Wednesday, 6 May 2020

To look upon the gates of hell and know this is not who you are 

Gates - while an active player - has been incorporated into his current role within a cartel monopolism that masks as globalism - in terms of global masking in 'tackling global problems' and 'making a better world' - which includes such holy orders as the 'eradication of  (insert value)'. But all of which are simply PR or the manipulation of our own thought, word and emotional response as a means to either recruit a proxy leverage or undermine any check or boundary to a monopoly of 'broad spectrum' control.

Control that is robbed of its own intent of plunder, rape and subjection, by the insanity of the 'gods' - or re-enactment of archetypes of arbitrary power set over and upon the living. So I see the persons or agencies of such a control as an expression of the terrain and not as independent  psycho-pathogenic powers. And Gates is clearly a front man for the band - that is to say a projecting image of kindly ageing concern and generous commitment to use the fruits of a ruthlessly acquired and effective monopoly control system, for 'solving the world's problems'.

Anyone who doesn't WANT to look at the disturbing underbelly to our world can find a 'positive' comfort and support for their world-view in applauding him. This pattern is being literally ritualised. (My MP responded to concerns of conflict of interest with refusal to take them seriously - along with a gushing account of the unquestionable merits of everything Gates represents. As his OPINION was not what was asked of him, but his duty of official responsibility, the demand for representation persists).

At a historical political level the development of cartel monopoly is associated with corporate and banking cartels that acquired the insider benefits of new industrial and technological leverage.
So though it goes back further, 'Rockefeller' expansion and control set the restructuring of society and governmental institutions as a captive revenue stream - while handing out a few dimes for the narrative PR. This is completely embodies in the military industrial as well as the medical industrial complex - as an active and powerful orchestration of perceived and believed self-interest. While there are conspirational facets, it is largely hidden in plain sight, by the capture of the public mind in narrative identity diversions that for our own reasons, we buy into on some level, even by emotionally reacting against them as an 'anti-whatever'.

Re-educating our selves regarding our actual history can provide more understanding of how things became what they have, but doesn't in itself resolve - and can reinforce despair. So I embrace a psycho-physical or integrative approach of uncovering the patterns of fear and control seeking immunity from change by setting itself as the arbiter of change. Insane - but readily observable in our world, others and our selves.

The threat to the vaccination mindset, is not disease, but disregard resulting release of a false model of disease and immunity. One of the things going on it the very intense restatement of its right to rule (Medical tyranny). But the bringing of a covert fear and control to overt dictate is a replacement of fear of disease by fear of social exclusion and state imposed pain or penalty running on the pretext of disease. And so 'believing' the pretext is necessary to protect you life, your career, funding or ability to provide for your family, and status and privilege as a member of society.

Fixating on details about any lesser evil is then safer than calling the pretext into question.
In another post recently I touched on a personality that would rather die than experience deep emotional upset, and in projection of itself onto others, rather 'kindly' murder its own than subject or expose them to such upset. This is the balance point of whether opening our mind to a greater perspective delivers us to psychosis or to an expanded integration at a new level.

Insulating our mind from our fears is NOT immunity, but a dangerous and deceitful counterfeit. We need to own and face and grow responsibility rather than be infantilised to a dead end dependency.

Regardless what 'Gated' governments (sic) intend, or manage to implement, we will meet waves of fear that are infectious if not brought into responsibility, and when people do not accept or recognise where they have responsible choice to make, they oblige or demand others to make choices for them. Not everyone who rushes in to help has your safety as their paramount concern. Even less so when all the measures are already in place to seamlessly contain and neutralise the viruses of mass destruction (VMDs).

To look upon the gates of hell and know this is NOT who you are, is to allow a true foundation to move as an awareness within. 

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