Saturday, 19 January 2019

Feeding Each Other As A Diversionary Tactic?

The way you frame your seemingly innocent assertions denies any other view than YOUR assertion as sane. So though you don't use the term denialism, you are framing the same accusation or insinuation of 'dangerous advice' as they.
Kendrick has extensively researched and backs up his current views with facts. Show your substance or recognize you have no basis from which to speak apart from what SEEMS so to your current perception.
You might assume that there are REASONS and thus be CURIOUS as to why others are critical of the way that many seemingly helpful medical interventions are operating more harm than benefit.
You might read, listen or learn something of what you are saying before you say it - and thereby give and receive something worthy in a genuine exchange.
As it is - you are doing the very thing you accuse against - knowingly or not.

Feeding each other as a diversionary tactic?
The question 'so what?' comes to mind.
Anyone can name themselves anything on the Net but the key is substance of what is really being said or insinuated or claimed as distinct from what seems so.
Insofar as a misinforming mal intent comes in, be assured that its success is in shaping reaction.
Suspicion of the 'other' is in itself destructive to the trust in which communication flows and shares and can induce a clique of defence against the different and the new - such as operates in pharma-trained medical culture.
Fixed 'identities' tend to be believed and defended against something else and thus easy to manipulate - which I see as the basis of the manipulative nature of a so called post truth politics - that may deal in tick boxes of quota and quanta associated with issues but is actually divorced from the truth - or real relationship - of the issue and our part in it.

If you don't 'get' what I'm saying, is it because you are merely parsing an impression of me in terms of check boxes as to whether to assign 'good' or 'bad' - in terms of the reinforcement or protection of a structure of acquired and accepted beliefs - rather than a real relationship?

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