Monday, 31 December 2018

The Idea 'Anyone Can Edit' Is An Unworkable Ideal

The idea 'anyone can edit' is an ideal that is unworkable - or rather can be worked by deceitful intent against a true sharing or witnessing of account or information.
But trusted sources - while they may still be open to biases and errors - are worthy of sharing - not censor or smear.
So the idea of giving a witness to the 'disappeared' or falsely smeared is a worthy one.
Of course association with such 'heretics' is dangerous to the reputation and career and so such a resource has to be either very broadly supported or run by people who are willing to operate in such territory.
Then who exactly draws the line as to whether indeed an excommunicated 'heretic' has merit - regardless any errors or bias of their particular approach?

While the Net is still open I find a lot of the denied findings or information to be linked.
While I believe there are deceits to be warned against or publicised as a caution I also feel that information needs to be open for others to make up their own mind or see WHY there is a warning. 
Rockefeller's Nujol (Crude Oil) as a cancer cure should qualify in my opinion as intentional deceit that presaged an international (ongoing) deceit. But there is an argument that people will believe anything rather than face the truth and so providing them with what they want, for what they are willing to give you, is a contract of exchange. But of course if the fear is sown and nurtured, and a false salvation offered, by the time they find out - if they find out - the deceived are powerless or dead.

I have found a lot of 'denied' or erased history at
This is one person's record of his own research as (mostly) a site of referenced information - not narrative control. Malcolm has a mention:
I don't think this site pretends to operate 'quality control' so much as expose and counter the narrative control operated by power, knowingly or in error.
Of course finding out about predatory or parasitic deceits may itself induce a heart attack - so be vigilant to hold a desire for health when negative emotion and intent is flushed out of hiding.
Fear distorts our perception and blocks our innate knowing. Therefore a frightened or divided mind is vulnerable to its own errors and the manipulations of others.

The role of fear in sickness goes far deeper than the tip of the iceberg that shows above the surface reality. But sickness - including the breakdown of communication in wikipedia - can generate a health response that uses the fears that come up to deepen and integrate self honesty. Health is also integrity - and integrity is not regained by attacking, opposing, or denying sickness (in any of its expressions).

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The 'Vegan Beast' Would Have No More Voice 

Ob-literate  - ok I thought it a bit extreme but it is literally accurate!

The 'vegan beast' would have no more voice than any other voice if not being used as a proxy for vested interests of dominating influence. A very few, given powerful backing and protection can cause a lot of trouble from which many shy away to seek to avoid. The 'beast' remains hidden in the 'Deep' shadow. I feel to illuminate the beast and bring it out in the open, rather than assign power to proxy 'vegans' who may or may not be all that they flag themselves to seem.

The vector that is chosen to operate as the opposition to the rival or threat to the invested establishment narrative, has to have some popular appeal to recapture a similar  arena of interests - which also invoked polarised division to weaken and fragment or divide the 'enemy'.
Diet in terms of 'health' for the survival of a sense of moral entitlement' that presupposes or targets an already existing sense of guilt - which the Corporate - and its Media - outsource to its 'consumers' for its own toxic malpractice. Thus are we 'made in the image of such a god' for the purpose of buying into, eating and being injected/subjected to the consequences of their actions - along with a sense of virtue for supporting the War on Whatever.

When the media profile, coverage and support is also aligned with funding and career opportunity, it becomes economically and socially unviable to speak or act in line with what is just, worthy or true, but only while a critical mass support the basis of such imposed 'correctness' or narrative CONTROL. 

We are close to a tipping point of either collapse into cynicism and a false self-serving protectionism, or coming out in open declaration as the right to a voice, a conversation and a relationship. The systems of living organisation can be seen as if tyrannous by thinking that sets out as the intent to define and control, but in fact there is a cooperative alignment in life that we haven't a political model for, because we so rarely release the 'define and control' long enough to let such a consciousness abide in us and grow in us. The old investment in private power is the 'Herod' or the Caesar of  enacting or demanding sacrifice. The birthing of a fresh perspective is not fuel for private loveless agenda to deny and subvert - but to reconnect consciousness to the Matrix of Life - instead of a matrix of lies. To embody life is to break the 'rules' that the lie keeps hidden - but enforced.
Lies are employed because truth is feared or indeed hated.
In this sense they seem protective to the life of those who believe they need them.
And so are defended to the death if need be, because they have become identified with protection and survival, while true witness has become associated with violation and threat.
In such minds are we often reacting insanely  because of not looking and listening deeper than our reactions dictate - and there are those who know this and use it to manipulate us through our own 'identity profile'. 

Only true witness given and received identifies us truly. Everything is is short changing a deeper appreciation.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Why believe ANYthing 'Vegan Person' has been used to say

Why believe ANYthing 'Vegan person' has been used to say. Or engage with it in any way? It asks nothing and shares nothing that isn't a crafted intent to provoke reaction. And so there is nothing here to engage with but a deceitful and malicious intent.

This baiting speaks exactly the language that everyone is trained to rise to the bait and react to AS IF they understand it. This seemingly yobbish behaviour masks the clever manipulator and everyone else the playthings. A deceitful intent can have any name and any number of names, to provoke and promote the conditions in which a genuine sharing of views either cant happen or becomes drowned out by noise.

HCLF + ultra processed phood (vegan or otherwise) operates an intentional war against human beings, who are held no more important than animals unless they have a particular use - like veganism as a guilt-trip of fake concern as a cover for a hate campaign - and of course a sickness 'care' system. Yes there are some who love nature and feel for animals and choose to withdraw support from treating them worse than animals. But for the self-superior, the projection of their own 'victim' into anyone else's life is THEIRS and theirs alone. That is where putting hatred into something that is part of you, hides itself in the attempt to hate that part of yourself in others and attack it there. It is no love for anyone, including yourself. Especially yourself.


If Malcolm feels any post is inflammatory and unhelpful, then I trust he will not let it publish in ‘his house’. That isn’t censorship, but wisdom. Health requires not accepting toxic garbage as if it is food, or one merely throws life away to a loveless agenda.
It isn’t LCHF that is in the target of fraudsters, but ANYTHING true that threatens the bubble of a mind-capture. But in openly going after LCHF educational awakening is openly declaring war on dietary advice backed by not only sound science but reversals of diabetes – which is a vector through which a whole not more shit hits the fan. And then it shows up – that it never was about loving animals but hating humanity – as if to escape one’s own.
Using animals or vegans as a political manipulation is not merely ‘unethical’, its deceitful. But without any integrity Everything becomes deceitful and leaves only the ‘science’ of what works to block, or subvert and distort communication to a private agenda.

Wikipedia is erasing itself. The whole ‘power game’ of deceit is erasing itself and taking everyone with it – who is willing to align in hate. Masked or presented in all the tricks and deceits that have worked over and again through the generations.

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Rather Than Mask In Vague Self Depreciating Ambiguities 

I make definite statements rather than mask in vague self depreciating ambiguities. These of course can be ignored or engaged with and are not more or less that idea.
The belief that it is impossible to know anything becomes an inability to understand anything except support for vague self-depreciating ambiguities. This is exactly the cynical gullibility that gives power to 'experts' or ideologies. Cynical because self-depreciating and gullible because it simply wants to give over responsibility to someone or something else.
If you were - in fact - curious you could either follow up or reframe your statement.
Cellular health is fundamental to every  cellular function. If the intra cellular and extra or indeed inter-cellular communication is blocked, degraded, or breaks down the functions are lost within the muscle, the blood cell, the brain cell etc
I don't mean to invoke blame for self depreciation but to note that a lack of health and a lack of self appreciation are related. There is no real substitution for life lived - regardless what protocols or procedures are adopted - and after all such is the point of being healthy or supported in functional endeavour. Self-depreciation also operates psychologically as a basis from which to extend a lack of worth to others or invite them to join in a mutually self-reinforcing sense of lack.
If indeed you believe yourself unable to understand - this may be the central issue to look at before proceeding. Children learn by immersion and induction - as a relational willingness and persistent intent. Hence I invited you to be with or abide in what your mind cannot currently grasp or 'define and control' in its own terms, because understandings can then dawn on you in a relational way rather than being learned by rote as part of acquiring a structure of ideas ABOUT something that stuff information without necessarily making any real connection.

My sense is that we get in our own way by the nature of our focus - wanting to grasp and possess and control and be displayed in having become successful is not the basis for a relationship - and so will never induce more than a transient honeymoon effect - such as Ancel Keys on the cover or Time magazine. He was only 'famous' for the purpose of an agenda that cared nothing for him or for science, but only to establish a narrative belief from which to gain in power over captive revenue streams - otherwise known as people.

It might be worth identifying what the current or active scientific, medical and health paradigms are and have been - because they frame our thinking without being questioned - because they have the status of fact when they generally operate a narrative cover story over where we do not want to look. So in some sense they WORK as a cover story but at a cost. Thus the consequence of such a cost can itself be masked in another cover story - such as so called side effects being diagnosed as a disease, or of toxicity being defined as an infection.

Reading the recent coverage on Johnson's baby talc and cancer was  - I thought - a probably typical example of how no evil intent, but an established business, persisted in selling product despite possible serious adverse health consequence and yet internally sought to minimise the risks, but also minimising the risk to their business survival. Once they knew enough to know too much, they crossed a line of hiding the risks and knowingly concealing a danger to health and life in baby products. From there on the liabilities multiplied to moral culpability of intent.
It isn't the mistake that condemns us, but the hiding or concealment of it. Plausible deniability is a sort of legally defensible ability of being able to claim not to know. If - as eventually occurs, internal documents are forced to the view of a court action, it is then shown to have been a mask of deceit all along.

No one want to lose what they have - while what they cling to possessing is defined in GETTING from (unfelt) relationships. I feel the LOSS of relational communication is the key factor (on all levels) and that blame and hate in seemingly moral hatred enact the destruction of relational communication AS IF an ANSWER. As if health is the ability to persist in destructive non-relational 'getting' without consequence - or without true accounting for consequence.

I enjoy what I write so you don't have to. But perhaps cynicism cannot by definition accept or recognize - make sense of joy. Cynicism does not regard itself hateful but 'right' and delight in finding the 'wrongs' OUT THERE' or at least - somewhere else. Hence the endless search for causes that exonerate us of any implicit responsibility - because responsibility is not associated with awakening freedom to respond differently, but with blame, shame and penalty in pain and loss. Guilt EXPECTS punishment and effects defences that then bring it on as a self reinforcing or circular proof. You are not an idiot AH unless of course you insist. In which you embody the attributes and attract the results to your decision. I walk with you in freedom - which embraces 'not knowing' as a condition of curious receptivity - not of self-judgement that then 'shares on in like kind'.

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Wikipedic An Attack On True Relational Communication

Insofar as there is the power to frame, direct or control the narrative of a common currency of exchange, I feel it matters as an attack on true relational communication.
Assets such as wikipedia files are used to support an official reality - which it the one that can redraw the law to out you are as a cholesterol denier with actual penalties in terms of social exclusion. 
I agree with you that it is a waste of time to engage in wikipedia as if it was an independent endeavour running on principles of openness and transparency.

Mainstream news has a share of captive intelligentsia - who are too invested in a society that supports their own achievements to question more deeply and upset their own apple cart. An example I often meet is in seeing corruptions as localised bad apples rather than systemic and in other arenas than their own.

Corrupted power has always used deceit to maintain its claim to allegiance - along with force and terror of course. 

My sense is that exposure does lead to a withdrawal of allegiance and a more critical awareness.
If we value truth as our own self-honest capacity to 'navigate' or find our balance points in life - then we learn painfully that simply following anyone is a form of sleepwalking at best.

Regardless all the apparatus brought to bear in arriving at a decision, I am of the opinion that the intuitive is a more direct route - but that the intuitive/intellectual are two poles that best blend and work together in unified purpose - as the parts of our body. One without the other can be very wrong - because you can smell a rat, know it to be false and opt for a completely erroneous narrative in reaction. Intellect without intuition can seriously argue its own non existence by framing itself or any facet of itself - out of the picture.

Living knowingly under a soft tyranny (with hard results) is different than in the bubble of its narrative identity management system. The former is to be the reminder to vigilance and wakefulness and the latter a sort of anaesthetised symptom suppression.
Being able to see or recognize the difference is a real choice.

I just trialled wikipedia and chose 'freedom' - had to get past a begging letter - as if it would be allowed to fail. Sooner one of the banks! But playing the poor man gives its contributing supporters a 'moral' investment of identity that cannot but extend as a trusted relationship or source.

Anyway it is only 'free' to think the thoughts that its brain is deterministically thinking. It would be comical - but also tragic in consequence.
Free will:
In philosophical discourse, freedom is discussed in the context of free will and self-determination, balanced by moral responsibility.
Advocates of free will regard freedom of thought as innate to the human mind, while opponents regard the mind as thinking only the thoughts that a purely deterministic brain happens to be engaged in at the time.


The Wages Of Persisted Deceit 

Where would the sickness business be without the gullible!
Who must needs be kept in the dark to remain so.
For your own reasons you want to believe or at least say that you believe, as you seek to impress.
I take my hat off to the ingenuity of conceits that so deeply deceive - but not in deference.
Ingenuity is the domain of the trickster.

Polio as a threat to life is directly associated with toxicity and malnutrition, which includes vaccinations that undermine the immune function and the digestive function quite apart from the intended payload of adjuvant (toxin) and other ingredients that just 'happen' to cause other intended or perhaps accidental effects of infertility or auto-immune disease and extreme allergy to common proteins.

'We got the cancer doc - but we killed the patient'.

Accountants are know to be able to doctor the account by shifting everything around in such a way as to make toxic debts an attractive investment portfolio.
Buyer beware!
But under the imposition of a bought or captured government, the people are sold to the corporate or global power interests.
It may seem far fetched to include 'medical intervention' in global or geopolitical machinations - but broad spectrum dominance means exactly that. No sphere of influence to be allowed to remain a threat or rival to the imposition of power by those who  think or say or do whatever it takes to get it, keep it and use it to make the world in their image.

IF vaccination is as good and as safe and as effective as asserted, and asserted and asserted - then what fear or threat from a rigorous scientific evaluation? Of course the Great Assumption is that there already IS such a body of evidence because this particular story is one of the very foundations of the new age of the technological intervention as the end of disease. History is made up by the winners with the stories people WANT to believe true - especially after being terrified.

Goons and grunts may one day enforce intravenous 'biological' interventions against my will, but I do not buy into the story. Not least as a result of actually researching its history.
yet the very nature of a 'designated no go area' is an inner line that many fear to cross, because if you find something that does not support or align with the official narrative you become a target as a denier - regardless how nuanced or qualified your criticism may be.
The statin and low-fat 'saviours' work a business model or indeed a war strategy of degradation, pain, sickness and death - AS if to save from such outcomes - and eliciting public and government support. The underlying theme is a protection racket - where those who need protection are those who refuse to pay.

Self-protection is a natural right - but a false or mistaken sense of self can be protected at cost of all natural rights and inheritance. Such is the wages of deceit persisted in.

Friday, 14 December 2018

WHO gets to define the goalposts? 

WHO gets to define the goalposts? I challenge you to read the historical documentation gathered in Suzanne Humpries "Dissolving illusions" - if you care. 
I know a woman who had  - against her father's warning, (He worked in research) used a pre public access sample of DDT on her settee to rid it of fleas. She went into Intensive care for  some months and has never been free of various neurological and walking difficulties since (probably 50+ years). No one had a clue as to what had happenned to her. Years later she confided the fact to her GP who showed interest but then she did not want to burden him with such trivial matters as one woman's history when he had so many in need who required his attention. (Irony of a presumed lack of importance).

The cover story for corporate industrial poisoning is infectious disease - and the 'industry' of their 'treatment'. Toxicity initiates the breakdowns of function that the body then mobilises to attempt to clear. Where the toxicity is too great or the depleted and malnourished state of immune function too low - the sickness is blamed for the harm - but in this sense 'sickness' is part OF immune response.
Narratives fed by PR from a top down power to persist their assertion no matter what - operate a corporately owned realm in which the predators farm their assets.
When vaccine, pharma or pesticides and chemical or biological weapons are outlawed in the developed countries, they are then sold on to those who have never been allowed to develop - such as the 'third world' because they have a lot less of a voice than we do, and much more likelihood to be 'disappeared' or simply tortured and killed than in 'civilised' countries. Note that Zika is nothing new and nothing to be alarmed about and nothing like its PR cover story, but opened the way for GM mosquitos and vaccine development. Much that there is to be alarmed about is routinely IGNORED.

I suggest that the 'wild' polio is innate to human biology and is usually of no great consequence. The methods of treatment that nurse through illness while supporting the retention of function as well as the health of the sufferer are known (were known) but ignored. PR runs the show because there is no love of truth - and an association of penalty with truth-telling.
Dr Klenner reported his unqualified success with intravenous vit C for not only treating but reversing polio to a meeting of the AMA and was totally IGNORED. The whole agenda was already in motion. PR. If it is a sickening possibility to consider fraud from the very top, then is it not actually more sickening NOT TO BE AWARE of being so manipulated?
Lets have a proper scientific focus on vaccination - and bring it out of the 'answers' that cant be questioned. Start with a controlled trial of vax and non vax - with apples and apples - in other words don't pre frame to study to determine the result. How can 'studies' be guaranteed to be independently set up and carried out? I don't know that they can when Trillion dollar forces are involved.
Do your want a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs? (To the Afghan leadership from the US)
Un-transparent and accountable vaccine administration is biological experimentation on human beings and a vector of weaponry of the State (or corp-captured state) upon its own or other peoples.
I read that R Kennedy Jr and ICAN effected a FOI for documentation of the legally required checks as to safety and efficacy for the last 38 years. There are none.
At the very least don't presume that because you are TOLD they are perfectly safe that they are risk free and at least open a curiosity to check that what we all grew up believing has foundation in fact and not in 'consensus or settle science' that can be 'denied' but can never be criticised or challenged. This is 'vaccinating' our minds against the possibility of an education so that any questioning of vaccination brings up the 'deny the denialist' antibody liek a steel shutter.

As William gates says - you don't want to listen to 'baby killers' do you?. The very usage of such terms is a giveaway to the agenda. If the benefits were obvious - you would not need to use such base tactic to terrorise people into compliance. Perhaps statins could be switched into a biological intervention - so that you cant 'forget to take them'. Your medical and vax record is a vital part of the Internet of Things.

Monday, 10 December 2018

Releasing Victim & Victimiser Is Freedom Shared

"If God had meant us to blah blah" is a can of worms.

If God is Meaning then aligning in and extending that meaning (in whatever you choose to do or accept as true and act so) will be truly meaningful as an integrative communication.

If our mind aligns in making up its own meanings as a private bias on Meaning, then an adulteration of true and false replaces a whole or unconflicted appreciation with some kind of struggle to make true at expense of simply true. A sense of oppositional will then seems to hold a meaning IN and OF itself - and defends this as its 'self' or meaning. Part of its defence is to remake God in image as a cover story for whatever role the mind plays out.

Perhaps I am foolish to even attempt this communication, because what is likely meant by humourous resort to "If God had meant us to", is some appeal to a god of evolution - that existence has to conform to, in order to find acceptance. In other words another version of a cover story.

Perhaps what God Means is exactly You (Us) - as the freedom to live along the line of y/our own acceptance and be that, live that, grow or awaken in that, and share that as y/our gift to the whole. A unique contribution or integrality within a unique moment.

Appeals to 'higher power' as a prop for a lack of substance seeking certitude, are like assuming God Means to prop up y/our private agenda, by hiding while we behaving lovelessly.
I'd say we have grown expert at this. So much so as to believe the hiding place is more real than what is hidden. The mask stuck on.

As for living any one else's life - you cant and the belief you can and should is your back door for being manipulated in like kind. 

I understand that  'vegan' or veganism is being used as another kind of 'rainbow revolution' in the breakdown of traditional structures of identity. Not least because the hatred of victimiser lends itself to the deification of victims and their victimhood or wounded-ness, as a source of hate seen as power to set the world right. Perhaps we find it hard to accept or embrace a killer within because we see life exclusively in terms of the body and in separated and conflicted parts.
 There may be some who have no problem living from the sickness, misery and death of other humans, because 'God meant the powerful to prevail over the weak minded and be healthy'. Or 'God provided the weak minded for the chosen ones to survive by using and exploiting them'.

Its all down to the image of self that we make our God or Evolution or 'Cause' from.
Or of course to release self-image as our predicate and be curious to uncover and recognise truly.

Existence is aware of Itself in all that it is. Man is generally aware only of what his thoughts picture. These are mutually exclusive. But of course we can let our thoughts be aligned by a deeper recognition than the support or reinforcement of a private agenda.

I don't sense that love means to get locked in or lost to a private isolated sense of powerlessness as more than a point of reference from which to waken new perspective. But while we actively want to send anyone to hell, we obviously remain invested in 'hell' as meaningful at some level of our psyche. And what seemed out there or well lidded over, can so easily break in or rise up.

I sense victim and victimiser are both within us, and that the releasing of investment in that way of seeing, is freedom shared.

Sunday, 9 December 2018

The Parting Shot Is Your Own Little Gloat 

The parting shot is your own little gloat. Why give gloating any currency at all?
The intent to humiliate is only a symptom of self-hatred. No one who has love or compassion for themselves takes joy in hating others - as if a release of pressure in mitigating pain can actually become a joy.
It is the hollow who are captured by ruses such as low fat low cholesterol high statin diets. The hollow merely follow what seems to give some sort of power or protection without actively engaging in any real relationship.
In order to bash my head in once, a gang of thugs sought to elicit any response that they could use to justify doing so and provocative hate baiting 'scanned my system' for a way to hack itself into my life. Thanks - but no thanks!
Hatred seeks a like company. All vibrational resonances operate 'communication at a distance' in terms of negative or positive synchronicities. I hate hating - and so when I feel it I endeavour to really feel it - in the desire to release it and be healed of it. Note that terms like stress do not qualify the context - where distress does and a sense of being locked or trapped in distress is of course hateful and rage inducing - which is then a source of anxiety and guilt if expressed or depression and impotence if suppressed. All this  - if not cleared, is dumped on the body in various pictured symptoms.

So take a walk in nature. Love those you share life with and lighten up on yourself.

Risk Management - But Who Is Protected Against Risk? 

Note that 'health' is dictated through Dr 'WHO' et al - and moral outrage is fuelled by PR aka propaganda by shadow administrators who reframe minds and laws by supporting proxy minority vendetta and manipulating new guilts by 'moral' coercion. 
The push for the shift to a 'carbon guilt' economy weaves any and every possible 'support' and militant veganism makes guilt-deniers of anyone who persists in such 'crime' after having been 'educated'. First they came for the smokers...  (what's this someone dares to NOT demonise the smokers!)

The push to a medically managed life from (before the ) cradle to the grave, is already an 'economy', and with only a little more push, the ability to think will have been engineered our of the livestock.

HG Wells (Time Machine) posited a future split into humans who seemed cultured but were eaten and those who seemed uncultured and ate them. This isn't quite literally true but very similar to pharming humans for war and sickness. The system is a management of induced dependency is it not? But anyone who speaks to break the illusion of the 'protection' to reveal the racket, is not only walled out, but smeared and held up as open season for mob hate. It goes with the territory.

I have to live with myself, and that is where I attune for integrity of being relative to what I think and say and do. So for me 'moral' has NO sense of imposition of guilt, shame and coercion on self or on others - to conform them to MY 'say' - for you are your own choosing. I cant nor want, to, tell you how to live. All thought has consequence at some level - and all behaviour stems from it.

The willingness to extend or share communication and indeed share and grow a culture of education and discovery, is a symptom of health. Focusing in health is what the mind of sickness is designed to interject and block. The investment in sickness, division and the power gotten from it, is 'too big to fail'.
But that simply tells me to withdraw my investment or allegiance to such thinking.
The belief in a false sense of protection or control is real in the mind of the  believer - as effective against deeper fears. Otherwise who would take all these 'side' effecting interventions?

Risk management. But who is protected against risk? The patient? No, the system itself to which the patients are fitted.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Wikishadows of Smear and Censor

Are you aware of who pressures the Universities? Of who generates the framing of agenda such as to induce conformity and compliance or risk penalty?
Much goes on behind the scenes.
Once the identity is set up, there may be many who voluntarily elect to animate it as a source of their own sense of self-worth. There may be others who will work for pay, including the study of human consciousness from the intent of hacking or manipulating it - which often workd better through 'stupid' means because 'stupid' people are easily flattered into thinking they know better.
A lack of transparency and accountability for what is properly in the public interest or common Good, is indeed a realm of 'shadows'.
Hiding or masking can be an attempt to escape. But it also operates the hiding of a loveless agenda. Sometimes when simply ASKING may in fact have given what was otherwise taken by guile.
Anyone can practice coming out of the shadows with those who they share life with. For the masks seem to have 'stuck on' and become obligatory presentations that run us as routine.
Beneath the masking is a real presence unmet, unexpressed, unsupported, unrecognized. Not a recipe for radiant health down through the generations methinks.

But if 'any of us' do something from the current sense of informational integrity - including giving financial support to a project or idea - then they do so because that - in that moment - is who we are. No need to devalue what we were because we have a different perspective now.

The issues are  - to my seeing - not of 'saving Malcolm' but of awareness of the different ways in which smear and censorship are being used on others AND Dr kendrick - such as Tim Noakes and Aseem Malhotra. All three have amenable characteristics along with dedication to a better health education - from which to make better choices and share in better outcomes. But this is not what the 'established powers of influence' are thinking or supporting - for any number of self-serving reasons that may of course be outrageously unreasonable to be revealed - which means they fight against exposure as for their lives.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

The Body Electric

The blind spots in a paradigm are in its fundamental assumptions.
These are narratives that are invested in and built upon and thus become defended as 'self' - and equated with reality. Any attempt to call them into question them will then trigger defences against 'threat' relative to the model. In this way a model or narrative identity becomes defended against the truth its claim to authority is based upon.

I see the electric underpinnings of the Universe - extending from the macro to the micro - and of course including the biologic of living energy relational communication, as knocking on the door of our consciousness as a rising tide that can of course be denied - but only at cost of ever greater dissociation from reality - which in terms of our human experience means ever greater demand for sacrifice of life to the model - taken or asserted as 'law'.

But as someone once said, "Man is not made for the law; the law is made for Man".
one of my oft used quotes is from Michael Ellner:

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".  

In the interest of restoring true function (wholeness and health) and the fruits thereof, I invite a greater consideration of the electrical nature of our manifest existence as a common thread in what seems like an endless list of risk factors.

Mainstream thinking is 'thing' orientated, impacts and collisions and explosions are integral to a physical sense of identity and relationship, but there is more to electrical communication than the physics of wear and tear. All chemical action is electrical molecular bonding or indeed transmutation. Water as a medium of solution serves particular chemical functions beyond simply transporting stuff around. The water of our life includes blood, cellular gel, lymph, and various specific fluids to specific functions.

Dr Gerald Pollack (not an MD) led a team that discovered a phase of water that has different structural and electrical properties from the bulk water that it differentiates from, as a result of meeting any hydrophilic surface. He called it EZ (Exclusion Zone) water because it is both negatively charged relative to its differentiated positive boundary and bulk environment - and actively excludes particulates from its zone. Noting if you haven't that this also relates to vascular and cellular function, this is already illuminating a source of voltage - that is inherent to cell function and blood flow, but also of the protection of the lining of the arteries from frictional forces under pressure. Noting also the helical or vortical nature of blood flow is part of its health or vitality as an electrical aspect of the nature of water flow.

Pollack's team discovered -among other things - that exposure to light (in particular to near infra red frequencies) greatly increased the EZ water layer.

This is only one facet of opening an electrical awareness (PH is electrical charge status), in terms of its fundamental rather than incidental nature to all else. We are generally unaware of electricity underlying all phenomena because it is the basis of structuring as of communications within self sustaining structures of environmental expression. Electrical currents extend magnetic field properties that themselves induce electrical currents. The signalling in real time of all cells to all cells - as a wholeness of functional integrity is billions of times faster than my sketch of a communication here but alignment in a functional integrity has a 'vibrational signature' and while the electrical nature of consciousness is another topic, the loss of such a communicating 'field' awareness to dissonance is where a survival reflex becomes an overriding imposition or block to incoming energetic information. We suffer our defences!

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

The Heart Of The Matter 

I never did accept the 'expertise' of top down demonisations of things people had eaten for mostly as long as people have been, but then I don't stand first in scientific 'explanations' as the basis of deciding or choosing or leaving unchosen. I see science as a dalek's eye view of  life - and often coupled to a very similar disposition. I don't see wisdom as being in the scientific toolset - excepting to learn from mistakes rather than learn how to hide mistakes and seem to get away with it.

The use of Ancel Keys as a PR campaign on behalf of cartel interests that also fit into social re-engineering agenda of pharmed and managed people units can also be see in the 'wrong turns of history' as the  selection and promotion of the ideas or theories that most serve the interests of the power establishment of the day - who have the means to induce acceptance through all channels of influence - such as Keys onto the front of Time magazine.

Invested interests regard themselves too big to fail or rather - convince others that if they go down, the whole economy will crash with them. And in a sense it is true, because once the lie is out, it soon becomes apparent that it is not merely a mistake or a bad apple but a pervasive and systemic corruption of such a nature as to be unaddressable in its branches.

But I do feel for a simpler answer than anything the 'problem' defines or frames as narrative reality believed, and that is to identify it where where it is and own it there, as the first step in seeing and acting differently. The scientific disposition  as I see it, is aligned in the externalisation or dissociation and displacement of the spiritual, psychic and emotional to the physical. This is also the 'chemistry' of persistent fear. Fear that is largely hidden and wanted to be hidden - with great investments in anything that can serve to keep it hidden - ie fear and sickness management Inc.

Giving authority away neglects that no matter who tells you what, the final test of truth is your own heart's acceptance. The contract of 'trust' that is blind to or seeking to evade its own innate responsibility can be called lazy, gullible, wilfully ignorant etc - but is largely habit of an automatic set of reactions in place of a living curiosity and discernment. It is said that most people demand unconsciousness and are kept in such by their own consent But where there is a lack of light of transparency and accountability - ie genuine relational communication, there is corruption or self-interest at the expense of the whole. 'Communication breakdown - It's always the same'.

I see nature, life, biology as a total communication that we have barely scratched at because we regard communication in concepts that are twice removed from reality, being symbols of symbols. Life is energetic communication that includes processes that operate millions or billions of times per second. We (daleks) package this up in linear models and processes that limit where we can move while rejecting or exterminating anything that doesn't serve our 'control' or the attempt to dominate and possess whatever life is left - ie it operates an anti-life agenda as a 'survival' or defence script.

The attempt to coerce, control or manipulate evokes a feeling in my gut - if not also in my heart and mind - but the nature of any apparent information or communication is not merely its presented form - but the context of its purpose. I don't need to be a scientist to smell a rat or pick up on deceits intended or relayed unawares. But I do need self-honesty - because we are 'hacked' through our own 'investments' in wanting things to be true that are not, (or not true that are). Negative or fearfully defined self interest results in a world of errors and terrors - but then I add that once we are awake to deceits we also see that they effectively run their people. But we want to see it the other way around in personal guilt and blame trading because we want to believe we are free.

Symptoms are not problems so much as messengers serving a communication who we are initially perhaps very disinclined to listen to and then only tend accept messages that protect the problem. How else would sickness management usurp healing? Science does not deal with matters of the heart's knowing and so they are embarassing or and thus distantiated. However scientists are of course human beings and are not confined to a toolset unless they choose to be so.

I walked a lot in the Alps a month ago in such a way that if my heart function was dodgy I would have died or at least collapsed. I also had an insight to a specific quality of stress that I associated with the prelude to certain kinds of chest pain - which is very welcome as that is within the realm of responsibility. The stress we are not aware of because we feel we are doing what is good or necessary and give all attention there is the danger of any 'calling' that becomes automatic instead of a present checking in. Checking in at heart of course - where else will balance within a wholeness of being be recognised?

Friday, 13 April 2018

The Evil That Hides In The Forms Of The Good

In reply to:
I don’t quite agree with Solzhenitsyn. He’s right, but it is still the case that human beings have a spectrum of relative good and evil, with a few being very good and a few being quite evil. The problem is the large numbers of people who have not achieved conscious understanding nor made firm and conscious decisions regarding the matter. They are easily led, easily influenced, and it is because of them we have the awful saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Due to this situation, those who are rather more evil can get much more traction in the world than they ought.

I recognize that what you say is the world of human judgement. I hold that such a power - wished for and engaged in as a a personal or private agenda - is the root of all evil or father of the lie - and has been identified as the 'choice' by which a Fallen nature replaced a quality of an intimacy of (communioned) being. Not unlike the loss of health to sickness management in fear of a true nature - and so as imposition of interventions and micro management.

This has been running for a few millennia as the conditioning within a more and more exclusive sense of physical definition supports personality fragmentation. Within the realm of persons - there seem to be good persons (with good intentions) and bad persons (with evil intentions), but looking only a little under the surface reveals that fear of evil within runs the masking in good intentions, and honest recognition and repentance of (or not choosing to act from or engage in reaction to) evil within allows the movement of a deeper sense of compassion in recognition of others in being - rather than as personally judged.

Consciousness as generally accepted is a specific form of UNconsciousness - being masked in persona as a protection against the evils that are met in infancy or before. Terror and rage, impotence and heartbreak are first met as the formation of the ability to focus in and become part of 'the human world'. That this is masked out by a (generally) protective family, culture and world view (of significance and adapted abilities) is not to say it is absent or inactive.

Childhood's end is the stepping out of protections that have become confining, possessive or over-controlling, to the conscious responsibility for decision - which is acceptance of will in the light of the true desire. But this intimacy of being is both inhibited and demonised by a world of human hate and rejection that does not see the being, but only the transgression of rules.

It would be impossible to exaggerate the complexity of human personality entanglement. And in some sense it operates like assigning impossible computations to 'hang' the (computing) processor.
That many who think they are more conscious seek to manipulate those they think are lacking is the extension of a manipulative consciousness.

Birds of a feather flock together  - for like meets like. Those who 'follow' others, do so for their own reasons, and use 'leaders' or even 'rules' or 'narratives' set by leaders while keeping the option to cry foul if they are then misled. This kind of 'conditional love' turns to hate in a moment if the conditions of its predicate are broken. That is to say it is merely a defence, mask or covering over of a hate that is revealed should the curtain slip.

Here is the evil that hides behind the mask facing out - but is itself a mask over the freedom to look within. Introspection, reflection and transformation are attributes of truly conscious living. But fear of change as the fear of greater loss (evil) works systematically to inhibit and deny introspection, reflection and renewal. I sketch out only to illuminate a basis for sane choosing. I have no desire to substitute for your own freely accepted will. Evils play a role in the re-wakening to wholeness as dissonance that wont go away until the cause is reconciled or resolved. the intent to force the good over the dissonance is a polarised split in consciousness, where a fantasy ideal or symbolic image is imposed upon organic communication such as to turn life inside out in reversal of the golden rule.

When I quote 'everything is backwards', I hold that it goes deeper than doctors, lawyers, educators, et al - as a systematic or institutional hate-fear of the 'other' as scapegoat for rejected or denied self. And the good intentions of enforced 'correctness' provide agency for this fear-driven hate to operate the mask of untouchable and unchallengable self-righteousness. I have to feel and own the hatred that is uncovered in my heart and mind to open the choice to repent of what I do NOT recognize true of me now - and put it behind me by aligning in what truly does.

Lockdown into the mere forms of 'good' works the lie of a life that sets the world of form as authority or 'reality' over the richly nuanced organic appreciation of reflective engagement and creative participation of genuine relationship. The achievement of making a monstrous and absurd complex of lies seem simply true - while rendering the simplest appreciation of life as impossibly complicated, mysterious and only yielding to the judgement of 'experts' in forms of mutual agreement, is to be believed to be seen!

(Of course there is a need for the rule of law of cause and effect - but as support for the law of love - else it runs as the sacrifice of love's innocence to the 'correctness' of the letter. Your personality can NOT be guilty for what lies beneath awareness. Freedom is not at the level of action, except to express or suppress the movement of desire, for you will always act upon the basis of what you accept true in any given situation toward the nutrient and away from the toxin as you define it.

Following collective definitions may work to fit in to social demands (real or imagined) but it is not consciously felt as acceptance of life - but more of an auto-pilot. The unwatched mind is vulnerable to trap itself in reaction to its own thought - and manipulators know this and so frame their suggestions and insinuations, smears or leading narrative to use you blind to serve their own agenda - running as their 'good' or least evil option.

When everything is believed evil, evil itself is invisibly normal - the only choice is the seeming lesser evil - and so there is no 'choice' but only a technocratic machine to yield to, that engineers the human animal to conform and comply within the rules of its existence. But notice machine is designed and wielded by the drive to dominate via define, predict and control.

A risk-less life is a form of death. Choosing life is what we thought we were doing, but we clicked into a phishing ruse, and are locked out of our true Identity by running upon a false flagged 'attack'.
Having made a false choice real to our own perceiving, we have set up the conditions in which the Given True has to be consciously accepted or chosen - and this is the art of listening discernment that all other abilities can align in support of; as the desire to truly know. 


Posted By Brian Steere to Responses of a willingness to listen within on 4/13/2018 04:34:00 am

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Perhaps That Is An Intended Outcome?

"I do think it merits questioning mega-dose Vitamin D and high serum targets"

Perhaps that is an intended outcome?

I am not cynical with regard to the mind of sickness and the industry to support it, so much as recognize manipulative deceit as its basis - such that a cynical sense of self and life is directed at the things that would serve a fuller expression of life and thus undermine the opportunity for the mind of sickness and its management to operate.

The psyop is the presentation of reality as a network of communications that work to manipulate an intended outcome, including the undermining of any focus in consciousness.

In an exponential flood of 'information overload' almost anything becomes plausible, which in some sense is good because a fixed mind learns nothing, and becoming un-fixed from a hidden tyranny of thought is a renaissance. On the other hand a misdirected crusade leads a false dawn, and every kind of belief becomes possible in reaction against a sense of outrage - such as discovering that trusted authorities, institutions and leaders are lying to us and that the closer we look into it the deeper goes the lie.

If I were the devil or any agency of disinformation against emerging truths that threatened my capacity to seem to exist, I would be very very interested in emerging truths - and even fund those that broke through my barriers, so as to become part of their unfolding, and mask within the new hope to the opportunity to sow doubt and division. But I can only work with the funding and support given me, and so the 'enemy' must be painted where a truth would arise, and un-winnable wars be waged unceasing. Too much inflammation?

Symptom Suppressive and Expressive Conflict 

While his discoveries or findings were summarily dismissed by dictate of power and not reason, Dr Hamer posited that the activation of the sympathetic response (as a biological extension of psychic shock) is symptom suppressive in disease relating to specific embryonic antecedence of biological function, and only in the resolving of the issue (parasympathetic phase) would the symptoms of disease present.
Hamer's system did not - as I see it - address toxicity and malnutrition so much as the 'disease' events arising from psychic-emotional shocks - which without understanding can be self-looping or expanding.
While his own practice was fundamentally the opening or arriving at such understanding rather than combatting disease, in being brought to prosecution, his patients over many years were investigated to find ANY that could be focussed on to assign death by negligence. Out of 5000 or so no hopers abandoned by the medical system his practice has something over 90% survival after 5 years. Of course Hamer could be deluded - along with his patients - in accidentally undermining the nocebo effect that fulfils its own diagnosis under authority.
But the principle of the suppression (in most cases) of symptom in conflict-active phase is simply known, but when the drama is released - all kinds of other facets of the body-mind have to realign or rebalance.
In modern thinking - if we can ennoble it thus - the idea is to deny and suppress symptoms as if they are the disease, and of course some symptoms are deadly and intervention is called for.
This corresponds with the evading of (responsibility for) psychic-emotional issues that Dr kendrick might assign under 'strain'. Some of which is like the tip of the iceberg - and much of which is hidden but no less active in distorting our lives.
I don't know if vit D is immunosuppressive via activation of the sympathetic response. I have read that echinacea is. When is it desirable to persist in action and defer a necessary rebalancing? Sometimes. But if this becomes a default, do we 'pile up our troubles in hell' to a sudden reckoning, when it all breaks loose?

Conflict aversion is conflict protected against healing. 

But resolved conflicts allow otherwise repressed self (life) to rise to the light of an acceptance, recognition and gratitude. Industries (or identities) depending on conflict - like certain bacteria or fungal infections - work against such a change in environment. Sickness can also work the stick when the carrot failed to lure - and bring back to a sense of safety in the 'devil we know'.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Tim Noakes and Freedom 

To the growing awareness of a 'hidden' tyranny I invite considering two aspects, one is the exposure of networks of shared or overlapping private interests that operate politically by deceit of a masked agenda, and the other is the ideas or thinking that effectively constitute the mask.
The former is the level of the personality structure - which is usually denied illumination by the assignment and operation of the mind of guilt and its attack in the other, that serves the basis of power struggle. The latter is thinking that runs as accepted currency, and in exactly the same way as our financial currency systems, is fundamentally rigged or running on the basis of masking deceit.
The term 'Too big to fail' has been assigned to the banking sector in its exposure as a predatory deceit. To rip out the tares would destroy the harvest crop. A true discernment as to the true and false is called for in vigilance against deceit.
A world of lies results from protecting or masking over a hidden lie. Lies go forth and multiply as fig-leaf thinking that by nature shuns or distorts any light of an honest account that would expose our own sense of invalidity or unworthiness. But the lie - like a trojan ploy - hides in the forms of truth, kindness, caring and respectability and is believed and defended as true.

Tim Noakes exemplifies a core honesty of self along with his family support and community support of a willingness to stand in such honesty, despite threat, smear or coercion. This is not the basis for making special his person, but for the likewise aligning in honesty of witness as the core relational value for self, community, and society. So signing the petition may be much more than doing something and then reverting to routine. It can be a stirring of recognition of worth, that needs witnessing and acknowledging in our thought word and deed - whatever lives we may be living. 
Unless we live from a truly extended sense of worth, we are defaulted to thinking that allows us to be manipulated.
Another term for honesty or truth is without manipulation.

The vendetta runs much deeper than any persons who show up on the radar. A sense of justified hate runs as 'self-righteous' exclusion. Cognitive dissonance operates such that no communication can reach any who are certain their hate is just vengeance served. 

 But to a growing willingness to listen and see with a fresh perspective, messengers and symptoms that before were made war upon, are revealed as the bearers of true communication, as the manipulative framework of self-deceits, is released to self honesty.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Restored To Vigour 

Not only are you not gone, you are back with vigour, enthusiasm and a sense of rejuvenation.
In a post that didn't get 'accepted' (Malcolm, what's up with you?), I linked to  an admittedly wacky naturopathic doctor who studies living blood under dark field microscopy - which shows not only the flowing or otherwise clumpy nature of the cells, but also in 'real time' shows changes in sync with the patient's shift of perspective. So not only do I feel (resonate) with your sense of new perspective and interest, I have a sense that your blood is less clumpy and more flowing.
Much of what we call thinking is like a lot of modern 'science', filling in the gaps or reinforcements of already established structures of thought. Structure that becomes rigid with less and less life (cultural or relational activity) living through it. Such structure embodies rigidified thought, sense of self and relations. The power of thinking is evident in the resulting negative confinements and constraints of the world we personally and collectively accept, agree to, and act as true. But the recognition and release of a false sense of limitation is the restoring to the discovery and enjoyment of the true. This is also associated with 'health' - and not just by dark field microscopy of the reaction of blood cells to the influx of energy that  an 'a-ha!' moment brings. Realignment in presence rather than capture by a 'model' is the ability to consciously model, or understand in vivo. Within a relational flow of information and experience rather than separating it all out and taking it apart as if to extrapolate something to then apply to life.

Intra and extra cellular communications are not about to reveal all their workings so as to be written up, done and dusted. The electrical nature of the communication is implicit in PH (mineral salt ratios and distributions) as well as quantum attribute that are being uncovered under our nose in the way Life and Nature is and does (and in our sense of smell too).

Is the journey the true nature of our destination? I feel so - for our experience of and presence in life is the result of the purpose we undertake or are stirred to awaken in.

The Best Diet?

referrenced on

The assumption that there is a ‘best diet for humans’ may be clickbaiting to then share something of substance – but before I have a look at the talk, I state that I see such phrasing as the same as the ads that vie for attention, working in the same way and for the same goal. Framing life in terms that then induce – often unwitting – compliance to a suggested narrative.
Gratitude is the best diet for Human being. No one is ever alone in gratitude, and the neglecting to extend gratitude is the miser that grows misery in private self-gratifications that seem to give a ‘hit’ of life but leave a sense of hollowness and lack – and so drive the machine of the attempt to ‘get’ life from ‘out there’.
That is basically the way the deceit works;
1: Steal your Soul (awareness) by mind capture.
2: Sell life back to you as pale substitutions that promise more than they (can) give, fade in any seeming effect, and give rise to further ‘side’ effects that in-debt us to a sense of further need to overcome or escape a sense of lack.

Now I have grokked the video - it reminds me of the difference between the germ theory approach personified in Pasteur et al and the deeper understanding of researchers such as Bechamp.
Indeed I see the germ theory as a personalised continuation of the magic/mythic thinking that remains unchanged beneath most of what is called civilisation.
The field or environment is the determiner - not some 'central intelligence agency' ascribed personal power - nor the projections and reflections of such a power onto a world whose nature is change.
Perhaps I take too big a jump for you to follow, but the same is in Bruce Liptons's discovery of the cell membrane as the primary determiner of action and not the presumed 'control' of the genes - which are in effect the gonads of the cell, not the agency of mind (as ascribed to body).
Mind is properly relational (not a CIA) - and the relational is a Field within which conditions are induced, generated or attracted, such as to embody and reflect the current which is a flow as well as a currency.
Field awareness is would be 'what comes naturally' - and is - but civilising is not just organisation upon a blank slate, but a social organisation growing upon a conditioned drive of extreme and ongoing need-lack. Cultural trauma that is far greater than theories of cave men facing predators.
So we have learned and grown and generally operate from a second nature, that overrides a lost and distrusted or feared sense of a first nature. This is reflected in the relations of 'civilised' to first native peoples. perhaps it starts with toilet training!

But to get back to the video - its presumptions continues the subjugation under and the exo-intelligence of systems upon which to become reliant instead of (using the same recognitions) to wake from and break the spell, by tuning to our own Field awareness as an intuitively guided and supported presence of life. Not instead of all the abilities we have learned, but as the re-discovered purpose in which all such abilities serve a wholeness, healing or integrative outcome.

Global technocratic systems control promises the replacement of the human will with algorithms hooked up to pervasive Big Data, such as to update the whole system in response to any stresses. But this is the attempt to make life in our own image (and under our own control except you are not invited to more than a fantasy of control, while a non-human intelligence works the Pharm.