Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Psyche-pathy of conflicted premise as Ministry of Health


It isn't just about profits AhNotepad. Globally applied top down mandates by hook and by crook are not about money - excepting as a medium of energy thought and wealth exchange - and then control of money flow is like a tumour's network of its own blood supply.
The ability to set, nurture and farm beliefs is a much more powerful leverage than what automatically proceeds from - or can be easily engineered to proceed from them.
Medical beliefs are not medical - they are beliefs that may or may not be supported by genuine observation, enquiry and research - that even so may be partial or incomplete as a result of inherited or acquired ignorances.
Beliefs always express core archetypal orientations and identifications that have not changed since mythological archetypes developed the human psyche.
Psychopathic gods were the order of the day then. As were voluntary and mandatory sacrifice to the appeasement or ritual re-enactment of the god.
The ability to mandate is the extension of the god through the god-king and elite priesthoods.
War between different competing gods, sets up a network of consolidated power as narrative control - which is an attempt to overlay or impose a unity on an actually conflicted state as the survival of the State. Survival in such terms is a narrative given priority over all else - or indeed a fear believed, operating the suppression of all else - as the sympathetic response hooked to a believed or feared 'reality' rather than a true relational witness or indeed 'with-ness'. And so psycho-pathy in essence is a dissociated belief structure operating AS IF reality by the power we (unknowingly) give it - as our protector and guide.

Truth does not call for the sacrifice of lies - because a lie never has been true. But it is the Call to release investment in them - and there's the rub!
Lies - or false beliefs invested with identity and protection - by definition demand sacrifice of true - and conceal themselves as a mind of self justification - which as we all know is ingenious in capacity to come up with a support story at an instant's notice.
Moral indignation is all very well, but blame operates the scapegoating of our hidden hates onto any associated target so as to deny or kill them - not unlike immune responses - which can be self-directed and fatal. And indulging our emotional reaction feeds into being labelled and framed as  an extremist, mad and dangerous. It is our own template we need to sweep clean - from which to bring a clear witness to the willingness to see and hear it.

Saving Souls became a very bad idea! - But saving our life from coercive deceit is awakening to the capacity to discern ideas through which to share life, instead of identifying IN them as substitute FOR life - and therefore at 'war' with life as self-destructive or meaningless identity - in Psyche-pathy of persisting in conflicted premise as the Ministry of Health, Peace, Truth or any other face of the god set up as a wooden horse.

This is a long range strategy - note:
- - -
The explicit underlying assumptions on which MIT's computer model operated were formulated to create a scenario that would result in a general reduction of living standards of the overall world population, but not, of course, its ruling elites. The study’s director, Jay Forrester, openly declared this in his 1971 book, World Dynamics:
"Rising pressures are necessary to hasten the day when population is stabilized. Pressures can be increased by reducing food production, reducing health services, and reducing industrialization".
- - -
Note that the vectors are achieved by reducing nutritive contents, increasing toxic exposures, including as health care - reducing industrialisation is to be worked by both throttling money supply and the introduction of carbon guilt economy under the IoT.
I took this quote from the latest mailing from William H Engdahl: 'Hidden History of UN Global Warming Politics' - extracted from his 'Myths, Lies and Oil Wars'.

Because the scenario of remaking the world by coercion and deceit is so unthinkable,  our mind recoils - and yet everyone has the wish to make the world fit their ideas - but no more than momentary illusion of the power to do so. But are our collective wishes feeding the embodiment of power to 'lord it over life' - Rather than recognise and align the power within Life?

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

The 'Big Lie' repeats a very limited extreme statement


The 'Big Lie' idea is to repeat a very limited statement over and over - from the power or leverage of the ability to do so  - is media and key opinion leaders.
Eventually the mass of people are acculturated and acclimatised to take this as IF it were authoritatively proven or a consensus reality. 
Very very few choose to give witness to their integrity when critical of those in power, (positions of leadership and trust), and dissonant to the beliefs and reactions of peer pressured consensus conformity.

Perhaps this developed from 'fronting out' an otherwise invalidating exposure by assertive and aggressive denials that were found to 'work'. This is now normal for politics and pervasive for society. A society of such entanglement in deceits as to suggest a reenactment of the story of the tower of Babel. Communication itself breaks down.

However, this is only the result of the intent and attempt to use communication as a weapon as if to 'Make Reality' and enforce it upon the mind (self and others) - or force the mind to conform and comply...

When the mind is used to mask or hide or deny a true communication of the nature of our being, it generates a negatively reinforcing and destructive identification. A lie believed true, must seek its own sustainability by deceit so as to frame your life in ITS terms so as to maintain allegiance of funding and belief. This is exemplified in the 'bankers' ability to repackage toxic debt in complex instruments of financially attractive investments. Ingenuity is hired, trained and tooled to serve a 'dalek's eye view' as a merit of technical achievement finding reward.

No debate or discussion will be allowed unless as some sort of show trial. This presentation of 'communication' is unworthy of engaging with as communication - but more for what it reveals of the intent to deny it. I understand that everyone seeks to evade pain of loss - but not by exporting our own rightful consequence onto others via the manipulation of their fears and sympathies.

However, the responsibility for what we accept true by then acting as if it is true, remains with us as our own freedom of choice and experience. No one knows freedom under a tyrannous frame of compulsion. Questioning and evaluating any experience of reality is our natural inherence. Mind as a robotic obedience under fear's dictate is the loss of the integrative will to live. And so it is a 'death wish' running as a negative economy and NOT the willingness to embrace and cherish Life on Earth.

Releasing baggage is the idea of no longer carrying or attempting to justify that which does not truly belong. In any case the body as we know it does not 'survive' - being a world of constant change. But surviving is also not an end in itself to which everything else must forever be subjugated and sacrificed to. The mind of fear is the means of the sustainability of fear, at cost of a truly felt or connected and integrative awareness.

Panaceas invite every form of ill or evil to align within their wish. The eradication of evil is an ancient reflex that makes a wishful evasion, escape or separation by its attempt. A true resolution zooms out or rises to a more inclusive perspective in which we are no longer framed, besieged or   victim to subjugation and suffering - even if our willingness to let go the false security of 'controlled chaos' is found one step at a time.

Monday, 9 September 2019

If You Don't See The Pattern Yet


If you don't see the pattern yet - the 'medical' is corporately captured - as is regulatory governance and politics. If that seems unbelievable - then you have your worldview and must find ways to maintain it under increasing dissonance - regardless the diversions being offered.
The 'flat earth' is a disnifo preying on those who are shocked at just how deeply they have been lied to - imo.
Deceit is a weapon of war - but also of survival or in modern jargon - sustainability.
I feel that everyone is free here to read or writes as they are moved - and Malcolm can choose not to publish them. You perhaps think that statins are founded in real science. In a sense they may be - but on false foundations - ie the cholesterol theory.
Don't let truth get in the way of a good story - comfortable worldview.

REGARDLESS - or because of legitimate scientific criticisms - the 'Big Lie' is being repeated by Big Money - which you should know considers itself too big to fail. Which means others (the population) are sacrificed for their model's sustainability. AND induced to fight for the freedom to limit, degrade or deny themselves and each other - as if saving the world.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Mind-As-Defence Manifests Diversion From A Deeper Fear


Very good points to what otherwise could run as 'accepted currency'. Misinfo and disinfo is only a matter of intentions. The last point raises my point that the mind-as-defence is more than able to manifest diversion to what is a deeper fear, and lock into the diversion even if it is a disease condition. I write because I have an appreciation of the psych-physical nature of our existence and yet also see that 'cause' can be inducted as say guilt regarding parents unhappiness, so as to 'take on' what does not belong to them, and suffer the conflict of it as if an inner failing, or project what IS theirs but what they want to get rid of, hide in or hide from which of course will always come home regardless the technology applied to 'whack-a-mole!'.
So perhaps a stinging criticism, taken to heart, can be displaced to the 'appearance' and even hold the meaning "Look on what you have done to me!" as a diversion of a vicious self-hatred.
Speaking of emotional expression can seem irrational because at a rational level we learn to mask over and control such feeling-reaction - and are considered to have 'lost control, be shamed' and deemed socially incapable in transparency or naked 'vulnerability'.

How much of our rationalising justifications or explanations are in effect a form of psychic-emotional armouring? Social or peer investment in the defence is a large part of its service as defence and this applies also to the idea of vaccines as a small ongoing sacrifice to fear by which to hope to escape a much greater pain of loss. But even this basis is become absurd to the expansion and mandate of a global state vaccine subjection as a sort of compulsory religion to which reason itself must be sacrificed. But then that may be to arrive at our starting place and recognise that giving power to fear, and then seeking a counter power to offset or hide it, is to make psychic emotional 'antibodies' or negatively triggering associations as a mindset against reliving a fear and so also against revising or revisioning our mind and model or interpretation of own self and world. This is the resistance to change that mere appeal to reasoned argument cannot reach, because we cannot see in others, what we are not accepting of or open to in ourself. And so we only 'see' through the lens of our own currency of acceptance or indeed not really see as a result of judgemental withholding of rights and worth.

Whoever has the most freedom of awareness is in the position to extend a true communication which - whatever its content - is addressed to another's worth and not at or about them in ways that 'un-person' or smear, attack or deny - which to my view is a dump of our own conflict onto others - within negative associations that wall out, deny voice and set us into a subjection to suffering our 'stuff' as if the power of others to deny us - because our 'defences' put it there - where it cannot BE resolved. At some point it may become obvious that we suffer our defences and lock into them, rather than suffer (live) the original conflict as our need and active call to find true resolution, reintegration, reconciliation or healing.

Life Is What We Are Choosing To Make Of It Now


Life is what we each and all are choosing to make of it - now and now -  regardless our circumstances.
The intent to empower victimhood rather than serve the awareness of the capacity to make choices with regard to improving perspectives and conditions, is to effect sympathy as a mask for manipulative agenda. Instead of asking for or extending love.
Compassion is the capacity to be with what is present, as an active willingness to join in strength and support in any opportunity of shared willingness.
False sympathy seeks escape from what it cannot abide by framing in emotional appeals that seem to join but actually separate as a sense of control, distance and manipulation.
This facet of our human conditioning is perhaps the most in need of honest awareness, because the learned habit of sacrificing honesty to a form of 'correctness; is exactly the vector of our being delivered into deceits - such as work backwards.

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". Michael Ellner

Manipulative opportunism makes its home in our fears. A recognition of separation trauma is the timely opportunity of its revisiting and release. But the use of grief and grievance to re-enact separation trauma as if to get even, is its recycling in ever depleting cycles - that is then used as justification for ever tighter controls and ever greater sacrifice of freedom.

The recent poster to the magic bullet idea is simply to the idea of magical solution which is wishful thinking given power as avoidance of the unthinkable. This can be any form of treatment - and the orthodox may simply represent the current socially invested belief - with its failures chalked up to the 'power of the disease' and thus the call to persist the official treatment - else the evil will ravage unchecked because any other belief or approach is the 'quack' to the billion dollar invested corporate authority. Especially if it not only works, but undermines the belief in the 'incurable' as a cause to keep pumping billions of dollars into - along with traumatised people pushed to 'act now or else!
The magic, or manipulation of appearances, is already in the 'model' and the diagnosis that proceeds from it. If a wrong turn is taken - everything else can then extend the error no matter how honourable their intent or how intense the devotion to its cause.
Our current science stands on the shoulders of giant mistakes that have been capitalised by corporate manipulative intent under which the many believe to be their guide and protector.

One cannot build anything stable on wishfully manipulative foundations. Mistaken investments call to be written off and released for freedom to be restored to legitimate creative endeavour. Imagination has a vital role in the science of our appreciation and relation to our world - within an  integrative expression or solution. Not the conforming and complying of life to a tyranny of fear and grievance.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Climate Change (Fluctuation) Is Being Hijacked To Political Ends


Tony Heller provides a wealth of documented history that reveals climate change (fluctuation) is being hijacked to political ends. This  also would be nothing new but the amount of leverage, money, energy and ingenuity being applied to its agenda is witnessed by about 30 years of failed predictions and growing only stronger in both assertions and a globally insinuated legal framework of thought along with a cultivated subversion of an environmental movement to guilt-capture under the theme of carbon-guilt economy.

The evils of the oil and coal era are primarily in its energy cartel. The shift to a global energy (and thought) control system (Under the IoT) is only a token sacrifice by which to extend and expand power of control through regulated scarcity.
Pharma is an extension of that cartel. Rockefeller medicine is monopolistic under the aegis of a cartel of apparent competition sharing a regulatory capture.

The first order of vigilance to any call to action is to discern its basis in fact. The means of its delivery can reveal it has none. You do not need to be a scientist to recognise all the hallmarks of a deceit, but you do need to be in your own integrity or else the targeted appeals to sympathies and antipathies of emotional response will set the frame of your thinking. That is how it works!

As for the bandwagon effect - tie your research or project to Environmental correctness to attract funding - or design the projects to target and milk the immense funding diverted to fear-driven agenda. "War on Climate!” is war on misguided primates. Self effected.

Written in response to:

Dr. John H commented on What causes heart disease part 64 - Not changing your mind.
in response to Sasha:
Anna, look into the work of Dr Valter Longo, if you get a chance

This may be the best climate skeptic article I have read yet, written by an environmentalist who studies trees.

Monday, 2 September 2019

The late Dr Nick Gonzales


The late Dr Nick Gonzales delivers about 4hrs lecture (that can be more readily kept up with at slower speed) on therapeutic diet (Cancer and more) that was based on his experience and research on the spectrum of sympathetic/parasympathetic personality types ie 'Sympathetic dominant'. These are not necessarily fixed for life. 

I have a great regard for him and his work and in my view he was 'suicided' as a result of dedication to humanity rather than false profits. I tried to refind links to these videos without success last year but I have downloaded copies. Ask to receive. The suppression of information and treatment with GcMAF is ongoing and current - with Lyn Thyer very recently extradited from UK - in my view illegally. (She developed the means of its formulation outside of the body) - for it is a natural part of our body's defences against cancer - that can be supported or indeed undermined.

My MP responded to my appeal for his support in Lyn's case with letters to the relevant bodies for  investigation into a miscarriage of justice and a full report on what is being planned and implemented with regard to making this valuable treatment available to cancer sufferers. 

Within a few days I notice he is standing down at next election with the conviction that he can do more to help those whose rights are trampled upon by powerful interests outside parliament. Take heed. Power is only with parliament when politicians represent the people instead of the extremely powerful lobbies that operate in the shadows, without transparency or accountability - and regardless the brexit circus. Regulatory capture is business as normal.

Cancer Unframed


I've looked at a wide range of testimony and historical documentation that contains many perspectives that 'standard of care' ignores or rules out.

I feel it isn't possible or helpful to tell anyone what they are not the willingness of uncovering for themselves - and so education - regardless of its sources or agency needs to be self directed. But what I do feel worth saying is that whatever you decide to do or desist from doing - do it with both feet - and monitor or check in as you go. To undertake a chosen course of healing support 'reluctantly' is giving power away instead of unifying desire.

Being whole in what we do may prevent as well as remedy all kinds of issues that generate crisis or challenges in life. Fear has its own 'mind' as if a thing apart - yet drawing on our own resources - and can take any of many forms. Most of it is baggage we do not even know we carry. A crisis can force confronting things that otherwise have no way to release or reconcile.

The way we think can frame us in disempowerment. And so monitoring our own 'telling' to ourselves or that of other's belief systems - so as to decide what to accept and us is a critical factor in what otherwise works hypnotic suggestion. I saw a headline recently on the 'way we define cancer' as needing review'. To be fully in your own life is not to be alone but to be in resonance with a like quality in others.

When I was in deep shock and grief - some years back - I could immediately sense the honesty of those who simply joined with me in connected presence and those who wanted to heal their own issues on me (as if I was to hold and support them). Likewise when I unfold a re-education in life I tune into those who do not seek to persuade by emotional appeal or leverage - but share an honest witness through their own dedication in their field. The fact that I post here is testimony to an appreciation of Dr Malcolm Kendricks in opening a shared willingness of honesty discussion and enquiry in the medical realm of false leads, uncorrected errors, dishonest data manipulation and mafia tactics. While this may seem discouraging - I also see it means there are far more opportunities and modalities of healing or restored health than current thinking allows.

I wish you well by whatever paths you take - but the willingness to take them is with you. I don't think 'fat' is fairly represented in your context. There are many and different fats and some support health while others may be a net burden. (oxidised and overmuch omega 6 - and contaminant from production and processing).

Cancer may seem to have a mind of its own, but is it a process within our body, serving functions we may not understand? Regardless of multi-billion dollar funded research going back to Nixon.

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Grain, Dough and Big Food


I read that Egypt until recently was be a grain exporter and that the strains of wheat - and methods of its own economy were different than what they now import and depend on - as a result of western and globalist influence.
Dough may not be the same - even apart from any additives or 'improvers'. As to whether you do wrong - ask yourself - its you, that you have live with until you die.
Few take proper account of the fact that food itself has changed in many ways to market forces - but more for market profits and conveniences - and then as a vector of medication and control - which may have started off well intentioned with iodine and vit D - but was subverted to bromine and fluoride et al - along with the precedent that can be used to put anything into your body and your loved one's and dependents, without transparency, accountability or informed consent.

You may reflect that some seek power by undermining or attacking the rightful power of others rather than by engaging in greater responsibility and living it!
When this becomes the manipulation of suckers or the engineering of consumerism, the Economy itself is framed by a deceitful and manipulative financial system - and it is!

But you may be able to eat almost food and have no ill effect as an exception - until the leaf bends with an accumulation of load upon its capacity to bear and the smallest thing can trigger a catastrophe. But the cause is in the pattern of irresponsibility of living as if there are not consequences to our thought, word and deed. You can also be so busy getting the tomato off your shirt that you fail to get out of the way of a runaway vehicle.

Captain Cook boasted he hadn't lost a member of his crew to sickness (While strictly untrue it was true of scurvy - and if you look up the normal consequence for sailors on long voyages prior to dietary wisdom it was unbelievable - and took longer to change than persuading surgeons to wash their hands). Immediately after despatching his letter, his crew went down with all kinds of illness as a result of exposure to extremely unsanitary conditions.

I recommend a diet of gratitude regardless what we eat, read or think. Health is also our consciousness in every moment or quality of life that can be lost without realising it - like a blunt blade that has forgotten its keenness - and redefined bluntness as the new normal.

Digestive capacity is the other facet of any diet. Glyphosate is a suspect for this along with all other antibiotic exposures and inputs. We are biotic after all. Is wheat still brought to a convenient 'harvest' with glyphosate?

Are social evils representative of collective evasion of responsibility - as an expression of our own denials coming back with interest? Are we entering the edge of factory smart-farmed humans? Lobotomised chickens were mooted as a boost for productivity and profits. This sort of thinking isn't just in fiction.