Tuesday, 10 September 2019

The 'Big Lie' repeats a very limited extreme statement


The 'Big Lie' idea is to repeat a very limited statement over and over - from the power or leverage of the ability to do so  - is media and key opinion leaders.
Eventually the mass of people are acculturated and acclimatised to take this as IF it were authoritatively proven or a consensus reality. 
Very very few choose to give witness to their integrity when critical of those in power, (positions of leadership and trust), and dissonant to the beliefs and reactions of peer pressured consensus conformity.

Perhaps this developed from 'fronting out' an otherwise invalidating exposure by assertive and aggressive denials that were found to 'work'. This is now normal for politics and pervasive for society. A society of such entanglement in deceits as to suggest a reenactment of the story of the tower of Babel. Communication itself breaks down.

However, this is only the result of the intent and attempt to use communication as a weapon as if to 'Make Reality' and enforce it upon the mind (self and others) - or force the mind to conform and comply...

When the mind is used to mask or hide or deny a true communication of the nature of our being, it generates a negatively reinforcing and destructive identification. A lie believed true, must seek its own sustainability by deceit so as to frame your life in ITS terms so as to maintain allegiance of funding and belief. This is exemplified in the 'bankers' ability to repackage toxic debt in complex instruments of financially attractive investments. Ingenuity is hired, trained and tooled to serve a 'dalek's eye view' as a merit of technical achievement finding reward.

No debate or discussion will be allowed unless as some sort of show trial. This presentation of 'communication' is unworthy of engaging with as communication - but more for what it reveals of the intent to deny it. I understand that everyone seeks to evade pain of loss - but not by exporting our own rightful consequence onto others via the manipulation of their fears and sympathies.

However, the responsibility for what we accept true by then acting as if it is true, remains with us as our own freedom of choice and experience. No one knows freedom under a tyrannous frame of compulsion. Questioning and evaluating any experience of reality is our natural inherence. Mind as a robotic obedience under fear's dictate is the loss of the integrative will to live. And so it is a 'death wish' running as a negative economy and NOT the willingness to embrace and cherish Life on Earth.

Releasing baggage is the idea of no longer carrying or attempting to justify that which does not truly belong. In any case the body as we know it does not 'survive' - being a world of constant change. But surviving is also not an end in itself to which everything else must forever be subjugated and sacrificed to. The mind of fear is the means of the sustainability of fear, at cost of a truly felt or connected and integrative awareness.

Panaceas invite every form of ill or evil to align within their wish. The eradication of evil is an ancient reflex that makes a wishful evasion, escape or separation by its attempt. A true resolution zooms out or rises to a more inclusive perspective in which we are no longer framed, besieged or   victim to subjugation and suffering - even if our willingness to let go the false security of 'controlled chaos' is found one step at a time.

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