Saturday, 31 August 2019

Come Into My Parlour Said The Spider To The Fly

Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly...

The model is to make an offer that cant be refused - like free sweets, or information etc.
And in Google's case a very welcome lack of clutter fro something simply functional. Grow the user base that then grows the advertising base that also grows the tracking trends and profile data resource. Perhaps from the outset or soon after the seedling had established itself, GovCorps moves in.
The temptation to govCorps is far too great not to seek control, and the fear that the others will get one up on you if you don't get in first drives a reckless and blind.
The recent iOS gives a clue where a number of apparently separate loopholes were all called on to serve a malware data grab upon visiting an specified website. Once they have the profile it is believed they have enough of a 'signature' to trace without direct hacking.

I go along with Tolkien that corrupted power never really shares - but only allies against common enemy - and so the instabilities go up within the upper echelons as the common enemy is rendered impotent (in its frame).

There is nothing new about honeytraps or any number of other traps and ruses to trick others into giving power and wealth and life away. Eating bankster toxic debt, or eating corporate toxic guilt. The initial rush is of making a good 'saving' investment. By the time the penny drops - if it ever does - there is no way out. Hence ANYTHING that can induce people to effectively sign off to ACT NOW! regardless how absurd or pathetic, because once invested in the scheme, the only believed 'way out' is to support the mandate everyone else into the scheme.

As with GovCorps, a state of emergency assigned overriding power to the executive. In The US it has never been rescinded afaik - and they have long had a shadow GovCorps set up to run  as the emergency takeover.

Where will conformty and compliance to deceits lead us? It cannot deliver us from evil - but in the first instance Google famously adopted 'do no evil' - hey we're the Good Guys! - but they only had to set up the facility through which evil could be done while claiming to champion freedom.

It isn't the rank and file who adopt betrayal as a standard of care - but they effectively carry it out.

Oil, Scarcity, Control, Reset, Reintegration 

But peak oil was a scam, and all sorts of geo-malice is about oil (energy) control. Diamonds are also artificially scarce.
Monopolistic energy control went hand in hand with medical control - same people. And even then running beyond the reach of government control.
The intent of carbon guilt isn't  a money scam - though for collaboration there are rich pickings - but a shift to a different economic system based not on energy - as was the original technocratic idea - but on energy-guilt and narrative control. The IoT is a vital part of a granular and global realtime system monitoring.
With enough collective political will, even oil and other combustible energy sources could run MUCH cleaner and be MUCH more efficient - and green the Earth with CO2. But it really ought to be obvious that our systems are not supposed to work... for us - but for the 'cancer like' imposition that sucks life energy from its host while repurposing the body-corporate's defences to itself against threat - blind to its host except as a resource. Its a sort of fatherless pregnancy.

I hold that scarcity, lack and pain of loss set a structure in (as) the human psyche that organised to survive it - the god-king-priest idea being the seeding of a civilised consciousness as a rule-bound entity over chaos.

While mainstream looks firmly away from mythic accounts - there is much from more than just the  Old Testament to suggest oil, pitch or similar rained onto our forbears often as fire from the sky.
There are also geological anomalies that do not fit either abiotic or sedimentary fossil theory.

The underlying priority of the mind is control. It doesn't seek to understand as to explain, and in its 'understanding' is a reinforcement of core belief that maps out or evades anomalies as a unifying against threat of change. This is a self-defeating development that brings about its own undoing and this can be easily seen in our own world today.

But one of the good things about such a mind-blindness is that so much that is discarded, denied, overlooked or judged worthless - is a portal of expansion and discovery that serves a reintegrative purpose that is truly synergetic and synchronous. Heart and mind working as one accord. Only a mind can split itself off from its true nature by believing it. Not in fact but in concept, given belief.

Friday, 30 August 2019

One story lodged in the imagination can do more damage than 5 a day

Hi Andy - if I pick up on something you illustrate it is not to get on your case or undermine your ongoing explorations of right diet for you. By all means eat what you prefer, according to your lights.

One story lodged in the imagination can do more damage than 5 a day of fruit (or) veg - though frankly i would prefer government to attend to the fundamental needs of governance and not to enforcing infantilism of pathological dependency under narrative controls to suit private agenda.

It is said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but perhaps it is really an incomplete picture misinterpreted as truth and applied as a lens or frame through which to seem right over and against fears. 

Knowledge has been made a packaged and regulated commodity, but as such is a dangerous thing. Regardless our acquisition of training in such knowledge services, the capacity to be phished by the forms and appearances of hopes and fears without knowing the identity theft has occurred is a dangerous thing.

The bogeyman is never really escaped - but simply takes new forms.
What would happen to the Economy - or indeed the narrative identity - without it?
Or rather what do we get from running on hidden fears as if they reveal the truth and the power of survival?

Just think of unimaginably complex expressions of exquisite bio cooperation all aligned in supporting your freedom to unfold experience the fruits of your acceptance of worthiness of thought words and deed!

I sense that when we make a bogeyman of anything we  preclude a true answer, and when we try to make an answer of something set against such a fear, it loses its innocence of being to become a carrier of that fear. And so we become defined by what we are not and by what we don't want, while presenting or thinking as if we are acting positively.

This is so pervasive a corruption of natural being that, manual management is considered an overriding and necessary life support system. This is the cause or basis for the global cartel corporatocracy under which human doings are being phished, pharmed, and phed. 

While I could look at the meanings we assign or associate as 'death', the release of attachments is built in to the nature of Creation as always renewing - ie Open. So if in that sense death is in every moment's release and arising, why not die in living rather than live in fear of dying?

Is life defined by fear of pain of loss or does it have its own 'knowing and being'.

I note that self-consciousness is inhibitory but that an innate self-awareness is unconflicted. Somewhere in our development is the capacity to get out of our own way and yet be and know ourselves truly living. A little of this knowledge goes a long way.

Who Notices The Plea To A Power That Cannot Be Named? 

Dear Jerome - did you also see my point?
Everyone is quick to sympathise with her condition and courage in a self-revealing communication. That comes naturally.
But who notices the plea to a power that cannot be named?
In its own way 'cancer' is protected - as is vaccination - from lawful transparency and accountability. This is how lawlessness gets to run the henhouse. Let us recognise it as such.

The appeal to sympathies can elicit a conformity response that may then seem impossible to bring to critical evaluation. But note Tessa Jowell was not seeking OUR sympathy or even our support in political activism, but appealing as almost literally her last word directly for sympathy from the power behind the appearances of parliamentary democracy. And even in that she asked only for a very little for only a few.

Taking the money (BIG money) out of politics is one notion of reform. The same could be said for any state regulated or mandated medical interventions. Law should not be a weapon of protection for  the rich and powerful against an honest and open accounting in terms of both the scientific frameworks of its appeal to justification, or the financial conflicts of its regulators.
Corruption from the top down calls not for violent revolution but a reversal. From the bottom up - which I take not as a mob, but as a waking to individual responsibility as a holder of cultural values worthy of sharing by living from them.

It may be that Tessa touched the heart's of some who are complicit by default and some individuals leave, or release support, but as intimated in Malcolm's frustration at resistance to change, how can such institutional and financial investments admit and free of a lie when the consequences of the lie are so humanly appalling?
Sin of irrevocable lie and guilt has a way of locking in with no way out.

If I am in error here, point me to what I am missing.

Electric Earth

The growing recognition outside the mainstream is of an 'electric earth'.
We see lightning - which is between cloud and between clouds and space as well as to ground - but we don't see the subtler process of the electrical capacitance not least because we are invested in beliefs that  it is all heat and pressure and friction.
Capacitance operates across a dielectric and the magnetosphere (I don't subscribe to the belief that our iron core rolls about to generate this) is an expression of a charge differential between Solar Capacitance and Earth. (This is dynamic and always in flux). The as above so below has significance here because a strong charge on one plate inducts a like charge on the other. This is effectively self organising to current at different levels of the atmosphere (this includes a lot of vortexial up and down wind or cyclonic weather formations) Likewise in the earth a network of currents and secondary and tertiary filaments that align with 'fault lines' and vulcan nodes.
 In other words an electrical Universe underlies the structuring of inorganic and organic existence - with transformations of energy according to the intensity and the medium.
No such 'plates' are observed on other planets and the very idea of such vast plates of land remaining rigid excepting for fault lines in which they are believed to subduct one under another is an attempt to make sense without all the data. However vulcan activity is observed on other planets or assigned to 'extinct volcanos'. As are craters whose patterns match exactly the machining patterns of arc welding. Electricity across space?
A recent article mapped out 'magnetic filaments' of about 400 light years between galaxies.
A full spectrum view of the detectable Universe looks almost identical to a neural image of the  brain and many hubble photos could be mixed in with molecular magnifications to pass off one as the other.
I don't write to seek belief but to invite wonder - and a willingness to open the mind to new perspectives rather than ossify in old structures that have no intention to block but we give them that role.

The above was not published.

Malcolm, If you permit such tangential posts, why then deny my rejoinders that brought it into the larger picture instead of polarised identity investments and their respective exclusions - which in a nutshell is the issues your article laments?
I don't claim any right to a voice in your comments - but I note that my attempt to share from a new idea of inclusive and honouring perspective, meets exactly the response you do so protest.
Let ideas be considered for their merits or shown for lack of substance.
As long as they are voiced in respect for the freedom of others to evaluate and consider.
You have uncovered some false foundation in part of a larger picture or model of the world and stand in your integrity for an honest account. That there are deeper flaws or indeed false floors to our inherited model is the nature of an evolving or developing consciousness and not an attack on 'reality' as we are invested and attached and protective of.
The process of releasing the old is a willingness to question and explore - from a genuine desire for truth as a coherency or integrative alignment - instead of protected narrative identity investment. 
No one will understand what their believed and perceived survival depends on NOT understanding. Nor can you make them see without identifying as 'threat' to be defended against.
So allow room for beliefs and perceptions to be questioned because they are the underlying power - while we give them power.

I can ask for what I want and in the manner of my asking, embody a witness - and a with-ness. I wouldn't contribute if I didn't value your willingness and witness - as well as those around you in what I see as a shared re-educative endeavour.

Vit C and Feeling Into Pain

If embarking on a higher vit C trial/supplement- consider sodium ascorbate is much gentler on the gut than ascorbic acid - and use bowel tolerance to find your daily dose that you can then space out to every two or three hours (if you can remember to do it).
Bowel tolerance should be easy enough to look up - but is taking frequent increments every 15 mins or so to measure when a looseness starts to occur. This level will vary according to the oxidation load of the current state. 

Just how bio available or taken up oral Vit C is I don't know. In the past relatively small amounts seemed more effective. Liposomal Vit C is supposed to be more effective but is a lot more expensive. There are synergies to all these things as well as potential inhibitors.

Pain of the body becomes a focus of pain in the heart. If you don't want to hear this you simply wont. Pain can be a way of not hearing, seeing or knowing what we are not yet the willingness to accept. Pain can wear our mind down so as to uncover a quality of transparency because we can no longer maintain our conflicts and defences. At first we just want it to go away. If pains persist they demand attention. Children also do this - particularly when deprived of attention.  I don't say these things as exclusive of anything else you choose to do but alongside. There are always greater perspectives than we currently enjoy - or suffer! The mind can be a prison guard in ways that we may never pick up on because the way the situation is framed is completely convincing. Such is our human experience.
You can determine to explore your options as an educative transformation. The key being that after looking at different possibilities, you bring your own honesty into play as active trust - in an ongoing willingness. Some have found Turmeric (with a little pepper) helpful but I wonder if the context is part of the efficacy - not just as placebo 'belief' but as active participation (willingness to heal) rather than wishing something would go away.

I'd thought in this direction on first reading your 'any ideas'? But it was very vague. What if you cant be found under a bushel - so to speak? Having joined in vit C as a topic I felt to speak to pain at a level that may not be included in 'how can I get rid of it' - though that is not what you actually said. You asked for ideas.

My partner in life might offer me "don't forget to breathe' if I meet sharp or intense pain. Connected breath serves an antidote for a sense of disconnected thought and emotional reaction. Forgiveness or acceptance and release of old burdens may run far deeper than the apparent condition falling away. But I would say that - because that's my willingness to live in.

I find a lot of pains of the body come and go such that while associated with a 'condition' the fact that they are not all the time tells me they are not just 'the condition' or bound to persist a misery into an indefinite future. This opens a space of curiosity in me from an otherwise temptation to feeling besieged. Our capacity to transcend fixation on pain is the other pole to making a mountain of a molehill. Life is also what we make of it.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

What Else Could Self-Illusion Result When Persisted In? 

Their purpose works an evil - but they do not have to determine yours.
The evil of selling out on integrity may be like an 'offer we cant refuse'.
Afghan leaders were offered a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs. They got both anyway.
Discerning the underlying deceits is lost to the knee jerk mind of emotional or personal reaction - which is quite understandable in context but is it helpful?
Possession and control, marketises and weaponises everything.
"What do I get out of this' becomes the dominant theme under a sense of lack or scarcity that compels a defence against fear of loss of an attachment that has become destructive, obsessive and dissociative or mad.

Tolkien read the times in prophesy clothed as a fable.
The yielding up of a false sense of power over - by individuals of apparently no consequence, is the shift of allegiance that reveals lack support at the foundation of such corruption.
But when we judge, we give power away.
Who is the power to be in judgement of another like unto themself?
Or is there another way of seeing and being in which judgements are valid self-reflections - but not allowed to run as the dictate of truth.

I expect to find what I need, but I don't expect google or the web or society to be structured to serve need - so much as to generate and manipulate marketised and weaponised 'needs'.

That this is coming out into the open is - to me - a sign of a true revelation - that first reveals the false so as to know the choice of a habit we no longer align in. But if you notice - the very capacity to see the false as false is a true awareness. So become curious there rather than obsess in grievance at the false of a loveless deceit. What else could self-illusion become if persisted in?

Drama Can Paint You Into A Corner 

The nature of the drama can paint you into a corner.
You can run with that and take the ride - and perhaps you feel you have to.
Whatever you do - do it with both feet - and check in or feel as you go. No one knows you like you do.

But the capacity to question, to listen and discern in the light of a deeper honesty of being that fear can help you open to if you face it - is to attract and align in steps that serve who you uniquely are. If you are serving the needs of another - make sure your needs are not seeking to override theirs in their name. And so also see that others who are presuming to serve you are with you.

Despite the tightening of the Net there is still a wealth if information to the willingness to be found in health. And even without out it - there are those who find inspiration to pursue a path that 'works for them'. One size does not fit all. If you cant wholeheartedly align in somthing, look more honestly at the dissonance rather than 'rulng it out'. Our own minds can work like mini-googles.

But if fear and shock prevent due diligence then the first need is to calm and centre. That may be difficult of the fears of loved ones are constantly projected onto you as demands. But there is an order of priority that works. What comes first allows all else to find its place. 

Every situation is unique. Discerning what is truly here from the fears that generate every kind of distortion is the gift of noticing. We have to at least not be set in belief against healing (wholeness of being) to let it in. So if we notice fearful belief that has no true foundation in us now - don't use it and be open to a clearer view in its own timing. Everyone has some trigger fears for nocebo effect to operate. If you have a challenge - don't frame it in fear despair. Hold the fears in trust of a clearer revealing. No one can go against their core beliefs - but they can change their core beliefs as a result of recognising they no longer truly serve.

The Study Of Physics Tended To Closed Systems 

Alfven used his Nobel award speech to recant some of his earlier mistakes - to no avail - but he continued and developed Christian Birkland's (denied) discovery of energetic particles from our Sun coming into Earth at the poles - and interacting with our ionosphere.
The study of physics tended to closed systems - as do institutional scientific specialisations.
An Electric underpinning to our Universe has been further expanded and developed outside the funding structure of a corporate technologism as a movement of coherency and human significance. Technology cannot provide either - but only magnifies the current or established investment of identity.
Note that Solar activity is a correlating factor in heart-disease. The heart is also an electrical organ. No one looks for what their model excludes or discards as peripheral by definition.

Such is the framing of our own thinking. I always look to bring in the mind framing as well as the framed perspective. In this I do science by noticing and owning psychic emotional conflicts of interest.

Lanka - germ theory 

I didn't follow the link but recognize the story. The first hearing was found against Stefan Lanka but on appeal he was vindicated in his claim that no one can prove Measles is a virus and a prize of 100,000 Euros to anyone who could. There is a significant disinformation to smear out his work - or if you want you can believe it and trash him. If you considered what his disclosures would entail were they accepted currency - it would change the world of course - which as we all know is too big to fail.

The following has the classic phrase: "None of the six articles alone are enough to prove that measles exist, but together they prove this beyond any reasonable doubt." - er... no proof multiplied x 6 - sounds like a scientific consensus (sic).

If the germ theory is incomplete and in many ways incorrect but nonetheless a politically expedient (!) fiction - would you prefer not to know? This is a blue pill red pill moment.

Be Open To Explore The Merits And Demerits Of Ideas

The Expanding Earth has some pointers such that a smaller globe can be shown to fit all continents together. The rock beneath oceans is hugely younger than the land and so rises 'between'. I am not aware of any expansion in the current epoch but evolution (unfolding order) may be a gradualism between cataclysmic 'jumps' that initiate a rest on a new 'level'. Cymatics comes to mind (Resonant order arising from vibratory states in different energetic or physical mediums). Matter does transport between celestial bodies - but for the most part in our recent times as charged particles or neutrals within such a solar 'wind'. 
Models or reality definitions can open new perspectives - to go forth and multiply in - but they can also become become a prodigal wasteland of a prison and a jailer to an invested identity for whom change as threat is ruled out for 'survival' of the too big to fail.

The thing is not to make polarised identity of the jealous god syndrome (or the 97% enforced 'consensus) but to be open to the merits and demerits of ides and the exploration of them. Many a truth is stumbled upon in the pursuit of an error pursued in good faith.

Frankly I feel the model we officially accept may as well be a turtle - because it is in process of flipping. Technologism is a mind-capture. Creative intelligence is the capacity to change our mind regardless the experience of being trapped or locked in a model as if the model is the reality and the mind lives in it.

I met a man up a tree with a chainsaw - I was after the wood. Noticing avery scarred leg - he had shorts on - I made reference and he remarked many years back, he had mangled it in an accident and the doctors told him he would never walk again, and so we never went back to the doctors. Investment in 'expert's can save a life. It can also cost a life. Doctors and patients could be more educated about the nocebo effect - which works like (negatively operating) voodoo.
 But to understand we have to open to what is held unconscious - and that is generally what conflicts and attempted solutions are generated to defend against.

Gravity on earth (which when measured on Earth shows fluctuations) is exported as the fundamental to our Universe at the macro scale with electric force (but postulated as various nucleic forces) at the atomic scale - and quantum weirdness at sub atomic scales. Gravity is no longer measured but its standard is a mathematical entity. I notice they did this recently with the kilogram. Billionaires are also known to invest heavily in the idea of digitising their consciousness - (to mathematical modelling) as a way to never 'die'. The replacement of Life with systems management is a reflection of 'technologism' as the extension of the idea of private or personal possession and control - set over and against Life, or wholeness.

A false idea can be inflated, before it busts, but can never be made real - regardless how often and intensely it is asserted or given sacrifice in the attempt.
I recommend enjoying the journey of discovery. If a true joy is active, then what is being endeavoured cannot BUT be part of something true. Yes people can think they take joy in hate or exclusion - but note: a false assertion or presentation is only a denial or substitution of its original.

I sense there are deeper facets to the expression of disease than we are currently aware of - but the underlying movement to heal or help is OUR NEED TOO - else the management of defined and schematised 'needs' operates in place of a real relational exchange. Masking in the intent to help, protect, help, or save is the obvious hiding place for a hidden agenda. The bottom line being that we can and do hide from our self - when we think it suits us.

A Managed Reality Is Only The Reality You Give It 

Halton Arp - "Seeing Red" (Redshift as the basis of distances and acceleration (essential to Big Bang theory) rendered unsupported) Consequence: he was stonewalled. It doesn't matter what qualification or distinction of career - the Model is a collective obsessive compusive disorder - not as a model - but as identity politic or narrative control.
There are many more valid witnesses to a fake cosmology increasingly running on computer (math) modelling that are also increasingly out-of-true empirically - necessitating the 'politics' of the Big Lie and the boot that stamps over the face of any rising truth - just as in medical science or any other technologised sector of influence.
The fact that technology can be effected does not make the narrative true. And insiders utilises discoveries that a managed mainstream is 'protected from'.
A managed reality is only the reality you give it. But while it gives what you deem worthy, it deems or demands its fee. The cost of persisting in self-illusion as true is direct awareness of truth. What might that be? Release the self-certainties of thinking and their emotional reinforcements to ground zero. Truth reveal of itself. You cannot 'think' apart except 'AS IF' and that is a creative power to align truly or suffer your own 'garbage in; garbage out' - which is never you alone because we are all part of each other in ways and to a degree a closed system or 'thinging' mindset cannot allow or conceive.

Sustainability applies to that which is not rooted in true sustenance or foundation of support. But maintaining a complex of lies is an ever more demanding burden over and ever depleting sense of compulsion.

Monday, 26 August 2019

To The Heart Of The Matter

Only when it can be pilfered and patented.
The very edifice of Western European culture - including its scientific renaissance - are built upon a hierarchy of presumed superiority, chosen-ness or exceptionalism.
(This is coming home to roost).
The denial and subjection of the 'natural' is its elevation in scientific framework to the official model as 'discovered, possessed and applied by the hierarchy upon the 'fallen nature' of the ignorant. I don't say this to trash what we have made of our inheritance, but to expand it to a greater honouring and recognition in place of lording it over 'nature' and the natures of others.
The erection of initiatory qualifications as barriers to participation is the regulatory capture of an elitism set over the people as a cult of experts. To interject between you and your life - by your own willing compliance.
And you are correct, NO ONE BUT Pharma (itself a subsidiary) and its agents are qualified to make health claims.
As I have it, the original 'quacks' evolved from 'quicks' - who were physicians resorting most commonly to purges as the means to drive out diseases - an particularly quicksilver (mercury). The underlying idea persists as the attempt to drive out, kill or eradicate the symptoms as if that is the disease. Bringing in the heroic intervention with all the expertise and power of our wanting it to work, is another substitution by which to grow dependency and a defended investment in the model.

I also have read of the specific and toxic bacteria associated with closed (sic) infection such as root canal filling being found in tumours.
I see the body does what it can with what it has. Bacterial actions can result in toxic effluviants that if the body cannot neutralise or clear become and ongoing source of an escalating degradation of function. Encapsulation is one strategy or laying them in less vital tissues. But if and when such housekeeping is restored these can release into the body as a 'healing crisis' treated as disease. I realise your scenario is different - but I see bacteria as primary response to a condition as well as a potential generator of further adverse conditions. 
I read recently that Xylotol (Birch sugar) inhibits the bacteria associated with tooth decay (they eat it but cannot metabolise it). But the sugar is far cheaper and more effective than the chewing gum. If you cant find this I can dig it up. It doesn't address the causes - but sometime to simply break a negative loop is enough for a 'syndrome' to fall away.

I saw that title in his site but didn't realise there was a book - thanks.
My sense of (pun inevitable) plasma physics is of opening a perspective of self organising energy systems to both inorganic and organic structure. This relates to the circulation of the blood - and its helical motions and self-organisations as well as the generation of charge separation (electrical energy as in Pollack's illumination of 'slippery' or gel-structured interstitial water / blood and cellular) as a result of radiant energy (NIR light in particular).
Frank Chester (also mentioned by Cowan) has  brought new perspective to the structure and function of the heart - from the realms if intuitively guided geometry (innate structural tensegrity).
The same layering pattern of directional vectors of force as the musculature of the heart is seen in Don Scott's depiction of a Birkeland current ( the connecting 'magnetic' (sic) filaments of current exchange throughout so called empty space).
The heart is a vortexer of the blood. I note that vortexing blood mechanically is routinely performed in declumping so as to more accurately discern and measure platelets or coagulations. However, I see a much more intimately responsive role of the heart in its supply to balance needs. Are helical 'strings' of specifically composed blood cells specifically addressed to specific organ needs - and are so delivered?
If the shape of the heart squares (cubes) off it no longer functions in such ways. (Chester reports such shape changes are observed in heart disease). 
Back to simple practicals - if fear-strain dominates as a structural inhibitor of our life we deny not only the subtler and richer intercommunication of living but its sustenance. A sense of disconnected isolation armours up to cope. And makes a world of structure that cannot hear anything not officially sanctioned - for it gives life to structure instead of structure serving the form of life's embodiment. 

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Vitamin C Heresy 

Because IV Vit C is effective in so many documented cases and yet was denied by a pharmaceutically captured heresy, its push for recognition understandably distorted its presentation at least in the minds of many - as if to raise Vit C as The Answer, excluding all others. This charge is surely more fitting to an institutional and corporate edifice that has effectively captured regulators and indeed due jurisdiction of governance.

Nothing makes tenacious like being denied of a right to be - and the nature of truth is that it is the true foundation of being and not a deceitful denial by which to seem truer by the invalidation of others.

Toxicity - and the ability to cancel mitigate or eliminate it, is a large and under recognised part of disease - not least because the germ theory assigned cause and agency to 'germs' instead of identifying the bio-cellular terrain as the host or conditions under which the body's functions operate to support life - if not the comfort of the personal sense of self.

The jealous god doctrine persists regardless the forms it takes.
Who in their right mind would think that Pauling and anyone else convinced of the value of vit C in protecting and preserving life would demand exclusivity?

All of Dr Malcolm's considerations as to the causes - and possibly remedies to heart disease have overlap and interaction.

Strain - on all levels - seems to be a primary vector. Persistent burdens tax and deplete resources. Sending in the Cavalry may not address the causes of war - but it may enable living another day in which to share the gift of life - in whatever way your wits are fitted.

Tobacco By Rectum 

Lets give the benefit of various doubts to the underlying premise of the story - viz someone with measles came to the Disneyworld. 
This is possible - but even this can be seen in different ways - ie native measles or shedded vaccine-measles - or mutated measles?
The fact that seems primary is the vaccinated people caught and suffered it - to what extent and outcome is hard to discern. 
Vaccination against measles does NOT confer immunity against measles. 
Persisting or propagating the belief that it does, only fuels a more frequent and repeating vaccination program of the intent to eradicate measles.
This is no longer a matter of individual freedom of who and what is done to your own body and that of your children but of 'War on Measles'. Under which human being is ruled out to a protection racket under the promise of an immortal victory (sic).

Measles Vaccination does substitute for the natural immunity in those who have caught it and the passing on of that immunity of mother to infant.

I recently watched Andrew Wakefield giving a more nuanced account of specific genetic factors that may account for susceptibility to extreme health challenge or fatality - and adverse reaction to MMR vaccines - so the whole picture is never a knee jerk headline and denomination on which to impose WAR ON PEOPLE under the Ministry of Health (Orwell). Nor shutting down the right to explore and discover more about immunity and use that to serve a better world for all -as long as its operation is legally subject to transparency and accountability with regard to its claims and practices.

The lust for power and its agenda is set over and against perceived evils that are seen to block, check or threaten its sense of lack of sufficiency. there is no concept of sufficiency that can satisfy such a drive - and the imposition of scarcity is its signature of control.

A primary insight in terms of being held repeatedly in deceits that seemed like progress at the time, is of shooting the messenger so as to either block, suppress or subvert the message.

Should the powers of entrusted responsibility and providers of services presented as helpful to people in need, apologise for being wrong - and persisting in being wrong regardless the cost?
That is up to them, however repentance is the only path of healing to an addictive compulsion to sin (wilfully persist in lies at expense of truth). Presentation of apology or anything else can be coerced correctness or a mask of evasion. 

The drive is to support the top down mandate of vaccinations under the 'Historical Mandate' or War to Eradicate - under incited and inflamed fear of epidemic, with vilification of 'child killing anti-vaxxers' - oh and anyone who associates and supports them.

Once the door is wedged open - the rest can be brought through.
Where is the foundation from which to shake off such an infected and contagious thinking?
It is with you always - but fear blocks the signal.

Why purvey mainstream vaccinations against a freedom to enquire, uncover, share and learn?

Did you seek to provoke, Jerome?

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Zoom Out And Join The Dots

Just watch a few of Tony Heller's vids and see if you can then rule in CO2 as a driver or forcer of warming - along with a range of historical documentations that belie the screaming narrative. The astroturfed top down capture and subversion of the Environment movement to willingly drag in the Trojan Horse that will sell us all into slavery - but for the sysadmins.

Not that Heller is alone in remaining calm - but I prefer to expose the methods of deceits rather than taking the bait of engaging reasoned debate with a psyop.

Control of Global energy supply - along with necessities such as food and water - via the Internment of Things is  a dream come true for the ability to monitor and control all inputs and outputs in real time both global trends and granular details under A.I. What could possibly go wrong?

As for my view, Astrophysics and Cosmology - along with Geology and Climatology etc ALL suffer the self-same sickness of an old Model that demands sacrifice of transparency and accountability just as in the Medical field. Corruption is pervasive as a 'broad spectrum dominance' or subjection - depending on which side of the balance sheet you live in.

Baffled boffins find more and more of what they didn't expect. The inability to SEE or make sense of what the established model demands SHOULD NOT be there, is crazy to those who are already growing the New. Quite apart from over specialisations that become esoteric and arcane even to those IN the field and impermeable to any other.

Zoom out and join the dots.
'Sustainability' is THE buzz word for inducing population sacrifice so that the plunder may continue as organised crime. Too big to fail? - no worries, we can transfer repackaged toxic debt to suckers who are primed up to not only BUY it as their moral imperative - but fight FOR it as a proxy mob who are induced to believe that without Mandatory Compliance NOW - the Cancer will kill us, the Pandemic will wipe us out, the sea will drown us, the Oceans will boil.

The key is the unsettling of the population by an already feared threat hooked into an already guilted or inadequate and powerless sense of existence with SHOCK delivering the shaped charge of the psyop - that is crafted no less cunningly than the Bankers 'complex financial instruments whereby to conceal liabilities as assets.

CO2 - is Good for You and for Plant Earth. The 'Greenhouse theory' might start to work if they can get enough nano-particular aluminium up there - or is that the patented air-delivery of vaccines?
In conventional terms - WE ARE F*CKED by a mind of control that has spun out of control - but why give currency of worth (power and meaning) to mind-control when your heart is still beating.
Answers that cant be questioned are 'mind control' and the framing of the problem that is supposed to be 'answered' is a set up. IE: You've been framed. Why would we expect otherwise given all that we (on this blog) have discovered regarding BIG MONEY and the power of captive revenue streams under false or filtered and distorted information.

Rockefeller money usurped Medicine. Now it backs Climate Change and even brought it forth - isnt that great to see? An old cartel monopolist working selflessly for the Common Good.
Perhaps despite all else, the destructive choice does serve a higher good - but only in the willingness NOT to choose to use it - once it is recognised for what it truly represents and results.
The attack on the heart is the sustainability of the dominance of its substitution by the mind.

In my view the Heart receives communication from every part of the body and sends out a pulse of unified and unifying response. Some of this signalling is through emf resonances so weak that we can scarcely detect (Liboff et al) but the nature of nature is that the more powerful is the subtler. In human terms a calm clear presence receives information that is instant, wordless and extraordinarily dense in terms of 'unpacking' to translation - as well as largely lost in translation.

Insights or good ideas are particularly attractive to those who seek to hide in them or hide agenda behind them. A Trojan Pig would have remained outside Troy. You have to tap into your target's sacred symbols. Or nightmares... to which the saving protection is rolled in already drafted and set without democratic oversight or right to challenge.

Stepping out of 'mainstream reality' is stepping into a love of humanity - regardless the mess we make. You cannot solve a problem at or within the level of the problem - though you can hide it in complexity that can seem like an answer - but it comes back with interest. The real problem of environmental toxicity - across the spectrum of Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Ag, Big Energy and ACTUALLY toxic pollutants is effectively kept from due alarm and response by Climate fraud.

The Monsanto case is dredging up the nature of an effective shadow government running behind the scenes. Such is the nature of 'Big' cartels of centralised power. The 'trade deals' only make legal what they basically do anyway. 

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Mandated Thought and Mandated Medical Intervention

Why make an identity out of whether you accept vaccinations (for yourself and your children) in trust that it helps them, or choose other means of support for immunity, resilience and health?
There is a spectrum of approaches taking into account all that is known to support or undermine support for life but social engineering substitutes the imposition of controls over natural or free enquiry of self development within a community of support - for education.

Identity polarisation shuts down conversation perhaps more effectively than top down dictatorship - because that is the nature of mandatory 'worship'. What we give priority of worth becomes that to which all else is subjugated or sacrificed. Framing in war or death threats cries wolf as the intent to trigger the fight flight response and target it with regard to flagging the threat to a false cause so as to demonise or invalidate it. Not unlike vaccines with a toxic shock (aluminium adjuvant) as the inflamed terrain for marking out whatever else is injected into the bloodstream as attackers by association.  However it is demonstrable beyond reasonable doubt that the presence of antibodies is not in and of itself immunity. Even as a Compact Disc was introduced on Tomorrow's World as indestructible (I remember it) - so was one vaccination 'immunity for life'.
There is no end to the escalation of 'protections' that undermine natural immunity while inducing dependencies that cannot be safely stopped without risk. There are those who seek and intend a medicalised and dependent population - not unlike B. Gate's "a PC on every desk and every PC running Windows", but expressed as vaccination at birth (and mothers during pregnancy). And this conditioning is  reinforced as a schedule through infancy and with a pipeline of new vaccines to help us through life. Not least from the masking of toxicity as vectors of infection that are then drivers for expansion of (toxic) interventions including new vaccines.

I agree with your other points but note the 'disclaimer' of "I am not an anti vaxxer".
I refuse to be framed in such choices and any others like them.
The nature of internalised and thus invisible beliefs is that they operate as if self-evident reality and so anyone questioning or not conforming to it is 'sick, mad or dangerous'.

Sick, mad and dangerous beliefs do this to otherwise kind people such as to accuse themselves in others and throw the first stone. Anyone with any sense can lose it in an instant if their fears are triggered. Hence the call to NOT react without as calm a consideration of all that is pertinent to our situation. Overriding our fears and doubts can also be tyrannical. All symptoms are messengers. Killing the messenger is a false attempt to defend against sickness by blocking causation regardless the generating more insidious or masked consequences. It is also the 'heroic' intervention by which one can 'save' others as distinct from nursing to health as a relational support within which a range of healing modalities or supports can be implemented and discovered.

The most pernicious argument - though not mine - is that of 'herd immunity'. This is used as a justification to mandate vaccination for the complete elimination of the disease - such as to claim a 'holy victory' (sic) for Science such as has been claimed for smallpox and to a lesser degree the conditions that are diagnosed as polio. Such 'absolute' achievements are the fulfilment of the founding hope and promise of 'germs' instead of superstition, that science will eradicate and bring in a world without disease.
While this is nonsense, it restates a foundational sense of the RIGHT to power. SET against fear of powerlessness (and death) in pain, suffering and loss. To my sense then it embodies powerlessness by the attempt to overcome it; by a driven need to DO something to escape it, rather than abiding in not knowing - as an active relational willingness to heal or serve a healing outcome.

the latter option is never ruled out but only deferred. much of technology is being used to substitute relational being with system management.

Alone Against The Establishment 

Martin Black - Semmelweis connected dissecting cadavers with possible contamination to mothers in childbirth. He found washing hands made a BIG difference and told the Gentlemen Surgeons and was cast out and if I recall incarcerated and beaten to die of his wounds.
In the hierarchy of power one should know one's place - including what can and cannot be said to experts in their field and defenders of the right to power.

Wakefield saw gut dysbiosis in autistic kids with possible (parentally asserted) links to the early injection of the combined MMR vaccine and suggested further research while recommending the single vaccine to be applied at a later timing in a child's development. He maybe could have died in an asylum too - but found the way to stand regardless of being smeared, thrown out and made an example by which to terrorise others into compliance or restate their unquestioning conformity.

Of course the one who stands against an establishment is not right thereby. It is also the way in which they stand and set their case as well as the what of it.
I don't care for persuasion or PR with regard to science - unless of course you make your own journey of discovery and are 'persuaded' by your own honesty of enquiry relative to a range of evidences that inform your currently accepted view, model or belief.

Those who are already 'persuaded' may be aligned in self-interest without any conscious sense of so doing - just as those who are supposed to regulate vaccinnes may make millions of dollars as a result of owning patents and yet assert they are without a conflict of interest. 

If you cant smell a rat re Climate propaganda running thick and fast as emotional manipulation coupled with top down regulatory impositions that are 'incentivised' with bribes or threats to effectively bypass the dictate of a false consensus over a lack of willing consent - then you have taken the bait as far as I am concerned and see only in the framing of assertions that are targeted at environmental guilt and catastrophe but do not stand up - (genuine toxicity would).But so what! - Make new ones, and new one etc. It helps to effectively own or control the means of framing the narrative.You can tell when the patient is under, because even the most outrageously transparent fallacies evoke not a whisper of a question. Spellbinding stuff eh!
There are some who risk a lot to speak out and others who dare not risk anything and so comply with what is in their survival response to 'understand' and get behind. I don't feel to make moral judgements. Younger professional with real career opportunity or family dependencies don't see any benefit in sticking their neck out.
Ancel Keys was part of a PR campaign and perhaps believed his handlers. But like many who are feted - are ignored when they recant or voice anything that does NOT support the narrative that is essentially a marketising and weaponising technologism.

Whole seeming cynical I am simply noticing that possession and control are put before truth - because anything that threatens dispossession or loss of control is defended against and often pre-emptively attacked, to perhaps be subverted or allowed to run as a limited hangout or captured opposition.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Germs' Are Increasing Found To Be Absolutely Vital And Essential

Underneath this issue is that of the germ theory - and its contagion as an IDEA with regard to malnutrition (Pellagra, Rickets, Scurvy etc) and toxicity (that persists in the application of biocides or pollutions - that are hidden by 'epidemics' that are also a source of new biocidal interventions.

A negative synergy of malnutrition and toxicity along with suppressed and depressed vitality and morale and exhaustion or further depletion via attempts to compensate with immoderate drug use all set the 'terrain' for any number of vectors of 'disease' that may in fact be the body's functional healing process - never supported or allowed to complete.

'Germs' are increasing found to be absolutely vital and essential to digestion, cognitive function and immune function (which Dr Cowan clearly shows is very different from antibody markers).

Colostrum is the first milk - not for the baby - but for the babies gut biome.
In a sense 'germs' are the Mother - but as with all else - they are expressions of a state of balance - or a state of maintaining function under imbalanced or stressed conditions.

Much of our 'way of life' (sic) is a way of slow death running as social normalcy or indeed compliance. I mostly write to point to the underbelly of which we are unaware because we have internalised it. Fear IS Contagion. But magical solutions will be persisted in regardless of harm when the harm is given power of evil that must be even more powerfully attacked. In other words control ratchets up despite all evidences that are construed as the necessity and urgency of more control.

The demonisation of health giving support props up the sustainability of a protection racket.
But it thrives on the attempt to hide and deny fear, shame, guilt, conflicts etc - as a blame and shame mentality instead of shared culture for addressing the causes and resolving them.

'Germs' are increasing found to be absolutely vital

Underneath this issue is that of the germ theory - and its contagion as an IDEA with regard to malnutrition (Pellagra, Rickets, Scurvy etc) and toxicity (that persists in the application of biocides or pollutions - that are hidden by 'epidemics' that are also a source of new biocidal interventions.

A negative synergy of malnutrition and toxicity along with suppressed and depressed vitality and morale and exhaustion or further depletion via attempts to compensate with immoderate drug use all set the 'terrain' for any number of vectors of 'disease' that may in fact be the body's functional healing process - never supported or allowed to complete.

'Germs' are increasing found to be absolutely vital and essential to digestion, cognitive function and immune function (which Dr Cowan clearly shows is very different from antibody markers).

Colostrum is the first milk - not for the baby - but for the babies gut biome.
In a sense 'germs' are the Mother - but as with all else - they are expressions of a state of balance - or a state of maintaining function under imbalanced or stressed conditions.

Much of our 'way of life' (sic) is a way of slow death running as social normalcy or indeed compliance. I mostly write to point to the underbelly of which we are unaware because we have internalised it. Fear IS Contagion. But magical solutions will be persisted in regardless of harm when the harm is given power of evil that must be even more powerfully attacked. In other words control ratchets up despite all evidences that are construed as the necessity and urgency of more control.

The demonisation of health giving support props up the sustainability of a protection racket.
But it thrives on the attempt to hide and deny fear, shame, guilt, conflicts etc - as a blame and shame mentality instead of shared culture for addressing the causes and resolving them.