Tuesday 5 May 2020

Non viral vectors for Covid death by hypoxia


(A succinct and referenced post to the component of ACE and ACE2 imbalance and endothelial damage being the nature of 'covid19 'pnuemonia').

Thankyou for your post.

You may or may not be interested in a potential vector of case for such a disease condition that I heard more clearly last night about half way through an interview with R Kennedy Jr on trials of new vaccines that produced a very clear set of antibodies and so were thought to be successful. However, when the (1. Experimental otters or 2. Philippine children) were exposed to the natural viral conditions, the antibodies bound to the virus with unexpected, disease and death causing effects.
The Philippine case is currently being tried in the criminal courts.

Unless the interactions of artificially induced antibody response can be ruled out, we can chase the 'virus' and its ever more cunning and complex 'mutations' (or accomplices) all the way to the biobank.

But in any case I understand you to be indicating a currently supported case for new vectors of complication to a viral cycle or sickness process rather than a new viral cause. (Every season brings 'new' mutations of respiratory virus expression - perhaps because the total environmental conditions are always changing).

I haven't finished watching the interview - but as he is a very experienced environmental and pharmaceutical case lawyer, I don't find he says things that cannot stand up in court of law.

Our attempts to remedy can become part of the context for disease expression.

I don't see that your illuminating the mechanism is at odds with what I am bringing to attention. Though I don't claim it is proven support either. But if we cant ask the question, we cannot research the answer.

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