As I understand a lot of pharma DOES get into our sewage system and may survive the treatment - after passing through the bodies of millions - to be recycled.
This apart from other chemical and biocidal contaminants from factory and Agribusiness outputs and effluents.
Expensive wee indeed. Everyone pays the cost.
While many here may think it i woo, I have no doubts as to the structuring of water molecules in various clusters that include 'memory' effects. Just as mainstream science conceived of space as a vacuum or nothingness, it conceives of water as an inert medium or solvent. Nothing could be further from the truth. As an honest science uncovers more of the underlying matrix of our reality experience, we realise that 'things ain't wot they used to be!'.
Victor Schauberger was am amazing man of his time who chose NOT to pursue a university education because he saw it as dead learning and a straitjacket when it came to observing and copying nature. His understandings of water have yet to be 'scientifically caught up with, but I note that in testing blood plasma for platelets, we get false readings arising from 'social clumping' of molecules and so they first vortex the sample and then examine it.
Water naturally vortexes in flowing and blood also has a helical flow. The phrases 'vitality of the blood' or 'living blood' may not be wrong OR allusion to some 'non physical forces' outside the natural world. But the physics of living or self-organising systems is much more complex than thermodynamic forces. We can use a reductionist model for specific uses - but life doesn't stop being itself to fit it - unless we force it to - and kill it.
There are electrical properties within this phenomena just as there is an electrical biofield for our body extending from the heart. There is so much we either do not know or do not want to know because it would challenge our social identity and invested reality. While 'don't yet know' is rich for hypothesis that may be indeed fanciful woo - it is at least part of a realm of imaginative conjecture that CAN be researched. Whereas a top down scientific (sic) dictate, asserts a locked down imagination with which to comply in lockstep for funding and accepted social inclusion - so as to become sock puppets to an addictive model that refuses to OWN and therefore release its baggage. In part, because it sees itself as a necessary counter to irrational forces that must not be given any ammunition or else 'science' itself is threatened!
But these SEEMINGLY irrational forces are in large part a refusal to be boxed into a dead - and deadly system - regardless the celebrity makeovers or computer modelling that increasing replace empirical science under the incentives of gated and elitist private agenda.
The corruption of science may indeed bring a backlash that may again through out the baby with the bathwater. As long as we demonise and seek to deny or negate our past we are condemned to repeat it. Whatever our inheritance, we need to seek and find what we CAN truly appreciate receiving and grow on from.
Time to add some activator to my compost. (Its something to do with male hormones or enzymes). I read ages ago that compost passes through stages that would be toxic to growing before coming through as crumbly fertile humus. Hope springs eternal.
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