Friday, 30 August 2019

One story lodged in the imagination can do more damage than 5 a day

Hi Andy - if I pick up on something you illustrate it is not to get on your case or undermine your ongoing explorations of right diet for you. By all means eat what you prefer, according to your lights.

One story lodged in the imagination can do more damage than 5 a day of fruit (or) veg - though frankly i would prefer government to attend to the fundamental needs of governance and not to enforcing infantilism of pathological dependency under narrative controls to suit private agenda.

It is said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but perhaps it is really an incomplete picture misinterpreted as truth and applied as a lens or frame through which to seem right over and against fears. 

Knowledge has been made a packaged and regulated commodity, but as such is a dangerous thing. Regardless our acquisition of training in such knowledge services, the capacity to be phished by the forms and appearances of hopes and fears without knowing the identity theft has occurred is a dangerous thing.

The bogeyman is never really escaped - but simply takes new forms.
What would happen to the Economy - or indeed the narrative identity - without it?
Or rather what do we get from running on hidden fears as if they reveal the truth and the power of survival?

Just think of unimaginably complex expressions of exquisite bio cooperation all aligned in supporting your freedom to unfold experience the fruits of your acceptance of worthiness of thought words and deed!

I sense that when we make a bogeyman of anything we  preclude a true answer, and when we try to make an answer of something set against such a fear, it loses its innocence of being to become a carrier of that fear. And so we become defined by what we are not and by what we don't want, while presenting or thinking as if we are acting positively.

This is so pervasive a corruption of natural being that, manual management is considered an overriding and necessary life support system. This is the cause or basis for the global cartel corporatocracy under which human doings are being phished, pharmed, and phed. 

While I could look at the meanings we assign or associate as 'death', the release of attachments is built in to the nature of Creation as always renewing - ie Open. So if in that sense death is in every moment's release and arising, why not die in living rather than live in fear of dying?

Is life defined by fear of pain of loss or does it have its own 'knowing and being'.

I note that self-consciousness is inhibitory but that an innate self-awareness is unconflicted. Somewhere in our development is the capacity to get out of our own way and yet be and know ourselves truly living. A little of this knowledge goes a long way.

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