Friday, 30 August 2019

Who Notices The Plea To A Power That Cannot Be Named? 

Dear Jerome - did you also see my point?
Everyone is quick to sympathise with her condition and courage in a self-revealing communication. That comes naturally.
But who notices the plea to a power that cannot be named?
In its own way 'cancer' is protected - as is vaccination - from lawful transparency and accountability. This is how lawlessness gets to run the henhouse. Let us recognise it as such.

The appeal to sympathies can elicit a conformity response that may then seem impossible to bring to critical evaluation. But note Tessa Jowell was not seeking OUR sympathy or even our support in political activism, but appealing as almost literally her last word directly for sympathy from the power behind the appearances of parliamentary democracy. And even in that she asked only for a very little for only a few.

Taking the money (BIG money) out of politics is one notion of reform. The same could be said for any state regulated or mandated medical interventions. Law should not be a weapon of protection for  the rich and powerful against an honest and open accounting in terms of both the scientific frameworks of its appeal to justification, or the financial conflicts of its regulators.
Corruption from the top down calls not for violent revolution but a reversal. From the bottom up - which I take not as a mob, but as a waking to individual responsibility as a holder of cultural values worthy of sharing by living from them.

It may be that Tessa touched the heart's of some who are complicit by default and some individuals leave, or release support, but as intimated in Malcolm's frustration at resistance to change, how can such institutional and financial investments admit and free of a lie when the consequences of the lie are so humanly appalling?
Sin of irrevocable lie and guilt has a way of locking in with no way out.

If I am in error here, point me to what I am missing.

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