In general of course - you write to the facts - but there were a number of points in that long quote - that are too many to go into here.
What is the private-public partnership idea but PR spin set over corporate governance?
Gates and UK Gov are actively and openly engaged in such - but 'save our NHS' is used to divert from any real scrutiny by means of sideshow politics run by crisis actors.
The Military Industrial Government post ww2 initiated Big Ag as on a par with energy control.
Energy control was already too big for government to hold in check or to account in the USA - with cartel power (Rockefeller et al) then expanding to capture and monopolise the medical system - and capture the regulators so as to protect its interests against the people.
The corruption of our thought is part of social engineering and mind control.
If the idea of mind control sounds to weird - call it narrative control. Call it deceit.
So I recognise the false deification of grievance, offence and proxy victims, as the leverage to assert righteous vengeance, under pretence of moral authority, and the sacrifice of the demonised individual to the manufactured collective - and etc - but am not at all inclined to assign a label such as neo-liberal, as an actual cause or agency and take identity in polarised reaction against it.
I look beneath that to the 'mind' that is targeted, manipulated and run by a loveless or hateful agenda for its own gratification. And to the predatory instinct of 'winning' by attacking first in some trojan ploy.
I read this text below today - and it speaks to our situation - does it not?
“The dissolving and reformation of new unity is quite different from destructive divisions, which are counter to the harmonies of life. Division is characterized by its resistance to growth and by its use of judgment and conflict to retard the power of unity. Perpetrators of division regard change as threatening, and therefore will infuse into the elements of change as much hostility or perversion as the situation will bear. Division is easily observed in war and in criminal aggressions. Although, most influences of division are more subtle than that. What you need to know about the world in which you live is that its stagnancy is not due to complexity or even chaos—those conditions can actually hold dynamic potential. Stagnation is actually due to many forces of division that are passively held in equilibrium. That is counterfeit unity. True unity comes from establishing correct priorities in life, and that begins with realizing there is but one God."
I am not interested in polarised God/Science opinionating. But nor am I self-censoring sense just to fit in with 'scientific correctness'.
One either recognises value in this quote or not - which I hold to be without any 'appeal to authority' or abuse of the idea of a true Cause as a patented or doctrinal straight jacket of lock-stepped mind-control.
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