal is protected under the first amendment - when you are a corporate cartel, But not when suggesting or repeating that anything non pharmaceutical is any kind of treatment of cure for any kind of pharma-treatable disease.

Incidentally - on UK death statistics I noted the sections for "vaccine preventable diseases".

As to not using the law where it may still hold a check or account because "There's nothing you can do that will make any difference", I ask - is this your thought that you can stand in and give a full witness to - or is it something 'the pharma' cultivates in his crop?

A lot of what runs a sick system is the use of laws of contract. I believe we need the law and need to use it and regain a law that serves the whole instead of not as a weapon by private agenda upon the whole.

No bullying going on as far as I am concerned! You need a victim for that.

But as a behaviour, smearing anyone else with insinuation that they are 'not fit to walk the planet' is an expression and incitement to hate. I am surprised it passed moderation.But it has - and so why not use it as an educational opportunity.

How readily people can align in hate because fear of the stranger decided I am a 'troll'.

When you really want to learn a better way than war to heal your heart, you will read WITH your heart. I have offered no one offence here, nor engaged in trolling to smear, spread disinfo, incite hate and division or lead into energy drain of futile arguments intended to set others in a bad light. My first posts were over enthusiastic. I reread them and recognised that they failed to convey the meaning I intended to convey. Not that they were absent of heartfelt meanings. So I have checked and edited more closely all else I have written here.

Perhaps those who need to scan the message BEFORE opening to consider them are defended against anything that does not already support their existing model and refuse to listen and find everything they need to justify NOT opening in or extending relationship.

I don't write to be surface skimmed in the main. The nature of stress, strain, trauma, bereavements, separations, pain and loss, is not what I write to reinforce - but all of which are within what I write, because I have lived them, felt them and live a willingness to reintegrate them within wholeness of being despite them or using them as a 'breadcrumb trail'. So of course I wont make much sense to the attempt to escape it all and keep the lid over it or the doors barred.

That a hateful response that found expression and support or silent complicity in this blog community is itself a symptom worthy of curiosity. If you want to know how stress damages the heart then perhaps this is an experiential teaching/learning opportunity.

Jesus (whoever he was) said that it is not what goes IN to the mouth that corrupts, but what goes forth from it. They did not use the term 'mind' them - and ones' witness and word were considered in exactly the sense I have already referred to in 'as you think in your heart'.

What any of us accept and ACT from as true is our witness and the measure of our own receipt.

If we establish hate as our currency of communication, then that sets the measure of our own receipt. By your own will is it done. This may seem scientifically untenable and therefore attackable as religious rubbish, but I dot see it as anything but physics at the level of thought. How can hate receive love? It will not, but instead 'sees' what it expects and preemptively attacks as its own best defence. Love - unified purpose - does not attack illusions, so much as reveal the truth in which they are un-called for or meaningless. But hate learns to masks itself in the forms and appearances of love, respectability, authority, and 'healthcare'. But such a masking CANNOT love. That is to say it refuses and fears communication by engaging in manipulative evasions that pass off as communication. This is a layer of our human experience - that runs beneath appearances and beneath the thoughts that maintain and support such appearances as real.

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