Sunday, 25 August 2019

Tobacco By Rectum 

Lets give the benefit of various doubts to the underlying premise of the story - viz someone with measles came to the Disneyworld. 
This is possible - but even this can be seen in different ways - ie native measles or shedded vaccine-measles - or mutated measles?
The fact that seems primary is the vaccinated people caught and suffered it - to what extent and outcome is hard to discern. 
Vaccination against measles does NOT confer immunity against measles. 
Persisting or propagating the belief that it does, only fuels a more frequent and repeating vaccination program of the intent to eradicate measles.
This is no longer a matter of individual freedom of who and what is done to your own body and that of your children but of 'War on Measles'. Under which human being is ruled out to a protection racket under the promise of an immortal victory (sic).

Measles Vaccination does substitute for the natural immunity in those who have caught it and the passing on of that immunity of mother to infant.

I recently watched Andrew Wakefield giving a more nuanced account of specific genetic factors that may account for susceptibility to extreme health challenge or fatality - and adverse reaction to MMR vaccines - so the whole picture is never a knee jerk headline and denomination on which to impose WAR ON PEOPLE under the Ministry of Health (Orwell). Nor shutting down the right to explore and discover more about immunity and use that to serve a better world for all -as long as its operation is legally subject to transparency and accountability with regard to its claims and practices.

The lust for power and its agenda is set over and against perceived evils that are seen to block, check or threaten its sense of lack of sufficiency. there is no concept of sufficiency that can satisfy such a drive - and the imposition of scarcity is its signature of control.

A primary insight in terms of being held repeatedly in deceits that seemed like progress at the time, is of shooting the messenger so as to either block, suppress or subvert the message.

Should the powers of entrusted responsibility and providers of services presented as helpful to people in need, apologise for being wrong - and persisting in being wrong regardless the cost?
That is up to them, however repentance is the only path of healing to an addictive compulsion to sin (wilfully persist in lies at expense of truth). Presentation of apology or anything else can be coerced correctness or a mask of evasion. 

The drive is to support the top down mandate of vaccinations under the 'Historical Mandate' or War to Eradicate - under incited and inflamed fear of epidemic, with vilification of 'child killing anti-vaxxers' - oh and anyone who associates and supports them.

Once the door is wedged open - the rest can be brought through.
Where is the foundation from which to shake off such an infected and contagious thinking?
It is with you always - but fear blocks the signal.

Why purvey mainstream vaccinations against a freedom to enquire, uncover, share and learn?

Did you seek to provoke, Jerome?

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