Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Prediction Based On Feared Causes


Predictions based on 'if you carry on doing x then the logical outcome - all else being equal' - is y - are a direct recognition of cause and effect as effectively one thing. And so - if y is not our desire, we no longer persist in x, but find something better to do.

Prediction based on feared causes, tend to propagate the fears into new forms that further dissociate cause and effect - to make effects into new vectors of 'cause' for a new cascade of (side) effects.

My recent explorations of buteyko claims - overbreathing as a persistent stressor and CO2 depletion - links up with Gerald Pollack, Gilbert Ling, and Raymond Peat and others in the ideas of depletion of energy potentials at rest, fatigue, loss of ability to repair rising from acquired and inherited identity under threat - as a persistent 'fight or flight' bio-chemical response - which itself enervates and expresses in all manner of degradation of cellular, organ, brain and of course social function - which all feeds back on itself as a negative self reinforcement.

So of course endocan along with all other players in the Cast and Chorus of an almost infinitely complex coordination we might call the body (though it is always an expression of its environment and not a closed system - or agent - any more than endocan).

I can safely predict the degradation and destruction of human civilisation and indeed human consciousness if we persist in doing x. However, the word safe doesn't save the doomsayer if he (I) also persist in x. 

To be able to say 'I told you so' by getting sick or dying is not really a victory over life. 
I notice that uniqueness is a signature quality of living beings and so I see that even in negative outcomes, we express unique versions of perhaps similar forms of expression. In this respect I am willing to buck the trend by staying open to all things not being equal, in that there are other variables that are not in our algorithms that can also open new light on why we persist in doing x, so as to shift more fundamentally - rather than trying to manipulate surface factors.

One of my curiosities now is the true role of CO2 in our health. If it is being demonised by the global MSM machine, then it has to have something worthy. Bringing the worthy down is NOT a way to rise in stature - but can serve to hide the contrast.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Feeding Each Other As A Diversionary Tactic?


The way you frame your seemingly innocent assertions denies any other view than YOUR assertion as sane. So though you don't use the term denialism, you are framing the same accusation or insinuation of 'dangerous advice' as they.
Kendrick has extensively researched and backs up his current views with facts. Show your substance or recognize you have no basis from which to speak apart from what SEEMS so to your current perception.
You might assume that there are REASONS and thus be CURIOUS as to why others are critical of the way that many seemingly helpful medical interventions are operating more harm than benefit.
You might read, listen or learn something of what you are saying before you say it - and thereby give and receive something worthy in a genuine exchange.
As it is - you are doing the very thing you accuse against - knowingly or not.

Feeding each other as a diversionary tactic?
The question 'so what?' comes to mind.
Anyone can name themselves anything on the Net but the key is substance of what is really being said or insinuated or claimed as distinct from what seems so.
Insofar as a misinforming mal intent comes in, be assured that its success is in shaping reaction.
Suspicion of the 'other' is in itself destructive to the trust in which communication flows and shares and can induce a clique of defence against the different and the new - such as operates in pharma-trained medical culture.
Fixed 'identities' tend to be believed and defended against something else and thus easy to manipulate - which I see as the basis of the manipulative nature of a so called post truth politics - that may deal in tick boxes of quota and quanta associated with issues but is actually divorced from the truth - or real relationship - of the issue and our part in it.

If you don't 'get' what I'm saying, is it because you are merely parsing an impression of me in terms of check boxes as to whether to assign 'good' or 'bad' - in terms of the reinforcement or protection of a structure of acquired and accepted beliefs - rather than a real relationship?

Thursday, 17 January 2019

The Wisdom Not To Be Baited Into Self-Destructive Reaction


No - I don't believe so. Rather the wisdom not to be baited into self-destructive reaction and a rather British sense of ironic understatement. Nor to incite others to be diverted into the same - but open and extend a real question in willingness for an answer in like kind.

For my part anyone using the term 'denialism' in accusation is already themselves denying the possibility of communication - except as a weapon in the form of a communication.

"The weaker the arguments, the stronger the words". - Dave Gneiser

Of course those who take offence can and often do leak their frustrations but we are wise to inhibit such expression and if we are Gordon Brown - make sure no mikes are still on when the car door shuts on the 'bigot'. These can be jumped on by a pack of dogs just waiting for an exposure to grip onto and drag down.

But the calculated crafting of 'offence' as a weapon of deceit is not a simple mistake or accusation of motive to another person, but the very nature of modern mind-control.
Hateful as it is, reacting in like kind is its intent and this is the nature of the means that are employed to protect multibillion lie profits or a captured revenue stream.

I like the term 'abhor' in its sense of evacuating or emptying out the hate rather than simply hating and making identity from it. Thanks - but no thanks!

Which reminds me that the 'terrain' is the primary field of influence, not the 'pathogen'.

Don't be open and available to deceit. This is a very ancient wisdom easily lost to the belief the deceiver is out there as something to prevail over, rather than our own proclivity for self-illusion amidst mutually evolving relationships of self-reinforcement.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

"I believe" is a result - else the belief would not be lived


"I believe" is (my) result or else the belief would not be lived.
Of course WANTING to believe is a symptom of not believing - or rather believing something else. The attempt to self-reinforce is added to 'reality' - but the coherent experience of what we are is when nothing is added or taken away - like a good bowel movement - life can 'do itself'.

The blame rather than praise culture, (an honest appreciation is better) is the pattern of fearing and guilting (sacrificing) ourself - and others - into what would otherwise NOT come naturally - or more subtly - WOULD come naturally if the fear that it wont or mustn't did not inhibit or block the movement. I might add that affecting to praise as a manipulative strategy is just another level of invitation to self illusion. There is a small and specific timing where a nudge can work wonders - but life is in process as relational being and not around a fixed idea.

The denial of our natural being is 'civilisation' which is also the development of the subjective reality model (the world as we imagine and explicate it to our shared experience). Bringing the 'instrument' into balance and flow calls for for an awakening to integrative responsibility - rather than 'total manual management and intervention Inc'.

Risk and benefit are a matter of ongoing 'balancing' - but not the avoidance of risk - in and of itself is an exclusion of the recognition or desire in benefit. Risk aversion is a modern paralysis.

I picked up a quote today by H. L. Mencken:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

The last part may be contested - but in terms of our emotional response if something was actually requiring us to move - we'd be already moving - unless we become afraid to act, move or speak in a culture of guilting under fear of punishment.

I believe joy is the true basis for learning - but pain can awaken the need for Life as the call to wake up and pay attention to the purpose that is in act. But of course I extend that only by invitation. I don't believe I can IN FACT change another's mind (or belief) - but I can join in a shared purpose of willingness to learn.

Experience I did not expect can challenge my mind or worldview as an expansion in which theory is identified as theory instead of running as fact. But there is the willingness to try something on and feel it out - test its fruits. If - that is - you are allowed to explore. The idea of mainstream narrative control is to the fore now - as a falsely founded and destructive coercion. The inducement to conform and comply to the 'statinus quo' being but one example that at least on this blog is being challenged and more light brought in.

'Statin' lets the state in - after being rendered a statistic.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Our Questions Frame Our Findings


Our questions frame our findings. When the definition of the problem frames questions from false or partial presumptions, attention and energy is misdirected.
Hence a calm and 'disinterested' mind in the sense of not prejudiced and already on a crusade or vendetta, will uncover answer in the recognition of the problem as the way of uncovering answer, rather than as identified or associated with something 'bad' to be got rid of or struggled with or self-vindicated on.

Buteyko approach recognises that for most under 'modern living' the fight-flight response is permanently active as breathing patterns and a sense of threat and lack driving the attempt to get more (energy) but as a result getting rid of too much CO2 so as to limit supply of oxygen to primary cell and tissue needs (Bohr principle) and constrict arteries (CO2 is a vasodilator.

I see the info in The above Buteyko talk (it wasn't really an interview as such) offers a very good example of a misdefined problem answer leading to a negatively self-reinforcing condition. Another example is humanity under Murphy's Law; 'if it can go wrong it will go wrong' - where going wrong in this case is barking up the wrong tree.

One of my daughter's has developmental problems that includes not only poor bladder control but inability to find the toilet. She reliably took any and every direction away from the only one that led to the toilet. So it became obvious that beneath the dissociating disorientation, part of her knew exactly where not to go. While humanly problematic, I sense that we all embody strategic defences as part - not only of our personality structure - but physical symptoms.

A determination NOT to know or relive something intolerable, sets a pattern with its own unexpected or unintended results and maps out or blocks areas of our being - and our life as the expression of being by focussing ONLY in what doesn't activate or attract the more deeply feared 'threat' - which is also indicated by unconscious patterns of avoidance. In other words 'well hidden'. All very well in an immediate short term avoidance - but not for wholeness or peace in being and relationships as expression of being - and so 'unfinished business' prompts for coming back into health, but we see it as a threat to be denied and excluded instead of the opportunity to unfold a greater fulfilment or connected appreciation and gratitude for being. The strain of constant conflict is exhausting, dispiriting and isolating. Defeat under adversity is altogether different from yielding to our being for a fresh perspective.

Logic A and B


Regardless my disregard of claims that statins are health-supporting, I pick up on your point:
"A raised level of factor A does not cause disease B
Thus lowering factor A cannot reduce the risk of disease B"

If too much of factor A does not affect disease B, 
does it necessarily follow that;
not enough of factor A cannot affect disease B?
ie: can lowering factor A contribute to the risk of disease B?

(Even if in this case lower LDL doesn't - though I think it is associated with death by any other means).

I picked up on this with the implications of CO2 and the Bohr principle in relation to over-breathing still in my mind - in that not enough CO2 can surely contribute to disease conditions.
Implicit in this is the idea of a dynamic balance as being proportionally directed to the load and need.
Lowering a level of anything may have no effect until below a critical threshhold.

Manually lowering cholesterol in the body is in my view a form of self-deprivation or self-attack.

At a deeper level - the mind's intent to replace or substitute life - as a sense of control over it, includes replacing feared or predicted loss of life (including potential disease) with ongoing partial self-sacrifice. 

This kind of archetypal 'religion' goes back to the enactment of pain and loss as a mitigation of impending attack, as a last fragment of a power to protect against overwhelming odds. 
(IE: 'I'm already 'punished' - please don't hurt me'). This limits the fear - but also limits the mind to a sense of 'control' associated with sacrifice.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Ornish Disinfo


Weaving the lie into truths is often very effective in passing of a hidden agenda.


I sense that for anything we might want to believe there is a world that helps us believe it - while we want to have what we believe it brings us. There's a double whammy in there. Wanting to believe is coercive struggle against fear or doubt - that we don't believe it.
However willingness to be open to believe something is in relational communication - and not as a salesman or troll (of undermining intent).

Wanting to assign responsibilities that are ours away from and 'out of' our self is the seeking and finding of at least an effective diversion. 'When enough people get stuck in the same place they call it reality'. (Make it real by struggle within its terms).

I see the corporate profiteering - with all its 'perks' at one end - and the evasion of things we fear, hate or deny in our self, at the other - allowing that a lie can only seem true at cost of true and so must call on more lies to protect against exposure.

There is an effect of disinfo that doesn't get mentioned so much here or in similar forums. Many are confused, betrayed, let down, and back off from ALL health information - excepting to persist on defaults as if that is doing what they want - because that is what they are familiar with and accustomed to.

Love Would Not Be Placebo!


Love would not be placebo!
Placebo is the active belief in a positive or curative outcome.
Love creates the conditions in which shock or belief in a negative is calmed and undone or released. If I live long enough 'nursing' might be rediscovered.

Many also use homeopathy for animals and have done so for generations.
And so to cynics masking as sceptics, any perception and belief that homeopathy is effective is a 'coincidence' because there is no (officially accepted) model for HOW it works. Whereas we KNOW how statins work and so they are real - and side effects are nocebo. (sic).

btw - No one knows how gravity operates - regardless the mathematical descriptions or ratios and equations that fit that it operates as it does (mostly) so far.
On being challenged for his new 'law', Newton replied, "I have no hypothesis".

Some ideas take and some don't - and not because they are worthy or true but because believing them is believed profitable or protective to the current self definition.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

I'm Always Attracted To Research That Attracts Ad Hom


I'm always attracted to research that attracts ad hom smear responses.

And to the investigation of anomalies that do not support the 'settled science' of a political agenda.

Generally speaking if its officially approved - I am suspicious.
The machinery of managing people as sickness is dependent on maintaining a state of ignorance under the sense of science backed narrative - along with appeals to the old 'moral outrage' (cue propaganda to identify the violator).
Curiosity is not gullibility - but cynicism masking as scepticism is gullible in its automatic hatred for anything that threatens its bottom line - or sense of protected identity.

I see hatred as the nature of the destructive intent that embodies so much misery in our world. Not in itself - but in the attempt to deny or hide in by dumping on other and instigating attack on them. This can also apply to cholesterol. as long as the cause is hidden outside self - it can be flagged to anything and anyone else so as to persist in it without facing the consequence.

I am convinced that it is possible to transmute hatred to its original terms - as a lack of love. This can be healed. But not without some spark of willingness to work with.

The issue was a milk cow's output of calcium relative to eating grass.
i know many are now on GM corn in the US - but that's another story.
There are many other examples that are otherwise lacking explanation.

My sense is that the 'established narrative' adopts or accepts ideas that extend and protect the established powers. Truth has no say in the matter. This has been long so but is becoming more obviously so in a 'post truth' technocracy of socially engineered inputs and outputs.

But I hold that 'garbage in is garbage out'

Friday, 11 January 2019

How Much Of What We Accept And Live As True Is


How much of what we accept and live as true is because it serves to protect from deeper and perhaps unnamed fears - rather than because it is true?

Opening reality to question is perhaps the last thing anyone would allow - as distinct from questioning about it from unquestioned articles of faith. Many choose to die in its assertion rather than be exposed without it - for such reality believed offers a solid sense of self and world to an otherwise uncritical adaptation and experience within it. 

All our eggs are in a basket outside our own curiosity and responsibility for recognition or reevaluation by running as a default. And this is not altogether done to us, excepting  an initial extension of trust as infants to our parents and society frames the range of choices by cultural induction or indoctrination until the capacity and opportunity to broaden or deepen our consciousness arises.

The Scientific paradigm as a worldview is so deeply given faith that it may feel odd to call it such because it seems a world beyond question. Science settled as consensus reality in conformity and compliance - rather than being active in a willingness to question and challenge its presumptions or beliefs. If not trained as a specialist, you have no qualification to know anything but rather to comply in what you are given from above. 

Strictly speaking no one actually knows anything, so much as arrive at an extremely high probability based on matching of models to observations or to predicted outcomes and applications.

The discovery of truth as science is upheld by the miracles of applied technology, and founded on a belief in a progressive enlightenment that is simply filling in the gaps of the leaves of an expanding tree of knowledge and ability that informs and structures our social world to have almost arrived at overcoming whatever problems come up.

Medical science has its own history of miracles - of discovering germs and ever more ways to kill them and ever more complex technological approaches in terms of investigating ever more complex disease conditions and interventions as the means to hold back the inevitable.

Steal the kingdom and they call you king, but what does a stolen mind know of its true condition excepting its thinking tells it, without which it would be not only helpless but at the mercy of quacks and charlatans; robbed and poisoned or abandoned to the ravages of a treacherous nature that is out there with the intent to sicken and kill?

Truth cannot be enforced on the unwilling or unreadiness of acceptance. But falsehood HAS to be forcefully asserted and protected to seem to be in its stead. I note that when we delay the inevitable we mean delaying  'death' rather than 'truth'. Yet there is the phrase, 'truth will out' - but again, more often 'murder will out'.

'That's my cover story and I'm sticking to it!' - is everyone's right or freedom to engage in - and so therefore is the right to release it in desire for a better story - when an old spell of telling wears thin to joylessness or pain. So we can be wilful in our wishing, beliefs and assertions, but not without a price. And while the going is good, we hide the cost while shouting the benefits.

The storing up of denied consequence can at a certain tipping point, suddenly break through as IF an attack or violation to our self and world. Reaction of a like kind is the disposition of a protective survival response - fight and / or flight - but as the protection of the cause against further violation and loss. This is the pattern of a control mentality divorced from the very life it is called on to serve; be it in our own mind or as the global corporate pharma expression of power and protection.

While we believe it is our power of protection, we are insulated from awareness of the fears that are thereby kept at bay or hidden but not from the consequence of such presumptions where they work against our health or wellbeing in ways we don't yet know - or want to know.

Because fear operates distortions, love is the condition in which to see or indeed think clearly. We don't assign power to love until its lack becomes clearly our overriding condition and need.
Health is a radiant disposition - not under siege. Clear thinking extends from clarity of purpose - not conflict. I hold for the renewal of Science from a true and joined or shared foundation.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Magical Thinking Predated Rational Thinking


Magical thinking predated what we now call rational or scientific thinking.
As such it is an architecture or archetype upon which the surface mind operates.
The belief we have escaped our past is the belief that re-enacts it in shifting forms.

Denied fears seek magical answer.
But this only redistributes the energy of the unowned conflict.

To address the cause runs against the grain of the wish to put it outside our self. 
The intensity of the desire NOT to know cannot be underestimated.

But while doctoring anything has always had a dark side. Medicine is also another word for health and life - and the idea that this is outside us is because we put it there by putting core life conflicts out there (magically of scientifically). 

But in terms of the usurping of a biodiversity of approaches for the state captured monopoly of a jealous pharmacuetical god - look up the history of old man Rockefeller and crude oil (nujol) as a cancer cure - shifting with venture capital to a constipation cure (because it was seen induce the runs). "How Big Oil Conquered the World" tends to focus upon the Energy Cartels - but the medical (and psychiatric) operate power by guile and stealth - in the manner of a Trojan Ruse.

The terrain, environment or living relational context is the key to understanding what occurs within it. Assigning causative properties to Field effects is backwards - but can be engaged in as a personal sense of narrative identity. In that sense a false religion has been the development of a consciousness and world view that is adapted or trained to see only as its model or structure or rules dictates - which like an iceberg is largely invisible to a surface reality.

Self interest is natural or 'of course', but an unnatural sense of self or mistaken sense of self will protect its premise against threat - and in that sense against the truth when it feels threatening.
The nature of the 'self' may seem philosophic or abstract to the conditioned reactive embodiment of largely unconscious thought and behaviour. But where we 'get it wrong' is where we presume reality to be in the same terms as we have accepted for our self-definition.

Physically defined self is a 'magical escape' that of course doesn't work because we are the awareness of feeling our experience as it results from the meanings we give it. It can encapsulate a conflicted dissonance temporarily not unlike a tumour. I note that tumours can include hair or teeth cells etc - ie are in some sense embyonic.

I see health as resolving conflicts rather than managing and protecting a conflict adaptation - but I understand we have to work with the current beliefs and not override them or deny them. I see freedom of information or transparency and accountability as the educative support for the awakening of a true self responsibility for our selves individually and socially - for we are both.

I don't associate a true religious or spiritual impulse with magic - but with unified purpose. The abuse and corruption of a thing can make reference to it futile - because the established currency is a narrative that denies its original meaning. Ground zero or beginner's mind is the willingness to release the false or partial for a unified or wholeness of being. In practice this is an inspired life that knows and lives on purpose be that answering to a call for help or witnessing to health by doing what you do, well - which is never just ticking all the boxes of a set of rules - but a real relationship.

Gerald Pollack's Ez Discovery


I have no doubt but that Gerald Pollack's discovery of structured negatively-charged slippery, particulate-excluding water lining hydrophilic surfaces or particles will be found to have a bearing on the body fluids such as blood as well as cell gels. The old mechanical model made pumps to account for what turns out to be electrically charged 'work done'. PH is electrical. I feel there is more that is charge related as the helical flow of blood is itself part of the vitality of the system as I see it. Science shies from the term 'vitality' - but energy is not only energy when it is also information.

I also have a sense specific extre-e-emely weak emf frequency exposures CAN jam or distort the body's use of such for signalling - perhaps aggravated by other factors. This also ties in with Solar activity and resulting geomagnetic events. I read once that there was a very high match in lung cancer and the introduction of FM (TV) signalling/exposure. But ciggies got there first and passive smoke came second.

This may of course have been floored or flawed but Big Food got an extra 40 years (+ inertial momentum) in out of Ancel keys for profits arising from (addiction to, and toxicities of), high intake of refined sugar.

Monday, 7 January 2019

The Ideal Of Science Is Not Lived By Those Who Practice It


The ideal of science is not the reality of the people who engage in science for many and different purposes than the uncovering of the already true as a shared perspective reality (my 'ideal' for science'). And so of course you have an embodiment or expression of self conflicted forces that are by no means a unified purpose and often at odds with the 'face value' presentation as science. Politics underneath all else is about power. Is it naive to think that science (scientists) would be allowed to discover and share anything that undermines the established powers - unless such power was confident in adding it to their range of possession and control?

Or that where it cant be blocked, it would not soon be subverted or contained?
Greed is a drive for more under fear of loss that is never enough - and relates to any sense of self-inflation or aggrandisement and not merely money.

Such is the nature of the instrument or the liability to identify with and become defined by our tools. The carrot of progress has an underside of devaluing or distorting our past. Without a unified goal, 'progress' can be the development of better ways by which to poison and destroy our world or lead it into debt or capture the mind in complex psychologically targeted manipulations. Whose agenda? healthcare or sickness management is a captured revenue stream. Money and funding is the flow of nutrient to the structures that need it to run. But if it doesn't protect and extend existing cartels of profit - it is starved of political focus, funding or even legitimacy/legality.

As long as we persist in giving allegiance and support to a system that is NOT really being run for our Good - then it can persist in the masking of doing so. Of course there are many people within the sickness care system who work with high integrity to do their best with what they have and what they can within their training. 

To renew, one has to abandon a bad investment, and engage beginner's mind. The current model lends itself or is an expression of the desire to escape or abnegate self-responsibility. Of course we do what we can with what we have - but our mechanistic model is a throwback to anti-psychism of replacing vitalism with 'mere' electricity'. The actual nature of an Electric Universe - that extends from the atom to the galactic and the biological to the psychic, is in some ways extremely subtle - but also out of the range of expectation to a 'separate things' sense of control or attempt to control its environment (at all levels).

the idea of self-in-itself is the perception of thing-in-itself and thus of a fragmented chaos that all the king’s horsepower and all the king's human resources cannot put together again. What's more, the structures of the attempt to do so have become invested in ensuring that Humpty stays sick or lives as a risk for sickness requiring constant 'medical oversights and interventions or preemptive sacrifice.

Calcium can be deposited dysfunctionally


While K2 is not the whole answer, it does seem to be the parking attendent that transports it to the correct points of need. Calcium that is not taken up can be deposited in places that cause pain and dysfunction - even while other parts of the body - such as bones may be not only lacking, but being cannibalised for cell needs elsewhere. So as I understand calcium is not simply 'calcium' in terms of bio-absorbtion. Magnesium is in my picture and now so is organic silica - which is what cows biology (enzymes) transmute to calcium - and if what I read is true - is a bio preferred source to the calcium in pasteurised (enzyme-killed) milk and dairy foods. Raw milk (and presumable dairy products from raw milk) do contain appropriate enzymes.

Of course 'dysbiota' from a range of anti-biotic vectors including glyphosate but all kinds of toxins - including those generated BY dysbiotic sickness - (that can also develop from shock and anxiety, comes into the picture as a potential undermining of health (immune), digestion and transport/communication functions.

As I see it, the more we align in health, the more consciousness we have to align in health. You have to start where you are and feel/find your way. Aligning in risk aversion may be a poor and impoverishing substitute for aligning in health. Theoden and Wormtongue come to mind - (Tolkien LOTR reference). On the other hand far-seeing butungrounded private research can feed despair (Denethor and the Palentir or 'seeing stone').

I used Kerrygold butter for a while (Ireland has a lot of grass) then organic turned up at the local coop - and now an unpasteurized butter from France (but not organic) from Waitrose - or from our local raw milk farm - twice the price - but worthy in my opinion. (But in any case I also take a K2 (super K) along with 'officially high dose' D4. I cant do a double blind trial on myself to know more than I am doing what I want to do while I want to do it.

There's another part of my understanding that can muddy the waters: health is the condition in which repressed or stored conflicts can come up to be released. Love is the condition in which ancient fears can come up to be undone. This is often misinterpreted by ego-discomfort as a reason to distrust life and squelch it back down again for symptom management and narrative control - which is part of the social-political straitjacket on any acceptance and implementation of already uncovered science - let alone the uncovering of the new that occurs BECAUSE a sacred cow or indeed a cash cow is toppled or discarded.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

The Funding Or Support Of 'Activists'


The funding or support of 'activists' is often a proxy means to institute change or indeed block it - viz rainbow revolutions.

Rupert Sheldrake is an honourable man and communicates in an honourable way.
I prefer the term psychic to psychological - because it feels more direct, honest and actual. There is of course a psychic dimension to awareness of a shared existence and part of its bag of tricks its to dissociate as a sense of judgement over that which is withdrawn from and withheld it true acknowledgment. However in a mad world of dissociated minds, talking sense may as well be gobbledygook - because everyone invested in division will protect against the peace in which they see a loss of face rather than a loss of sickness.

There are those who have deep investment in fighting or denying those who they see as enemies or deniers, heretics or someone easy to piss on because power is standing behind you.

There are those who care not who wars or gets sick as long as they are positioned to profit in terms of wealth and power as a result. These will fund both sides of any potential conflict - and any group with a grievance or insecurity seeking to prove itself real, is a vector through which to foment division. Birds of a feather, flock together - but in this sense the would be warriors are simply used as long as they are useful - ie they have no power but what is given them to work a proxy agenda while feeding their self-importance.

The key is good cop/bad cop framing in which sympathies are polarised like a charged battery to then be put to work. As you have surely noticed, when people can be designated invalid by assigning a label, others can 'join' against them in denying them a voice or an ear - or sometimes a life. I say join in 'quotes' because true sharing of purpose is the nature of love in expression, but joining in hate is never whole but always an apparent unity that depends on the enemy or evil it is set against - and on the sense of power gotten from un unholy pact.

Understand that some may sincerely believe the evil in their sights and dedicate their lives to its destruction - with collateral damage a necessary lesser evil to their new world order.
Wiser in my opinion is to care not to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Maggots are handy for removing rotting flesh. Being challenged or persecuted is a necessary part of purifying and integrating our perspective.

The intent to control information is the mind-management of human being and is a much more pervasive agenda than this particular tactic. We only notice the lines when we cross them.

Paradigm Shift


Indeed. Science is a human endeavour and so is an alloyed expression of a grasping that then yields to a revealed truth - regardless the insertion or generation of time in which to prolong the drama. Desire is key - because to a desire for truth there can be no failure - only new information.
But the wish to make things be what we (think we) want them to be is bound to fail regardless the   magical tricks by which to seem to cling on to the bit we thought to have achieved.

So the recognition of an unworkable way of thinking is in a way like the bottoming out of an addict . Old habits are replaced by new choices that in time become natural and naturally supported when those choices are more aligned with who we freely recognize or accept ourselves to be - rather than an acquired or inherited sense of coercion or requirement to stuff that down and be who we are not - for whatever reason. Stuffed down life may be put out of sight but it isn't really out of mind and is stored in the body - not unlike toxins that cant be excreted so are encapsulated away from vital pathways as a next line of protection.

Bring back to social level - those who sacrifice their joy (or integrity of being) to survive their world are often resentful of those who don't also 'pay the price' (conform), as a cover story against uncovering the pain that is always associated with a self-(and other)-betrayal.
My sense of the 'territory' of being human helps me to not be so quick to presume moral superiority or at least invest in it as if I have nothing to learn, and others should live up to my own standards for them.

Our worldview, or adaptation, is part of who we are - but only see how much this is so when it is broken or revealed false in some fundamental sense. making choices that we then stand in with both feet is - I feel - a significant act - even when we make mistakes - because such commitment is a condition of being on purpose and paying attention. True willing (willingness) is different from wishing - no matter how much intensity is invested in wishing (wilful). Or what authorities are invoked. 

Connecting with what Is - without arresting in our reaction to it is being open in relation, one moment at a time. That may be the uncomfortable part - one cant go back to sleep. And that is where desire and discipline hold some sort of compass in opening a new sense of exploration.

Because you're worth it - but here's the rub; to know this is to share it. That's why giving and receiving love holds the worth that we cannot have alone or get for ourself alone - regardless our social or professional status. 

Loss Of Innersight To Rigidity


There are inherently dangers wherever you live, but your awareness of them as part of your own inheritance and participance in life, is very different from the collective groupthink that we are induced to assume .

I sense that hidden fears are the most dangerous, and in that respect 'risk-aversion' prepares the unwary for being predated upon by protection rackets.

A world without fear is either delusional or truly awake.

Facing fears and growing, is the way to become free of them. Being trained to believe we cannot, is part of our domestication. Then, when life happens, we freak out in the attempt to get back in our cage and learn 'not to go there' and so map out our life in ever decreasing circles of 'control'.

Nor am I implying blame for our current condition - but that with some compassion we can lose our rigidity for a more flexible response-ability.

I have read that the pineal gland is also subject to calcification. There is more to life than meets the outer eye - but who believes that - when they have lost innersight within a rigidity of mind?

A Persistent Pervasive Nocebo Effect


Negative expectations associated with believed authorities and ongoing (unresolved) fear from our past are a persistent pervasive nocebo effect - in terms of worry and anxiety that may lie beneath the surface mind in subconscious (learned) thought and behaviour patterns.

The 'unknown' is rarely seen as an opportunity for a wonderful surprise - ie we are already set in a nocebo mind as normal or socially acceptable (or even required) behaviour.

I don't think this can be underestimated - nor can wishful thinking plaster positive thinking on top of it - as if to generate a positive outcome beyond its honeymoon effect.

What role does reconciliation and resolution of inner conflict of family conflict have in biological pathways restoring health - or even synchronicities of finding the treatment that works for you?
I regard ' you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink' as relevant to health. many may say they want health or don't want sickness, but are unwilling to look at or deal with 'no-go' or 'non-negotiable areas of their lives - ie they are unwilling to change in ways they may also be unwilling to even know. People can be very stubborn - regardless it's cost to them.

Nocebo is a kind of negative voodoo. But no one can change a belief they are not willing to own and some facets of our personality are intolerable - hence the mind of denial in attempt to escape. One opportunity of a crisis, is to recognize or know again aspects of self that had been hidden or denied and as a result reintegrate or heal as a consciousness and not just as a body or as a self all by yourself. 

Relationship is the nature of being - and broken of denied communication is an isolating demand on a limited resource. If people treat me in ways that undermine my integrity and theirs, I wont join with it or support it. I listen to what anyone says and  then take it into consideration if it seems relevant. But the listening is not believing. If I decide to take a course of action I will then actively believe it because I am choosing it. But that doesn't mean I am not still listening for whether to persist or modify my mind and behaviour on the basis of new perspective. I have to live with the consequences of my actions; not my doctor (who has to live the consequence of theirs). Nor my 'leaders' in any field of influence. 

Owning my own is a key to immunity from what actually doesn't belong to me. A house divided cannot stand.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Wizard Of Oz Syndrome


Wizard of Oz syndrome is where someone or some institutional body presents itself as more knowing and powerful than it in fact is - so as to receive or assert a self inflation under wishful thinking to which fear appeals for help as if to a true authority.

In presuming that experts already know, we undermine our own process of discovering that involves active responsibility for listening for prompts and guidance on which to act - or indeed refrain from acting. We know more than we know we know or allow ourself to own - by dint of association of knowing with self-inflation that throws out the baby with the bathwater because the wordless or formless sense of life has no place in the model of a top down or outside-in sense of definition, prediction and control.

The ability to 'know' an awful lot about a very little is the curse of specialisation - along with the self-protective defence of such identifications as each specialisation. Such is the human condition in terms of exclusive focus or 'private minds' structured in forms of self-reinforcement against naked truth.

Unreal expectations structure unreal relationships. But in our current world the desire and expectation FOR a real relationship seems to be off the charts and checkboxes of 'healthcare' (sic), excepting the good health or fortune of finding such a willingness for mutual respect.

Passing off as an authority beyond our station is a way of setting up pride before a fall or perhaps a 'heart attack' or some other fuse flowing. But the inverse pride runs a self-demeaning narrative that reminds me of a Dylan lyric in which the heart attack machine is strapped onto the shoulders of those who know more than they do. (Desolation Row).

I see there is a child of life seeking to 'come out' from the prison of a lovelessly structured existence - which in larger terms could be seen as new perspectives meeting the same old denials. Its easier to see it in others than ourself - but crisis - including illness - can be a way of getting our attention to give it to the Field of Relation - instead of a dalek's eye view of a mind locked into a defensive impermeability.

Officially settled consensual germ theory focuses on alleged pathogen as a way of ignoring or disregarding the field. The field of knowing is our relational being and aligning in it is aligning in health instead of in imaged and defended models of what thinking says it is supposed to be or contrives to make it seem to be.

Regardless the terms I use, it remains possible to align within an integrity or integrative sense of self and world - or to align against it, beneath the presentation of 'emperor's new clothes' or fig leaf thinking by which to cover our nakedness from a feared truth.

And so 'I don't know' or 'I cant do it' becomes a simple self-honesty of pause from struggle that opens to listen for that which does know, and reveals itself by recognisable fruits. The ability to discern or recognize health is innate - while the setting up of rules that must be met or complied with to meet a definition of health is an artificial construct.

Friday, 4 January 2019

When The Inflammatory Process Goes Awry


.... anticipates Dr Kendrick’s next instalment and covers risk factors featured in this instalment:

Yes – worth reading.

“The inflammatory response is actually a defense mechanism that helps the body heal but when the inflammatory process goes awry”

Either the inflammation aggressively persists or the natural clearing and rebalancing (healing) process is blocked. Or of course both.

I appreciate the courage and commen sense re smoking put forth in the article. Smoking has been elevated to a ‘hitler’ by which to divert from more direct causative awareness and as a moral crusade that has opened the door to state intervention in any other ‘moral crusade’ – such as is showing its colours in the ‘vegan’ meme (which I distinguish from a vegan life-choice). Or indeed the ‘carbon’ footprint.

Toxic exposures and environments are systematic and largely protected BY regulation – with only token sacrifices to the attempt to hold the Corporate (or military) to account. Of course toxicity is part of bio-function and living in the world – but dosage or exposure level is critical – as is the protections and ability to handle it that are generally assigned to ‘health’.

The Term Kol Or Key Opinion Leader


The term KOL or key opinion leader is part of a social engineering (PR) construct and intent.
So indeed 'do as I say' but who knows what in fact they do.
Statistics on such matters would reveal a similar pattern to the money trail - but cannot be reliably gathered. Over 80% of oncologists (I have read/ been told) are privately of the opinion that they would not accept the treatment that they serve out. I have no way of knowing if this is in fact broadly true but I can of course easily believe it as the treatment is highly toxic and has a poor overall result. But reason cannot be called on in public as a basis for 'undermining' the narrative dictate of what claims to be healthcare but operates sickness management, without risk of penalty relative to one's reputation and career. Undermining 'science' in terms of institutional ego or public face and faith is responded to as breaking ranks or exposing dirty washing in public and therefore a threat or attack to the established state protected public protections and therefore an enemy of the state and of the people.

Some scientifically endorsed  superstitions - such as statins - have a large cohort of believers within the professional class as with those who place their faith in them. My sense is that insider insiders are well aware of their own fraud or lack of full disclosure, and would no more take the 'treatment' than eat dog food.

With the digitisation of medical information in real time into the Internet of Things may come the lack of hiding place regarding actual rather than professed treatment choices - particularly regarding the perhaps by then mandatory wave of new vaccination schedules.

I don't know that 'elites' are particularly immune to the diseases of 'civilisation' but they are bound to have access to services and treatments that others don't - or the inside knowledge to avoid them. Diagnosis of a condition may vary with social class or status or what country you live in.

I suspect that malnutrition and toxicity underlies much of what is considered disease.

The Mind Is A 'Wonderful Thing' Wot!


The mind is a 'wonderful thing' wot!
As long as you are aging or persisting in time - you are alive as this unique you.
So ageing is not death and doesn't cause it - but you can see it that way if you want.

Likewise your risk of death in this very moment is zero - because you are 100% alive even if your  systemic noise to signal ration makes a case for a partial state of aliveness. The quality and current state of your experience may be anything in any set of ranges - but by God - you are the witness to Life is - and not the dead witnessing to Life was - but death deleted it.

This is not very 'spiritually correct' in a dead world under dead management - but lets say that the mind's defined identity in this life is not the Life itself - but an expression of such a focus in the frame of time and space, then you can recognize you are supported in the acceptance and exploration of your thought (self-definition) so as to be able to live under constant threat of death and have the benefits thereof - or some other way of embodying Life.

Thus at the level of mind-substitution for a real life, is the ability to in a sense be already dead - as a sort of pre-emptive ultimate vaccination. My Dad was a bit like that - "Better to never have loved than to have loved and lost" could have been his motto. But that is simply the expression of defence of an unhealed heart and not the truth of the love that he simply was and is - in my life - though he gave up the ghost of the struggle to maintain his defences against overwhelming odds.

I don't know 'where I go' when I 'fall' to sleep and have no way of knowing how to wake or for sure whether I will. Indeed the next moment could be a surprise!
Takenforgrantedness is surely dead to the living world.
The mind can be a very useful tool but  like the internet - a poor choice of persistent fixated focus. The idea of death can be used to bring ourselves truly present - or to absent ourself under a sense of dissociated thinking that doesn't add even a cubit to who we are - (what's a cubit? ;-)
Obviously there is a love of problem solving within the human predicament - so much so that our answers seem to grow more heads to the problem - but as if new problems.

What if opening all facets of an issue to communication allowed a process of reintegration, resolution and reconciliation? Some of which some of us find during our preparations to let go of whatever life is - or seemed so definitely to be at the time.

When I lost a beloved to sudden death - the nature of it pulled the rug  - nay the foundations from beneath me such as to not have any personal sense of an ability to live on - but life from a deeper place recognized the 'invitation' or opportunity to exit and did not choose it - one moment at a time over a long time. There are 'mysteries' that are felt and known that cannot be articulated or anatomised that are in a sense the underlying reality to this balancing act we call the world.

Without denigrating our physical embodiment - we are not obliged to confine to its definitions - that in fact we give it as our 'model' of self in relation to another (relational being). The range of nutrients includes whatever is your meat - or bread - but you live by a whole convergence or focus of activities and events - as do we all - and by far the most of which are out of range to our little minded thought.

That Sun activity has effect on the heart is already intimating a greater environment that keeps time to an invisible music.
Who knows whether this one gets past Malcolm. But when I write to one I write to all.
Incoming messages can be blocked because they don't fit the narrative defence requirements.

Anyone aligning in their own integrity of being will encounter exclusion in a world of lies. It may not seem so at the time because we are trained to see what is wrong with everyone else. Reintegrating to a deeper or more embracing (and timeless) awareness is not in order to get a longer or better life for oneself - but to open a better perspective in terms of self-integrity that naturally extends to others - because it is beneath all the crap I took to be myself and struggled with(in).

So many are trained to seek union in a negative that they are completely unaware of what they are doing. Friends who only agree are feigning - so as to bubble or wall out what the relationship is being used to hide. No blame in that as a conscious choice to share something worthy together. But when cliqued into habitual identities that run in place of relationship, it is running exactly like the institutions we like to judge against. the establishment is those who have enough of what they want from the way it currently is - and those who have so little they are afraid of losing the little they have in any real change.

is it possible to die while still alive - in terms of renewal and refreshment? Or is the old dog condemned to the same old tricks? The principle is simply a curiosity - lived. Not a dramatic rebranding. Perhaps we can choose to die consciously or to hide? But this would likely be the result of living this way and not suddenly releasing ingrained habits of thought just because the body falls off. The best prediction is always a now-update in terms of all the energetic variables present as probable futures. The act of predicting - itself - changes the balance. But its only a reading of what is currently in motion in current framing.

But That May Be In Fact Our 'Second Nature'


To your very last point: I note that we can see the world in terms of evil intent or as an expression of fear-induced ignorance or self-deception. This is a chicken and egg situation, because each reinforces the other. We can also see the world as an opportunity of education - as the undoing of ignorance in a truly well intent.

While an ill-intent runs as if self-protective, ignorance is asserted or imposed as necessary, good, or at least the lesser evil and all running as if our nature or the natural order.

Ill intent is not our natural intent - but is systematically built into our social identity in terms of defence against feared or denied aspects of our being. Denied self is necessarily an ignorance, of self-evasion. Running away from our self - in terms of un-owned or unfaced conflicts is presented as the mask of discovery and achievement or ability to keep face.

I don't accept the nature of fear as the true of us - but I do accept that we have let fear replace reason and in that sense lost our mind. Recognition of which is the regaining of sanity in some degree. My sense of lies is that they multiply and render unworkable or dysfunctional and the crisis of such is the opportunity to 'awaken' rather than dig deeper into defending a false premise. This is the ability or willingness to question what used to be regarded as reality - and is necessarily confronting fears rather than hiding them - but only with regard to the ills of the day thereof. No need to go looking for a cause of loss of joy and peace in our day. But that may be in fact our 'second nature'.