Where would the sickness business be without the gullible!
Who must needs be kept in the dark to remain so.
For your own reasons you want to believe or at least say that you believe, as you seek to impress.
I take my hat off to the ingenuity of conceits that so deeply deceive - but not in deference.
Ingenuity is the domain of the trickster.
Polio as a threat to life is directly associated with toxicity and malnutrition, which includes vaccinations that undermine the immune function and the digestive function quite apart from the intended payload of adjuvant (toxin) and other ingredients that just 'happen' to cause other intended or perhaps accidental effects of infertility or auto-immune disease and extreme allergy to common proteins.
'We got the cancer doc - but we killed the patient'.
Accountants are know to be able to doctor the account by shifting everything around in such a way as to make toxic debts an attractive investment portfolio.
Buyer beware!
But under the imposition of a bought or captured government, the people are sold to the corporate or global power interests.
It may seem far fetched to include 'medical intervention' in global or geopolitical machinations - but broad spectrum dominance means exactly that. No sphere of influence to be allowed to remain a threat or rival to the imposition of power by those who think or say or do whatever it takes to get it, keep it and use it to make the world in their image.
IF vaccination is as good and as safe and as effective as asserted, and asserted and asserted - then what fear or threat from a rigorous scientific evaluation? Of course the Great Assumption is that there already IS such a body of evidence because this particular story is one of the very foundations of the new age of the technological intervention as the end of disease. History is made up by the winners with the stories people WANT to believe true - especially after being terrified.
Goons and grunts may one day enforce intravenous 'biological' interventions against my will, but I do not buy into the story. Not least as a result of actually researching its history.
yet the very nature of a 'designated no go area' is an inner line that many fear to cross, because if you find something that does not support or align with the official narrative you become a target as a denier - regardless how nuanced or qualified your criticism may be.
The statin and low-fat 'saviours' work a business model or indeed a war strategy of degradation, pain, sickness and death - AS if to save from such outcomes - and eliciting public and government support. The underlying theme is a protection racket - where those who need protection are those who refuse to pay.
Self-protection is a natural right - but a false or mistaken sense of self can be protected at cost of all natural rights and inheritance. Such is the wages of deceit persisted in.
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