Monday, 9 September 2019

If You Don't See The Pattern Yet

If you don't see the pattern yet - the 'medical' is corporately captured - as is regulatory governance and politics. If that seems unbelievable - then you have your worldview and must find ways to maintain it under increasing dissonance - regardless the diversions being offered.
The 'flat earth' is a disnifo preying on those who are shocked at just how deeply they have been lied to - imo.
Deceit is a weapon of war - but also of survival or in modern jargon - sustainability.
I feel that everyone is free here to read or writes as they are moved - and Malcolm can choose not to publish them. You perhaps think that statins are founded in real science. In a sense they may be - but on false foundations - ie the cholesterol theory.
Don't let truth get in the way of a good story - comfortable worldview.

REGARDLESS - or because of legitimate scientific criticisms - the 'Big Lie' is being repeated by Big Money - which you should know considers itself too big to fail. Which means others (the population) are sacrificed for their model's sustainability. AND induced to fight for the freedom to limit, degrade or deny themselves and each other - as if saving the world.

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