in response to the themes in:
I appreciate your response, but I am not writing from the predicates that are - to my understanding - the frame from which the problem is built-in - and this is why the reader's mind of such a conditioned or habitual presumption is not fed. It simply cannot translate into the old wine bottles and nor is that my desire. But that doesn't mean there is no bridge the the reader's recognition.
Bringing into a mainstreamed attention can indeed popularise ideas in seeking and finding agreement - but then the message is adulterated and diluted into marketing - which doesn't have to be for money - but for validation, self-reinforcement or attempt to lockstep alliances against feared or hated 'others'.
So I rest - truly rest - in the meanings that I share. And yet I am aware they are often very compressed or 'intense' - there's enough in a paragraph sometimes to make a chapter.
But if a long slow process of adaptation is offered, be sure that the ego - or self-manipulative mind - will learn to pass off as true. That's it job description - and our learned expertise.
The sudden shift of recognition is not the refinements of a 'babylonian structure' of levels by which to define, divide and control - but a direct intuition - without any intermediary to your own being.
The apparent conflict between a 'fear and control mindset' and the direct intuition or felt quality of life is coming up to a head. But it isn't a conflict OUT there - it is our choice, now.
But a choice of priority - not of exclusivity. By all means let us use the mind and systems of control to serve the living. But not to replace it - or there simply is no living.
The dynamic of this pervades everything and so regardless what is or isn't said, the mind of a lockdown self isolating defence against loss of control as if loss of self, is founded on vigilance against love's honesty now - because it represents the weakening or loss of invested defences, identified in emotionally driven and necessary denials, lies and illusions.
No one is going to untangle what we have made WITH the tools or focus that made it.
Aligning in a transparency to presence is the allowing of the undoing of such identity in fear and guilted lock in as we are willing to release.
But all that I am saying gives power to the process of genuine curiosity and sharing in the discovery of healing anything - as bring it back from a specialised isolate to a direct integrality within a wholeness of being.
Witnessing from wholeness must meet the defences (attacks or denials) of the choice for self-isolation under fear's control, but also pass through the temptation to react in like kind and effectively rejoin the reinforcement and witnessing to a crab-barrel world. So I respect our freedom to choose against what we are not ready and willing or moved at all to engage with as long as we own our own decision rather than guilting and blaming others for our attempt to shut down, wall off or eradicate what we are effectively choosing to ignore for our own reasons,
By all means let Shaun move on - but realise that power is known by having already done it.
By all means ask me to limit my input so as not to fill a page with long posts that perhaps few find any movement or moment to alight in. Ask and be answered. Its easy. But it opens relationship - and that is where our fears are already enacted as a pre-emptive judgement that replaces relational freedom with contracts and rules of ritual exchange set in manipulative avoidance.
We were already normalised to a lockdown, social distancing, and conformed compliance and it is already a great strain of death and taxes on our unfolding a shared experience of who we are. It is the human conditioning - regarded as a noun or concrete hardwired fact.
Now, as T.S Elliot offered, "we arrive at our starting place to know it for the first time". How so? Because it was first set in division, fear, confusion of unknowing. Now it is given us to look on from a new point of perspective. Fear's toxic debts cant be 'hidden' by clever accounting and more comes into the open. We might to be retching out what does have a true belonging rather than locking down further into denial. Perhaps the 'Reset' for some may be of the same order, but only as they are willing to accept or choose this for themselves.
No one can choose for another. But the intent to do so will entangle those we seek to control. if others play along in outsourcing their responsibility as if to escape consequence, there will be a 'joining' for keeping the appearance of a mutual getting device that locks in a parent-child - and a child-parent manipulation at expense of genuine relationship as the basis for life and growth.
Below is the context.
Jerome Savage
Sorry Binra
Read that twice & still cant quite grasp your message
Shaun Clark
Jerome, Can we move on? Whomever this is he /she is a fruitcake. Sorry
I regard your comment as exactly what a disinfo troll would get paid for, by sowing discord, undermining trust and limiting communication under cover of pretended familiarity. It seems to be a habit of yours. If you have something of substance to say – man up and say it.
(Why Malcolm do you give any support to posts of no point but scapegoating smear and incitement to social exclusion? )
I include myself by reason of interest and participation in the issues and themes raised. If you are only looking for what gratifies your personal terms and conditions – then you must meet so much to despise in your life and yet take such satisfaction pushing it from your mind.
But your mind is going with it.
The underlying issue behind the covid19 pretext is control of communication.
Masking as a need to protect life – while actually feeding more control to a destructive control agenda. That infantilised and mindless people are induced to suck on and applaud!
If you can show evidence to the contrary, I welcome hearing it. If you want to shut me down then I identify you as that agenda – regardless your presentation of ‘matey’ direction as if the moderator is absent and the inmates can take over the asylum. I’m not saying you cant try. But then you get your results in kind. The same will apply to mad people who try to rule the world.
Now that was easy to understand. Basically, you tend to write in jargon and use what are unfamiliar terms to most people – that’s what is meant by “fruitcake”. If you wrote in plainer language, you’d probably find that most people agree with you or can at least understand what you have to say and comment accordingly
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a short follow up to another post by teedee126:
At risk of over-commenting - it is how we respond to problems when they come up, that establishes our character or culture - not an ideal of perfect freedom for having them.
I have no axe to grind on my own account but if we don't support the principle of communication, why be surprised when we suddenly find we no longer have it - or feel so self-censored as to lock-down and self-exclude?
See how easily our fears can trigger reaction! I don't mean that in blame to anyone but simply to promote vigilance to pause and consider before acting from our first emotional response. I of course include myself in that invitation. To be safe we have to honour our current sense of where we choose to be in relation to our world. There is no safety as such in the world. Growing trust together is growing a safety that includes accepting differences, respectfully. If we replace all such (at times messy) process with systems and rules - we can have our problem free robotic world order.
Problems must then be opportunity for growth rather than a way to fund a private agenda at expense of the whole - when we step back from them rather than jump in.
a short follow up to another post by teedee126:
As someone who volunteered for years at a Crisis Centre, I dealt with people on all points of the mental health spectrum, but the one thing that many callers had in common was a feeling of intense loneliness, mainly brought on by the despicable stigmatism against the mentally ill. It was heartbreaking that their families, former friends and coworkers, as well as their own GP’s and sometimes their Psychiatrists, who above all should know better, all made them feel ‘less than’ as a person.I found it despicable to see someone on this thread called a “fruitcake” and dumbfounded as to why the comment was allowed to be posted in the first place. Regardless what any of us think of Binra’s writing, whether we get something of value from it or find it difficult to process in our often tired minds, that was inexcusable and has me questioning a comment I once made about this site being ‘an island of comfort and sanity’ or whatever it was I said. It’s very much a place of favouritism and cliquism in some cases, but why that should disappoint or surprise me is something I’ll have to work out for myself.
At risk of over-commenting - it is how we respond to problems when they come up, that establishes our character or culture - not an ideal of perfect freedom for having them.
I have no axe to grind on my own account but if we don't support the principle of communication, why be surprised when we suddenly find we no longer have it - or feel so self-censored as to lock-down and self-exclude?
See how easily our fears can trigger reaction! I don't mean that in blame to anyone but simply to promote vigilance to pause and consider before acting from our first emotional response. I of course include myself in that invitation. To be safe we have to honour our current sense of where we choose to be in relation to our world. There is no safety as such in the world. Growing trust together is growing a safety that includes accepting differences, respectfully. If we replace all such (at times messy) process with systems and rules - we can have our problem free robotic world order.
Problems must then be opportunity for growth rather than a way to fund a private agenda at expense of the whole - when we step back from them rather than jump in.