Sunday, 9 December 2018

Risk Management - But Who Is Protected Against Risk? 

Note that 'health' is dictated through Dr 'WHO' et al - and moral outrage is fuelled by PR aka propaganda by shadow administrators who reframe minds and laws by supporting proxy minority vendetta and manipulating new guilts by 'moral' coercion. 
The push for the shift to a 'carbon guilt' economy weaves any and every possible 'support' and militant veganism makes guilt-deniers of anyone who persists in such 'crime' after having been 'educated'. First they came for the smokers...  (what's this someone dares to NOT demonise the smokers!)

The push to a medically managed life from (before the ) cradle to the grave, is already an 'economy', and with only a little more push, the ability to think will have been engineered our of the livestock.

HG Wells (Time Machine) posited a future split into humans who seemed cultured but were eaten and those who seemed uncultured and ate them. This isn't quite literally true but very similar to pharming humans for war and sickness. The system is a management of induced dependency is it not? But anyone who speaks to break the illusion of the 'protection' to reveal the racket, is not only walled out, but smeared and held up as open season for mob hate. It goes with the territory.

I have to live with myself, and that is where I attune for integrity of being relative to what I think and say and do. So for me 'moral' has NO sense of imposition of guilt, shame and coercion on self or on others - to conform them to MY 'say' - for you are your own choosing. I cant nor want, to, tell you how to live. All thought has consequence at some level - and all behaviour stems from it.

The willingness to extend or share communication and indeed share and grow a culture of education and discovery, is a symptom of health. Focusing in health is what the mind of sickness is designed to interject and block. The investment in sickness, division and the power gotten from it, is 'too big to fail'.
But that simply tells me to withdraw my investment or allegiance to such thinking.
The belief in a false sense of protection or control is real in the mind of the  believer - as effective against deeper fears. Otherwise who would take all these 'side' effecting interventions?

Risk management. But who is protected against risk? The patient? No, the system itself to which the patients are fitted.

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