Tuesday, 27 August 2019

The Study Of Physics Tended To Closed Systems


Alfven used his Nobel award speech to recant some of his earlier mistakes - to no avail - but he continued and developed Christian Birkland's (denied) discovery of energetic particles from our Sun coming into Earth at the poles - and interacting with our ionosphere.
The study of physics tended to closed systems - as do institutional scientific specialisations.
An Electric underpinning to our Universe has been further expanded and developed outside the funding structure of a corporate technologism as a movement of coherency and human significance. Technology cannot provide either - but only magnifies the current or established investment of identity.
Note that Solar activity is a correlating factor in heart-disease. The heart is also an electrical organ. No one looks for what their model excludes or discards as peripheral by definition.

Such is the framing of our own thinking. I always look to bring in the mind framing as well as the framed perspective. In this I do science by noticing and owning psychic emotional conflicts of interest.

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