Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Magical Thinking Predated Rational Thinking


Magical thinking predated what we now call rational or scientific thinking.
As such it is an architecture or archetype upon which the surface mind operates.
The belief we have escaped our past is the belief that re-enacts it in shifting forms.

Denied fears seek magical answer.
But this only redistributes the energy of the unowned conflict.

To address the cause runs against the grain of the wish to put it outside our self. 
The intensity of the desire NOT to know cannot be underestimated.

But while doctoring anything has always had a dark side. Medicine is also another word for health and life - and the idea that this is outside us is because we put it there by putting core life conflicts out there (magically of scientifically). 

But in terms of the usurping of a biodiversity of approaches for the state captured monopoly of a jealous pharmacuetical god - look up the history of old man Rockefeller and crude oil (nujol) as a cancer cure - shifting with venture capital to a constipation cure (because it was seen induce the runs). "How Big Oil Conquered the World" tends to focus upon the Energy Cartels - but the medical (and psychiatric) operate power by guile and stealth - in the manner of a Trojan Ruse.

The terrain, environment or living relational context is the key to understanding what occurs within it. Assigning causative properties to Field effects is backwards - but can be engaged in as a personal sense of narrative identity. In that sense a false religion has been the development of a consciousness and world view that is adapted or trained to see only as its model or structure or rules dictates - which like an iceberg is largely invisible to a surface reality.

Self interest is natural or 'of course', but an unnatural sense of self or mistaken sense of self will protect its premise against threat - and in that sense against the truth when it feels threatening.
The nature of the 'self' may seem philosophic or abstract to the conditioned reactive embodiment of largely unconscious thought and behaviour. But where we 'get it wrong' is where we presume reality to be in the same terms as we have accepted for our self-definition.

Physically defined self is a 'magical escape' that of course doesn't work because we are the awareness of feeling our experience as it results from the meanings we give it. It can encapsulate a conflicted dissonance temporarily not unlike a tumour. I note that tumours can include hair or teeth cells etc - ie are in some sense embyonic.

I see health as resolving conflicts rather than managing and protecting a conflict adaptation - but I understand we have to work with the current beliefs and not override them or deny them. I see freedom of information or transparency and accountability as the educative support for the awakening of a true self responsibility for our selves individually and socially - for we are both.

I don't associate a true religious or spiritual impulse with magic - but with unified purpose. The abuse and corruption of a thing can make reference to it futile - because the established currency is a narrative that denies its original meaning. Ground zero or beginner's mind is the willingness to release the false or partial for a unified or wholeness of being. In practice this is an inspired life that knows and lives on purpose be that answering to a call for help or witnessing to health by doing what you do, well - which is never just ticking all the boxes of a set of rules - but a real relationship.

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