Friday, 1 May 2020

Junk Identity and Food Control
Göran Sjöberg:
I just now happened to pull out one of the greatest books relating to the catastrophy of our “modern eating habits” from my bulging book shelf.Guess what book!Well, it is the book written by Weston Price after he had scrutinized the remaining “natural peoples” in the 1930th, i.e. those peoples who by then still had not been incorporated in the grain based way of living in the western world.“Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”published in 1938.When you have read this book and being ignorant to start with of what you put in your mouth you will not come out the same person when you have finished!It is about science!

My reply:

Perhaps the other side of that is Seeds of Destruction by F.William Engdahl. It documents the US aligned Military Industrial Complex (that effectively became the government after WW2), in the plan and process of weaponising food control first in the US and then globally. Beginning with the first 'green' revolution, setting up agribusiness as basis of a global control model.
This is not to say we cant degrade our health by poor diet without such systemic controls. Malnutrition and pollution associated with squalor and poverty as resulting in ill health is nothing new. But without an understanding of the rigged nature of the system we are prone to blame and penalise the people for the toxic debts of those who set up and manage the system.
This is how they 'get away with it'. 
Now it is the healthy who are risk factors to be quarantined and limited or socially debited - unless gaining a passport or status of 'health' as required by the rigged system that 'pharms' the sick and controls the cognitively impaired.
I hope to read Weston Price one day - though I have read many refs and summaries.
Only 'outsiders' can bring refreshment and renewal to inbred ideas. But when power is invested in an incestuous elitism hiding behind legally crafted scientific fraud, protected by penalty against challenging - the 'outsider' is seen as the 'virus' or threat to Society. New perspective does shake up invested identities - but need not be overly traumatic when given a PROCESS of transition. denial of legitimate right or voice leads to polarised and polarising conflict that only builds as a result of being armoured against. This has merit in being considered at individual or family and group levels as well as society as a whole.
Regulations against 'natural' harmonies and symbiosis are herding us to such agenda as biogenetic 'meat' substitutes. Choking the food supply being a context for the supply of microsoft bio-meat into every unit. to put a Commissar in every district, (to protect against un-ecological or unethical, dangerous and unhealthy ways of growing food without proper regulatory safeguards)

ShirleyKate: they don’t ‘give them junk food’, people buy junk food. Then they eat it. 

@ShirleyKate: Everyone buys junk narrative as identity support - and reinforces it by judging others.
Yes we junk our identity, and yet your view completely exonerates those who manipulate and feed such identities - as for example the MIC/US Gov determination to weaponise food and gain control of food supply. First in US and then globally.
'Moral' judgements blind us to the true contextual conditions.
The systemic pattern I see is 'toxic debts' dumped and divested to the population and environment - and in the individual - to their relationships and body.
We have to see the agency within its terrain - and not just focus on blocking, manipulating of suppressing the presumed independent agent, person or virus.

My posts do not get through here - but I try another route.

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