Tuesday, 27 August 2019

What Else Could Self-Illusion Result When Persisted In?


Their purpose works an evil - but they do not have to determine yours.
The evil of selling out on integrity may be like an 'offer we cant refuse'.
Afghan leaders were offered a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs. They got both anyway.
Discerning the underlying deceits is lost to the knee jerk mind of emotional or personal reaction - which is quite understandable in context but is it helpful?
Possession and control, marketises and weaponises everything.
"What do I get out of this' becomes the dominant theme under a sense of lack or scarcity that compels a defence against fear of loss of an attachment that has become destructive, obsessive and dissociative or mad.

Tolkien read the times in prophesy clothed as a fable.
The yielding up of a false sense of power over - by individuals of apparently no consequence, is the shift of allegiance that reveals lack support at the foundation of such corruption.
But when we judge, we give power away.
Who is the power to be in judgement of another like unto themself?
Or is there another way of seeing and being in which judgements are valid self-reflections - but not allowed to run as the dictate of truth.

I expect to find what I need, but I don't expect google or the web or society to be structured to serve need - so much as to generate and manipulate marketised and weaponised 'needs'.

That this is coming out into the open is - to me - a sign of a true revelation - that first reveals the false so as to know the choice of a habit we no longer align in. But if you notice - the very capacity to see the false as false is a true awareness. So become curious there rather than obsess in grievance at the false of a loveless deceit. What else could self-illusion become if persisted in?

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