Wednesday, 16 January 2019

"I believe" is a result - else the belief would not be lived

"I believe" is (my) result or else the belief would not be lived.
Of course WANTING to believe is a symptom of not believing - or rather believing something else. The attempt to self-reinforce is added to 'reality' - but the coherent experience of what we are is when nothing is added or taken away - like a good bowel movement - life can 'do itself'.

The blame rather than praise culture, (an honest appreciation is better) is the pattern of fearing and guilting (sacrificing) ourself - and others - into what would otherwise NOT come naturally - or more subtly - WOULD come naturally if the fear that it wont or mustn't did not inhibit or block the movement. I might add that affecting to praise as a manipulative strategy is just another level of invitation to self illusion. There is a small and specific timing where a nudge can work wonders - but life is in process as relational being and not around a fixed idea.

The denial of our natural being is 'civilisation' which is also the development of the subjective reality model (the world as we imagine and explicate it to our shared experience). Bringing the 'instrument' into balance and flow calls for for an awakening to integrative responsibility - rather than 'total manual management and intervention Inc'.

Risk and benefit are a matter of ongoing 'balancing' - but not the avoidance of risk - in and of itself is an exclusion of the recognition or desire in benefit. Risk aversion is a modern paralysis.

I picked up a quote today by H. L. Mencken:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

The last part may be contested - but in terms of our emotional response if something was actually requiring us to move - we'd be already moving - unless we become afraid to act, move or speak in a culture of guilting under fear of punishment.

I believe joy is the true basis for learning - but pain can awaken the need for Life as the call to wake up and pay attention to the purpose that is in act. But of course I extend that only by invitation. I don't believe I can IN FACT change another's mind (or belief) - but I can join in a shared purpose of willingness to learn.

Experience I did not expect can challenge my mind or worldview as an expansion in which theory is identified as theory instead of running as fact. But there is the willingness to try something on and feel it out - test its fruits. If - that is - you are allowed to explore. The idea of mainstream narrative control is to the fore now - as a falsely founded and destructive coercion. The inducement to conform and comply to the 'statinus quo' being but one example that at least on this blog is being challenged and more light brought in.

'Statin' lets the state in - after being rendered a statistic.

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