Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Mandated Thought and Mandated Medical Intervention

Why make an identity out of whether you accept vaccinations (for yourself and your children) in trust that it helps them, or choose other means of support for immunity, resilience and health?
There is a spectrum of approaches taking into account all that is known to support or undermine support for life but social engineering substitutes the imposition of controls over natural or free enquiry of self development within a community of support - for education.

Identity polarisation shuts down conversation perhaps more effectively than top down dictatorship - because that is the nature of mandatory 'worship'. What we give priority of worth becomes that to which all else is subjugated or sacrificed. Framing in war or death threats cries wolf as the intent to trigger the fight flight response and target it with regard to flagging the threat to a false cause so as to demonise or invalidate it. Not unlike vaccines with a toxic shock (aluminium adjuvant) as the inflamed terrain for marking out whatever else is injected into the bloodstream as attackers by association.  However it is demonstrable beyond reasonable doubt that the presence of antibodies is not in and of itself immunity. Even as a Compact Disc was introduced on Tomorrow's World as indestructible (I remember it) - so was one vaccination 'immunity for life'.
There is no end to the escalation of 'protections' that undermine natural immunity while inducing dependencies that cannot be safely stopped without risk. There are those who seek and intend a medicalised and dependent population - not unlike B. Gate's "a PC on every desk and every PC running Windows", but expressed as vaccination at birth (and mothers during pregnancy). And this conditioning is  reinforced as a schedule through infancy and with a pipeline of new vaccines to help us through life. Not least from the masking of toxicity as vectors of infection that are then drivers for expansion of (toxic) interventions including new vaccines.

I agree with your other points but note the 'disclaimer' of "I am not an anti vaxxer".
I refuse to be framed in such choices and any others like them.
The nature of internalised and thus invisible beliefs is that they operate as if self-evident reality and so anyone questioning or not conforming to it is 'sick, mad or dangerous'.

Sick, mad and dangerous beliefs do this to otherwise kind people such as to accuse themselves in others and throw the first stone. Anyone with any sense can lose it in an instant if their fears are triggered. Hence the call to NOT react without as calm a consideration of all that is pertinent to our situation. Overriding our fears and doubts can also be tyrannical. All symptoms are messengers. Killing the messenger is a false attempt to defend against sickness by blocking causation regardless the generating more insidious or masked consequences. It is also the 'heroic' intervention by which one can 'save' others as distinct from nursing to health as a relational support within which a range of healing modalities or supports can be implemented and discovered.

The most pernicious argument - though not mine - is that of 'herd immunity'. This is used as a justification to mandate vaccination for the complete elimination of the disease - such as to claim a 'holy victory' (sic) for Science such as has been claimed for smallpox and to a lesser degree the conditions that are diagnosed as polio. Such 'absolute' achievements are the fulfilment of the founding hope and promise of 'germs' instead of superstition, that science will eradicate and bring in a world without disease.
While this is nonsense, it restates a foundational sense of the RIGHT to power. SET against fear of powerlessness (and death) in pain, suffering and loss. To my sense then it embodies powerlessness by the attempt to overcome it; by a driven need to DO something to escape it, rather than abiding in not knowing - as an active relational willingness to heal or serve a healing outcome.

the latter option is never ruled out but only deferred. much of technology is being used to substitute relational being with system management.

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