Sunday, 28 January 2018

Supplemental to Health

There are synergies to vitamins, that work better together, and balances between minerals that make supplementing more of a complexity than considering them separately. 
Then there are synthetic substitutes that are likely a liability. I have seen reports of adverse effect from folic acid that is not in fact folate. Eg:

Bio-availability issues may mean dosage is much less or of negligible effect. Other factors can mean that our levels of vitamins may be significantly lower as a result of exposure to toxins, current and chronic inflammations, pharmaceuticals, and 'biologics'. (&etc).
Some toxins - including antibiotics and Roundup (glyphosate) at least interfere with and are destructive to the the gut biome - whose role in our functioning health is only just being recognised and which in full healthy function may change the entire perspective. Whose 'thinking' are you following?

Indeed the 'germ theory' of disease as accepted is another wrong turn as I see it - at least in the way it has been interpreted, marketized and weaponized. It may be being used in place of owning up to toxicity. The world may not be as we were brought up to believe. Some of the history of Science is bunk.

But the 'strain' on our vitality in maintaining core functions under a broad spectrum of toxic food and exposure, de-natured and nutrient deficient produce, and strain of psychic-emotional conflict, is an argument for considering that vitamins and minerals via food may no longer be adequate from much of the food many can access.

The immune system is a term that has certain known factors woven into a 'defence and attack narrative' - but now commonly attacking self (auto-immune disease). Again all kinds of stories that tend to fuel symptom suppression or a spanner in the works with 'side' effects thrown in as a bonus. The proclivity of our story-led imagination serves the marketing budget for 'innovation'. If people take on the story, they queue up to be saved. 

I see charge capacity and conductance of vital force (immunity) as the very nature of health, and do not separate this from the electro-magnetic nature of the subtler communication structure of the body (and I might add, the Cosmos).

So as well as having hope in a restored alignment with our biota as a potential vector for healing, I also see the realm of electromagnetic/electric/energy healing as a 'frontier territory' that science is re 'discovering' - but working hard not to allow in (resistant to even consider). EG: "electromagnetic therapy primer - Liboff". This work includes the recognition that almost unbelievable small currents and fields operate significant and demonstrable effects on the basis of resonance rather than intensity.

In seeking to escape a core or primary responsibility, we operates out-of alignment with our self and life. This manifests in conflicts, encapsulated or stuffed down conflicts and layers of lies/defences, diversions and false saviours.

Awakening responsibility is listening, feeling, noticing, curious, and honest as a basis for joy in life - which is being who we are rather than struggling to be what we are not.

So the effects of joy and gratitude and ability to embrace and engage life's challenges are somewhat chemically known, but are also 'electrically communicative' in resonant systems. We may not need healing 'devices' when we re-open pathways of resonance.

I believe that when we cease to extend our presence into life, we suffer the lack of it in our world. Somewhere 'downstream' is a Prodigal wasteland. How much of 'health seeking' is looking for ways to prop up a sense of self or system that is inherently out-of-true? (sickness management).

The iatrogenic death toll proves to me that mind capture is an active component in assisted self-harm - because hardly anyone connects the statistic - which I expect to be understated - with their choices and behaviours.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Is The Scientific Method Is All We’ve Got Really?

Another comment on Malcolm's blog to this comment: 

True, of course. However, the scientific method is all we’ve got really. It is imperfect, most humans twist and bend facts to suit themselves, and suchlike – doctors are probably the very worst at this. Actually, no probably about it. In the end, though, we have to cling to the scientific method – or else what is there to do? Throw it away. Then what?

Don't throw it away (devalue yourself). But stop using it (scientific method) for possession and control. Believed facts operate the basis of false identity, war, enslavement and oppression. What is the undeniable core fact of your existence? The answer is of course in the question, as always. But thinking 'existence' is no substitute for feeling, being and knowing existence. Here's the foundation from which to extend.

The core issue is between true desire and the wish something ELSE be true.
In the latter, the 'mind of a wish' operates a filtering distortion by which what is not true, is experienced.
This 'self' is not visible as an object, or as a set of ideas, while looking through the belief in it.
But is not hidden from a desire to know the truth instead of the wish to make it so. Desire aligns focus of intention and attention. True desire is not a struggle, but maintaining and defending a substitute desire is inherently a struggle by which the true is feared and suppressed.
Thus we have experience of the revealing of a world where 'everything is backwards' IF we are broken from the spell of a blind belief in it.

Our 'model' of reality is a multi-layered complex of definitions with core commonalities and yet many conflicting cultural and personal edges. One cannot enter this 'human experience' without the development of the ego or personality construct - which itself develops over time, along with its model of reality.

Our self development does not begin upon a scientific or rational basis, but rather tends to be arrested there. For the protection of a wished-for sense of self and reality, held against actuality is the basis of a defensive system of a 'self' protective survival. Rationalisations operate as psychological defences by asserting strategic 'truths' by which to justify oneself or invalidate a perceived threat - which can be anything that does NOT support the  'self' investment.

Of course rational also means reasoned, logical, congruent, unconflicted in itself. Reason is a term for sanity, of heart and mind, but the asserting of 'rational' supremacy or priority over life is neither reasonable or sane, but rather creating an 'elect priesthood' to oversee the determining and mandating of 'reality' in exclusive terms. Feelings of the heart's resonance or dissonance can be denied by a cold and loveless reason, that can justify and enact destructive acts under its sense of rational justification.

If true is what is, as it is, then it can hardly be withheld or denied you. But in insisting that stories are true, we can and do withhold and deny our acknowledgement and recognition of true. And are denied, unrecognised and unsupported in our experience of being. At some point our sense of belonging may be so lacking as to effectively collapse in the attempt to manually maintain our 'life'. Whether this is a breakthrough or a breakdown is according to the active desire. Some wake up through crisis, others call game over, or attempt to rally the old cause in a new set of clothes.

But rational is one polarity within a whole. Intuitive is an inner sight natural to wholeness.Because the rational thinks it runs the show, it doesn't recognize it is running upon inner support.

Note that the recognition we are not rational is part of the technocratic management of humans a robotic systems. The post-truth society in which we are basically told what to think via programming of pre-rational manipulations. Humanity is in need of waking up to the heart's communication. Not emotionalism or sentimentality. Not any of the nice correctnesses that hide hate by pretending it is in the hated.
Honesty is recognised in and of the heart. But the 'mind' may be unwilling or afraid to listen and so there is a process over time for the reintegration of that which seems to have split off and taken on responsibilities beyond its capacity.
We do not have to beat our heart or deliberately breathe - but we can put strain upon our heart, and we can lose the inspiration that regenerates the heart. Perhaps our 'part' is not to 'control reality' but rather to learn to get out of (our own) way.
Of course this applies to scientific endeavour just as it does to anything we do.
But the freedom to imagine and think in new ways is prior to the decision to then explore it. test the results and share in the finding.
Arrested development is protecting an old investment - running as a habitual default.
Whatever it takes to get you attention is exactly that. Once we see, we wonder why it took us so long. But it takes whatever it takes and we all have different talents, liabilities and sensitivities - and yet all have belonging in wholeness. Even those who enact the roles of the perpetrator, false saviour or manipulative victim. 


Posted By Brian Steere to Responses of a willingness to listen within on 1/16/2018 03:15:00 am

Autism As An Evolutionary Trend?

This is one of many of my (binra) comments into

in reply to this point on autism as an evolutionary trend:

Well even in your own terms you imply that some of what we call evolution is in fact devolving.
Whatever structures are generated, life operates through them. Biota are known to arrange and cooperate in ways that populate our Planet - (and the outside of our space stations). Perhaps in comet dust (plasma discharge) or between planets (water is known to move to our Moon from earth this way).
The "Millions of years steady state Universe" is a popular (or engineered?) idea. I notice the distantiation from creative change or indeed destructive and cataclysmic change.

Much of what our human experience develops as its sense of achievement, is the subjective consciousness that then models its reality to operate AS IF outside it. I see this as a split mind or dissociation from direct awareness of being - and is thus associated with separation trauma. Trauma that calls upon being covered over by the personality construct - which also correlates with the brain serving as a filtering and limiting device. In the spectrum of such a sense of separated self is a rich reflection of variations. It takes all sorts - as they say - to make a world.

While separation conflicts are somewhat accessible to our 'surface thinking' in terms of personal relations - such as Mother and Father issues - the experience of toxic reaction in terms of brain swelling, nerve dysfunction, and persistent pain and confusion are in a sense prior to that part of our development, and associate embodiment (living this life) with fear, pain and isolation. And so we turn in upon ourselves in withdrawal from the source of pain.

This may have something coming down the generations. I have been looking at Family Constellation work and have no doubt that unresolved family conflict runs an energetic patterning. Most would probably prefer a futile search in environmental factors than open to things their culture has given them no tools to understand, or support to resolve.

I lean to that an environmental change causes microbiota to respond - rather than germ theory in the official model of independent external agents of violation and attack. (Which reads to me as a direct remodelling of the pre-scientific fear of evil spirits). Why some babies/kids/adults have extreme regression or dysfunctional reaction to toxic exposures that others survive (but may be degraded in their expression of physic, affective and psychic function thereby).

I believe we are no less part of the language of life - but our focus in dissociated linear mind excludes this. Separation experience generates terror and rage. Both of these can themselves be feared and suppressed. Intuitive and empathetic recognition of self in other - and other in oneself is threatening to the sense of private or independent control. Particularly when the associations of openness to love become associated with terror of betrayal and abandonment. 

My sense is that the psychophysical is a dual expression of one thing, and that while the two are framed in polarised opposition, a sense of reversal operates as 'manual override' of natural impulse. Fear focusses attention in survival mode and extreme and persistent fear sets a basis from which to tolerate and relate to what can be borne. Germ theory (and gene theory) asserted as fact is used to mask toxic culpability.

Perhaps some of us are in fact extremely enraged while others cannot even 'move' (evolve their feelings). Somewhere above this, people think things like 'why cant we all just get along?'. And lets make rules to keep the bad things out.

When is the mind NOT a defence?
When it is acknowledged and embraced in a state of felt connection.
Accepting another as they are, does not mean limiting them to their current sense of themselves from a sense of superiority. 


Posted By Brian Steere to Responses of a willingness to listen within on 1/15/2018 10:28:00 am

Thursday, 18 January 2018

The Gut, The Channel The Flow 

Look at the baby's development. It has to balance self-consciousness with the gut function - for self-consciousness is an inhibitory reflex. It takes a while to get the hang of not getting in our own way. And if you get that you get that we are a channel of many levels of communication, assimilation and elimination and that as you become conscious that you are in fact getting in your own way - you can relax.
Consider the 'chakras' as levels of consciousness that are all going on all the time but the shifting and balancing between them is billions of time per second. Ok then - faster than the thinking inhibition allows awareness of.
Our most primitive state is one of overwhelm in both wonder and inhibition.

So I agree with you - but at a Cosmic level. The instrument or channel is not an end in itself but a means for life to communicate through. Whenever life communicates through use we know joy in life - and whenever we succeed in believing we can possess and capture such joy, we make an addictive or needy personality that initiates a sense of private self gratification. Constipation is toxic and diarrhoea dumps nutrients. What you want is a number three! or 2-4 (Bristol chart).

Poster Boys

Was Ancel Keys the poster boy for a corporate-political intent to undermine the eating of natural oils/butter in support of industrial oil (margarine) and Big-Ag industrially processed seed oils?
While a profit motive is part of the equation, the exercise of power to consolidate itself is the other.
But as I see it using diet as a false flag attack, achieved a significant change in the social narrative, that then also served to open genuine research and discovery (in scientific terms) of diet as health-supporting or health-undermining depending on principles of balanced nutrition, toxicity and environmental factors that must include our psychic-emotional state. Ultimately the latter is where an awakened responsibility will be cognisant of deceits such as false flag manipulation and not take the bait. This leaves attention free to open perspectives in which the falsity of the attempt to manipulate unmasks the error beneath the felt need to coerce and manipulate others. The original meaning of the term apocalypse is of the revealing or unveiling. 
While poster boys operate their role as heroes or villains, they are only fronts for vested interests running in the background.

See this release today from ANH: 

Vestments such as fig leaves indicate investments of 'identity' that can only run while hidden. My sense of the territory of any true discovery is of owning and releasing self-illusion. The scientific method would also include this  but in our consciousness we cannot run double blind trials, and have to learn to WANT to be exposed in error rather than succeed in believing it - but not in blame and shame - but as genuine feedback to learn from. I see blame and shame rising from a self-betrayal that we know and yet resist knowing. here the split of heart and mind!

Ancel Keys tried to correct some of his errors but was denied the platform to have any influence. I read that Pasteur recanted the germ theory on his deathbed. But history is set by the controllers of the narrative - as Orwell elucidated in the idea of controlling the present, controls the past and thus the future.

Diet can be expanded to the Receptive. What we take in. Now is this what we are fed (told) or what we consciously and currently accept? Where is the real power, if we can give it to 'experts' or celebrity icons? Ancel only had the fame and fortune that serves a manipulative agenda while he was a useful asset. Its the 'devil's pact' to get success in form without true substance. More often the true benefactors are denied, sidelined, isolated and excommunicated etc - until they are well dead and can be used to prop up the system that now incorporates some of what they found while often ignoring the rest.

It doesn't matter how venerated, applauded, respected or dedicated your service record. If you cross the line, you are cast out or mapped out. So scientific credentials are everything when a challenger hasn't got the right set, but nothing if they don't get the 'right result'. It often takes 'outsiders' to bring fresh perspective into groupthink - or the willingness to become one for a love of truth.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Guilting Smokers Etc 

"Smokers are the most persecuted people in the world. We would not accept such legislation against any other group of people."

This is a massive overstatement in terms of persecution as a moment's reflection would show. But in terms of 'guilting' and invalidating a wide swathe of people of any and every social or cultural persuasion it is part of the establishment of the Medical State.

It was astonishing to see how meekly everyone complied. And yet so may equally sickness inducing issues persist unaddressed or pushed as health diets.

It will probably astonish me to see how everyone complies with mandatory vax for all. Not altogether here yet, but coming soon to your locality. People successfully broke free of this in Leicester once - but that was before the big database.
But what 'big data' offers is not about private snooping - though of course anyone who has influence becomes someone to gain leverage over. Rather it is about stress testing and redesigning the system of control.

If I was paranoid, I would be afraid. But this 'control freakery' is not persons, so much as false ideas running as if true. As Malcolm has said, 'everyone dies'.  But how we live - this very day -  is our own choosing, results and revisioning. The freedom of true willing, is lost to the wish to assert another will - (a bias of what we think we want) for judgements then rise to give us the experience of our wish.

What lies beneath the tantrum but "I WANT IT THUS!". How attached and invested we can become to a passing wish! By about 3 years old most of us give up direct control in attempt to get what we think we want and become more subtle. But here is a test of this world. Whenever you get the thing you thought you wanted, are you truly satisfied? Most wants are substitutes for the qualities of life. Q: What does it profit to gain such a world and lose Soul awareness? A: An evaporation or fantasy gratification demanding ever more sacrifice to debt, affliction, addiction, conflict and powerlessness. Don't worry, there are global conglomerates dedicated to serving you with the med-tech to manage all your healthcare needs. 


We tested the idea with a cheap metal spring thing - and found we adopted it (used it) then gave that away and invested in a bungy cord sprung rebounder. The difference is huge and well worth the extra cost - much more flexible as well as being quiet.
I feel part of the idea is getting out of your head and opening to life felt bodily. The body as a concept is different from the feeling of being alive. I don't need a lot of stimulation or targets and pain barriers to feel good - or rather to feel the body feeling life. Even as I type, the body responds to the awareness in which it rests. Integrative awareness is very different to a 'dalek's eye view of the world'. I associate it with the heart.

Adulterating Corruption

Indeed, I would say that nothing is what it seems. The masking of adulterated or corrupted fraud – and food – is pervasive.
It is cheaper to sell industrial waste as food or drugs than dispose of it properly. From the perspective of corporate profit and corporate power. 

Maybe that is an extreme statement but not altogether unfounded.
Why would money determine everything, but that the money system is no less an adulterated and corrupted system.

Who controls the money supply?

False Premise - False Profit - Redeeming the Dictionary

Gary, I see a lot of this 'wasting money' or costing the health service £millions etc. Of course it seems so to those who see it that way. But war - including war on our biology and consciousness, is 'profitable'. There is another side to the balance sheet.

Generating fears that can be gotten to 'take' in our minds can then switch the levers to assign the budgets to which such people are accustomed to living on.

War on 'anything' is always a ploy to sucker the reactive permission to keep the 'war going'.
I don't say anything you don't in some way know - but I see the frame of our thinking and writing sets the bias of consciousness we then propagate.
Lack of consciousness is the condition in which illusions and deceits pass muster as true. And are defended as such!

Money and its leverage operates a ruse by which wealth is being redistributed. The remaking of the world in the image of those who are dedicated to acquiring the power to do so is the use of very clever thinking by which to trick others into giving up their power, their health, wealth and of course happiness.

What can be done?

I was heartened to find myself in the company of Confucious, who in paraphrase is recorded as responding to  the question; "What would you do if you were in the reins of power?" with "I would redeem the dictionary".

Bread is not bread, profit is not profit and power is not power. Rather the belief and suggestion of these can be traded as if the real thing.

To uncover truly discerned meaning may involve dictionaries and etymological sources as well as what in fact, current usage is believing. But true meaning must find recognition in the heart's presence - or it is simply a database parsed for a matching record.

So what is the mind but the tool of inspired, supported and guided enquiry and research. Seek and find the meaningful, coherent, worthy, qualities of life!
And what is a man who identifies with his tool?

A surgeon does not see him/herself as wasting money in the insertion of stents. Nor the hospital that gains such funding. ...too big to fail?

Resorting to blame and shame is - I hold - the persistence of the problem - perhaps into a change of 'new clothes' that the Emperor's outfitters had prepared well in advance.

If self-responsibility, (the result of a genuine education,) is the freedom to choose health, then it can not be the denial and invalidation of that freedom by guilt and feared penalty.
The freedom to choose sickness is of the same freedom, but opens an education under pain, instead of joy. Perhaps leading to the willingness to question and challenge tyranny and joylessness under false promises.

Wasted opportunities are easy to judge in hindsight - and hindsight tends to be used by blame driven attempts to coerce change - or perhaps to define the blamed as an evolutionary condition/the human condition and escape any call to confront our own consequences by manual override. 

We may choose to limit our consciousness, and generally I see that as being effected by the fragmenting oppositional paralysis we call or flag as 'the world'. But the more we withdraw from relational life into judgements, the more an anti-life agenda moves in. If life breaks our heart, is it life, or is it what we MADE of life? If our own thinking plays a key role in how we interpret and react to life, then is it truly our OWN thought if it runs as an acquired habit learned under fearful conditioning?

Friday, 5 January 2018

Stress, Strain and Disconnect

What I came here to do was to share a link to
I have not watched many of these but the interview with Rollin McCraty had a lot of bio-electromagnetic observations and speculations that may inspire further attention to the full function of the heart (beyond the pump paradigm) as both psycho-physical.
I had to give an email address to see this page - but no fees.

But I reread Harry de Boer and started responding below - which in a sense became a reflection upon the psycho-physical nature of our predicament.

Short answer:
Surely stress is the distorting force/reaction, and strain is the increased taxation burden or overhead of maintaining function, under persistence or re-triggering of such conditions?

The stress is usually accommodated for and balanced in act when it is an acute situation, (unless shock overwhelms to bring a collapse or breakdown of function). Our living body is functionally self-responsive to its needs as a whole. Attempts to observe or describe the functional body are limited and masked by linear conceptual mapping, but what is actually going on biologically is 'all-at-once' as WELL as containing sequential processes of triggered responses. I believe that applies to all levels of what life is being, and not only to observable, measurable processes.

The mapping/defining of our model of the world, and our survival-driven evolution of adaptations of self to fit such mapping, operate a self-reinforcing loop, in which we have drifted into an exclusive identity within the map and model at expense of our sense of heartfelt connection with a wholeness of being - that can be pointed to by the 'all-at-once' nature of alignment AS and within a wholeness of being.

Back to the original issue of persistent or recurrent stress/disease  :
When the stress operates a sense of lack, depletion of or disconnection to energy supply (sustenance. support and direction), backup systems are called upon and generated to operate as a disconnected sense of autonomous self under threat, instead of the experience of inspired guided, and supported action.

The development of our human mapping/model of the world and its adaptive self has been growing through millennia, fruiting in an extreme sense of isolation and alienation held in common.  This deeper sense of life in exile is driving the call upon and generation of 'backup systems' for a disconnected, frail, and inadequate sense of self and nature via externalised substitutions for what once we felt, knew and were one with, but have lost or forgot in our experience of deprivation and threat and our adaptations of survival in its terms.

Such a sense of self is 'connected, supported and guided' by its own calls for defence by a manual replacement of a feared and untrusted life, under external management or control.
However, the management and control of symptoms, has itself 'evolved' into a mind capture under global cartel with all the power fear gives it in exchange for 'protection'. But the 'backup' system of those in receipt of such power is to more deeply establish and protect it as their personal sense of defence against social 'consequences' associated with loss and exposure of naked personal fears and ambitions beneath the masks of respectability.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity. 

(~ WB Yeats)