Thursday, 18 January 2018

Poster Boys

Was Ancel Keys the poster boy for a corporate-political intent to undermine the eating of natural oils/butter in support of industrial oil (margarine) and Big-Ag industrially processed seed oils?
While a profit motive is part of the equation, the exercise of power to consolidate itself is the other.
But as I see it using diet as a false flag attack, achieved a significant change in the social narrative, that then also served to open genuine research and discovery (in scientific terms) of diet as health-supporting or health-undermining depending on principles of balanced nutrition, toxicity and environmental factors that must include our psychic-emotional state. Ultimately the latter is where an awakened responsibility will be cognisant of deceits such as false flag manipulation and not take the bait. This leaves attention free to open perspectives in which the falsity of the attempt to manipulate unmasks the error beneath the felt need to coerce and manipulate others. The original meaning of the term apocalypse is of the revealing or unveiling. 
While poster boys operate their role as heroes or villains, they are only fronts for vested interests running in the background.

See this release today from ANH: 

Vestments such as fig leaves indicate investments of 'identity' that can only run while hidden. My sense of the territory of any true discovery is of owning and releasing self-illusion. The scientific method would also include this  but in our consciousness we cannot run double blind trials, and have to learn to WANT to be exposed in error rather than succeed in believing it - but not in blame and shame - but as genuine feedback to learn from. I see blame and shame rising from a self-betrayal that we know and yet resist knowing. here the split of heart and mind!

Ancel Keys tried to correct some of his errors but was denied the platform to have any influence. I read that Pasteur recanted the germ theory on his deathbed. But history is set by the controllers of the narrative - as Orwell elucidated in the idea of controlling the present, controls the past and thus the future.

Diet can be expanded to the Receptive. What we take in. Now is this what we are fed (told) or what we consciously and currently accept? Where is the real power, if we can give it to 'experts' or celebrity icons? Ancel only had the fame and fortune that serves a manipulative agenda while he was a useful asset. Its the 'devil's pact' to get success in form without true substance. More often the true benefactors are denied, sidelined, isolated and excommunicated etc - until they are well dead and can be used to prop up the system that now incorporates some of what they found while often ignoring the rest.

It doesn't matter how venerated, applauded, respected or dedicated your service record. If you cross the line, you are cast out or mapped out. So scientific credentials are everything when a challenger hasn't got the right set, but nothing if they don't get the 'right result'. It often takes 'outsiders' to bring fresh perspective into groupthink - or the willingness to become one for a love of truth.

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