Sunday, 6 January 2019

A Persistent Pervasive Nocebo Effect

Negative expectations associated with believed authorities and ongoing (unresolved) fear from our past are a persistent pervasive nocebo effect - in terms of worry and anxiety that may lie beneath the surface mind in subconscious (learned) thought and behaviour patterns.

The 'unknown' is rarely seen as an opportunity for a wonderful surprise - ie we are already set in a nocebo mind as normal or socially acceptable (or even required) behaviour.

I don't think this can be underestimated - nor can wishful thinking plaster positive thinking on top of it - as if to generate a positive outcome beyond its honeymoon effect.

What role does reconciliation and resolution of inner conflict of family conflict have in biological pathways restoring health - or even synchronicities of finding the treatment that works for you?
I regard ' you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink' as relevant to health. many may say they want health or don't want sickness, but are unwilling to look at or deal with 'no-go' or 'non-negotiable areas of their lives - ie they are unwilling to change in ways they may also be unwilling to even know. People can be very stubborn - regardless it's cost to them.

Nocebo is a kind of negative voodoo. But no one can change a belief they are not willing to own and some facets of our personality are intolerable - hence the mind of denial in attempt to escape. One opportunity of a crisis, is to recognize or know again aspects of self that had been hidden or denied and as a result reintegrate or heal as a consciousness and not just as a body or as a self all by yourself. 

Relationship is the nature of being - and broken of denied communication is an isolating demand on a limited resource. If people treat me in ways that undermine my integrity and theirs, I wont join with it or support it. I listen to what anyone says and  then take it into consideration if it seems relevant. But the listening is not believing. If I decide to take a course of action I will then actively believe it because I am choosing it. But that doesn't mean I am not still listening for whether to persist or modify my mind and behaviour on the basis of new perspective. I have to live with the consequences of my actions; not my doctor (who has to live the consequence of theirs). Nor my 'leaders' in any field of influence. 

Owning my own is a key to immunity from what actually doesn't belong to me. A house divided cannot stand.

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