Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Wikishadows of Smear and Censor

Are you aware of who pressures the Universities? Of who generates the framing of agenda such as to induce conformity and compliance or risk penalty?
Much goes on behind the scenes.
Once the identity is set up, there may be many who voluntarily elect to animate it as a source of their own sense of self-worth. There may be others who will work for pay, including the study of human consciousness from the intent of hacking or manipulating it - which often workd better through 'stupid' means because 'stupid' people are easily flattered into thinking they know better.
A lack of transparency and accountability for what is properly in the public interest or common Good, is indeed a realm of 'shadows'.
Hiding or masking can be an attempt to escape. But it also operates the hiding of a loveless agenda. Sometimes when simply ASKING may in fact have given what was otherwise taken by guile.
Anyone can practice coming out of the shadows with those who they share life with. For the masks seem to have 'stuck on' and become obligatory presentations that run us as routine.
Beneath the masking is a real presence unmet, unexpressed, unsupported, unrecognized. Not a recipe for radiant health down through the generations methinks.

But if 'any of us' do something from the current sense of informational integrity - including giving financial support to a project or idea - then they do so because that - in that moment - is who we are. No need to devalue what we were because we have a different perspective now.

The issues are  - to my seeing - not of 'saving Malcolm' but of awareness of the different ways in which smear and censorship are being used on others AND Dr kendrick - such as Tim Noakes and Aseem Malhotra. All three have amenable characteristics along with dedication to a better health education - from which to make better choices and share in better outcomes. But this is not what the 'established powers of influence' are thinking or supporting - for any number of self-serving reasons that may of course be outrageously unreasonable to be revealed - which means they fight against exposure as for their lives.

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