Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Guilting Smokers Etc 

"Smokers are the most persecuted people in the world. We would not accept such legislation against any other group of people."

This is a massive overstatement in terms of persecution as a moment's reflection would show. But in terms of 'guilting' and invalidating a wide swathe of people of any and every social or cultural persuasion it is part of the establishment of the Medical State.

It was astonishing to see how meekly everyone complied. And yet so may equally sickness inducing issues persist unaddressed or pushed as health diets.

It will probably astonish me to see how everyone complies with mandatory vax for all. Not altogether here yet, but coming soon to your locality. People successfully broke free of this in Leicester once - but that was before the big database.
But what 'big data' offers is not about private snooping - though of course anyone who has influence becomes someone to gain leverage over. Rather it is about stress testing and redesigning the system of control.

If I was paranoid, I would be afraid. But this 'control freakery' is not persons, so much as false ideas running as if true. As Malcolm has said, 'everyone dies'.  But how we live - this very day -  is our own choosing, results and revisioning. The freedom of true willing, is lost to the wish to assert another will - (a bias of what we think we want) for judgements then rise to give us the experience of our wish.

What lies beneath the tantrum but "I WANT IT THUS!". How attached and invested we can become to a passing wish! By about 3 years old most of us give up direct control in attempt to get what we think we want and become more subtle. But here is a test of this world. Whenever you get the thing you thought you wanted, are you truly satisfied? Most wants are substitutes for the qualities of life. Q: What does it profit to gain such a world and lose Soul awareness? A: An evaporation or fantasy gratification demanding ever more sacrifice to debt, affliction, addiction, conflict and powerlessness. Don't worry, there are global conglomerates dedicated to serving you with the med-tech to manage all your healthcare needs. 

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