Saturday, 27 January 2018

Autism As An Evolutionary Trend?

This is one of many of my (binra) comments into

in reply to this point on autism as an evolutionary trend:

Well even in your own terms you imply that some of what we call evolution is in fact devolving.
Whatever structures are generated, life operates through them. Biota are known to arrange and cooperate in ways that populate our Planet - (and the outside of our space stations). Perhaps in comet dust (plasma discharge) or between planets (water is known to move to our Moon from earth this way).
The "Millions of years steady state Universe" is a popular (or engineered?) idea. I notice the distantiation from creative change or indeed destructive and cataclysmic change.

Much of what our human experience develops as its sense of achievement, is the subjective consciousness that then models its reality to operate AS IF outside it. I see this as a split mind or dissociation from direct awareness of being - and is thus associated with separation trauma. Trauma that calls upon being covered over by the personality construct - which also correlates with the brain serving as a filtering and limiting device. In the spectrum of such a sense of separated self is a rich reflection of variations. It takes all sorts - as they say - to make a world.

While separation conflicts are somewhat accessible to our 'surface thinking' in terms of personal relations - such as Mother and Father issues - the experience of toxic reaction in terms of brain swelling, nerve dysfunction, and persistent pain and confusion are in a sense prior to that part of our development, and associate embodiment (living this life) with fear, pain and isolation. And so we turn in upon ourselves in withdrawal from the source of pain.

This may have something coming down the generations. I have been looking at Family Constellation work and have no doubt that unresolved family conflict runs an energetic patterning. Most would probably prefer a futile search in environmental factors than open to things their culture has given them no tools to understand, or support to resolve.

I lean to that an environmental change causes microbiota to respond - rather than germ theory in the official model of independent external agents of violation and attack. (Which reads to me as a direct remodelling of the pre-scientific fear of evil spirits). Why some babies/kids/adults have extreme regression or dysfunctional reaction to toxic exposures that others survive (but may be degraded in their expression of physic, affective and psychic function thereby).

I believe we are no less part of the language of life - but our focus in dissociated linear mind excludes this. Separation experience generates terror and rage. Both of these can themselves be feared and suppressed. Intuitive and empathetic recognition of self in other - and other in oneself is threatening to the sense of private or independent control. Particularly when the associations of openness to love become associated with terror of betrayal and abandonment. 

My sense is that the psychophysical is a dual expression of one thing, and that while the two are framed in polarised opposition, a sense of reversal operates as 'manual override' of natural impulse. Fear focusses attention in survival mode and extreme and persistent fear sets a basis from which to tolerate and relate to what can be borne. Germ theory (and gene theory) asserted as fact is used to mask toxic culpability.

Perhaps some of us are in fact extremely enraged while others cannot even 'move' (evolve their feelings). Somewhere above this, people think things like 'why cant we all just get along?'. And lets make rules to keep the bad things out.

When is the mind NOT a defence?
When it is acknowledged and embraced in a state of felt connection.
Accepting another as they are, does not mean limiting them to their current sense of themselves from a sense of superiority. 


Posted By Brian Steere to Responses of a willingness to listen within on 1/15/2018 10:28:00 am

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