Sunday, 10 May 2020

Truth and war 

Janet Love commented on COVID Update – Focus on Vitamin D.
in response to Mr Chris:
David Ferguson is an interesting case of modern news management The story about his private life has been around for a month, suddenly it appears in four right wing newspapers on the same day Secondly all of sudden someone brings to David Davis’s attention an analysis of his model very nicely written, demonstrating that the […]
The ‘TRUTH’ is always the first and *enduring* casualty in politics / war.
– as the wind veers, so do politicians, setting sails to gain future advantage.
Methinks the UK govt dropped the ball at the start, and this is part of ‘catch-up’ …

in response to the themes above:

I hold this basic recognition runs more deeply than is commonly supposed.
IE: it is not a speaking of a world out there - or others - that by engaging war, then kill the truth.

Truth is unconflicted in itself, while conflict is a state of partial of conditional relation of dissonance.
If you want something to be true (in a way) that isn't, as your own way of organising or managing your experience, then you set up a bias or torsion of dissonance, which you can put to one side or set the mind to 'ignore' while pursuing something you want. If you know you are doing this you use the mind as a tool. If you become exclusively invested in the tool you become 'tooled'.

In a sense then we can sacrifice (awareness of) wholeness of being in exchange for a world we (think we) want. Because we can give truth to a partiality or an illusion, we can also suffer it.

Within collectively reinforced illusion, suffered as if true, we have essentially become subjected and controlled by the impulse to subject and control our world. But our experience is not at all as if we do this unto our self, but that what we are taking ourselves to be, (conditioned by experience to accept true of us), is set in struggle or powerlessness of entanglement in polarised reactions that effectively set order or an appearance of balance that is actually stagnant and life-denying, such that the strain or burden undermines the will to live that is our vital capacity of survival and creative growth or life - but actually in expression - not bottled up in virtual rehearsals.

Judgement is the mind of substitution and replacement of truth. It is inherently a mind of limiting, selecting and rejecting, that when applied to the living, divides to rule, and sets the rules of its own rejection and denial. While we invest in the struggle to enforce or conform others or narrative reality to comply to our judgements, we are given to the truth of what we think we want or need, from a past set in separation trauma or war within self. We all have unique and different patterns of loss of love, or subjection to fears, doubts, shames, or hateful sense of inadequacy in regard to the life, family and world we are born into. And we all learn to varying degrees, to insulate or mask over from painful, feared or hated truths that we have taken into our core beliefs without any process of conscious reflection but simply the impulse of love, life and survival. For the impulse of love without self-differentiation, will take on the pains or fears or depression of others as its own and even sacrifice its life in attempt to address the unresolved issues of another - that do not truly belong and are biasing or blocking the true expression of one's life by a belief we have to be what we are not - or not be what we are. This is war set over the truth on its own unique expression, but is experienced as patterns of life that are in effect a script of conditionings that automatically operate from that early core sense of self and world but with more sophisticated strategies of rationale and masking behaviours as a result of learning and adapting a self to its world... and a world to its self.

In practical terms, I hold truth to be discerned - and in truth moves within our awareness as the gift of noticing. Discernment is an acceptance of the whole instead of a pre-processing censor and narrative that rules by ruling out or limiting in order to enforce a negatively maintained bubble of segregation and defence. It is discernment of love's honesty as the true and spontaneous or unselfconscious flow of being that is denied and blocked by fear or conflict given power. This is what results in lockdown, self-isolation, a driven need for allies in 'lockstep' and sacrifice of a commonwealth for a realm of private control, set in defences that need fear and threat as fuel and funding while presenting a narrative front of the emergency of solving them. 

This holds the underlying alloy of love and hate that characterises the human conditioning as a result of seeking to establish love within the 'unfaced or unowned terrain' of the hateful.
And so the reclaiming of our lives must open to and pass through the hateful and the feared so as to address them truly - instead of fight-flight and the freeze or lockdown into a state of displaced identity in a world on which we have cast out not only our denials, but the truth and wholeness of a love that we simply are, that is, and knows itself in being the gift of itself.

War is the first casualty of love's honesty. But we cannot make love and paint it over hidden hates but only set a cruel and hollow parody of life against which opposition seems more virtuous, and gives hate a license to kill. Recognising hate as hurt and locating the hurt in the heart is a discernment not a thinking that seeks to apply itself on a judged hatred.

Fear of loss of face is humiliation, rejection, exclusion and invalidity.  All core facets of separation trauma. The undoing of such a pattern from automatically running is the desire and willingness to be released from its pain of conflict - on all levels of its expression, so as to be truly moved in who we are, what we do, share in, discover and embrace as our experience or part in a whole that holds us integral, connected and connecting, and awake to our responsibility for listening or receiving the gift of noticing, rather than sleep in the mind-habit of a gift we thought to take for ourself alone and apart and special. Uniqueness is the signature of wholeness in all Creation.
Every moment is its own unique expression. The database of past learning is not that which produces the future, but the palette of experience from which we choose. But in order to BE a choice, we must be awake as to what we are choosing between instead of programmed into defaults that are set to old patterns of action that have never been consciously re-evaluated.

Listening will arise naturally from asking a real question. The willingness and desire to know runs counter to the invested beliefs of a set mind, narrative identity or established thought system. Hence we are liable to ask pseudo questions that are really statements of self reinforcement in the form of a question, or maskings in the form of love or concern, such that the forms of mutually agreed meanings operate their own hidden code and effectively dictate or set the rules for an officially sanctioned reality - within which are every kind of polarised struggle, and yet all of which operate in unison against the recognition and witnessing of truth - whose movement reveals  meaning as extending, expanding and integrating of all that it is. While all that is not, is already released, or not here - without any process of demonisation denial or masking over.
The creative is the infinite potential to alight in. And patterns of consciousness that are grown for specific goals, find their true function in true alignment.

Truth centres. A battle of illusion of truth with illusions sets an off centred inertial fulcrum. We can become lost in our own spin. But yielding to the centre is not a surrender to 'other', even if release of a self-centred investment seems like imminent death or disaster. The key is to live the willingness of the moment of the gift of noticing, instead of rehearsing plans, and setting conditions for the plans and sacrificing life to the conditions that serve the plans.

Whenever we succeed in achieving what we thought we wanted, we discover, that that wasn't it.

perhaps it then serves a greater learning, unless we merely persist the same pattern with new symbols for what we ultimately and already are.

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