Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Why believe ANYthing 'Vegan Person' has been used to say

Why believe ANYthing 'Vegan person' has been used to say. Or engage with it in any way? It asks nothing and shares nothing that isn't a crafted intent to provoke reaction. And so there is nothing here to engage with but a deceitful and malicious intent.

This baiting speaks exactly the language that everyone is trained to rise to the bait and react to AS IF they understand it. This seemingly yobbish behaviour masks the clever manipulator and everyone else the playthings. A deceitful intent can have any name and any number of names, to provoke and promote the conditions in which a genuine sharing of views either cant happen or becomes drowned out by noise.

HCLF + ultra processed phood (vegan or otherwise) operates an intentional war against human beings, who are held no more important than animals unless they have a particular use - like veganism as a guilt-trip of fake concern as a cover for a hate campaign - and of course a sickness 'care' system. Yes there are some who love nature and feel for animals and choose to withdraw support from treating them worse than animals. But for the self-superior, the projection of their own 'victim' into anyone else's life is THEIRS and theirs alone. That is where putting hatred into something that is part of you, hides itself in the attempt to hate that part of yourself in others and attack it there. It is no love for anyone, including yourself. Especially yourself.



If Malcolm feels any post is inflammatory and unhelpful, then I trust he will not let it publish in ‘his house’. That isn’t censorship, but wisdom. Health requires not accepting toxic garbage as if it is food, or one merely throws life away to a loveless agenda.
It isn’t LCHF that is in the target of fraudsters, but ANYTHING true that threatens the bubble of a mind-capture. But in openly going after LCHF educational awakening is openly declaring war on dietary advice backed by not only sound science but reversals of diabetes – which is a vector through which a whole not more shit hits the fan. And then it shows up – that it never was about loving animals but hating humanity – as if to escape one’s own.
Using animals or vegans as a political manipulation is not merely ‘unethical’, its deceitful. But without any integrity Everything becomes deceitful and leaves only the ‘science’ of what works to block, or subvert and distort communication to a private agenda.

Wikipedia is erasing itself. The whole ‘power game’ of deceit is erasing itself and taking everyone with it – who is willing to align in hate. Masked or presented in all the tricks and deceits that have worked over and again through the generations.

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