Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Living From Wholeness - A Shift of Perspective

in response to the themes in:

I appreciate your response, but I am not writing from the predicates that are - to my understanding - the frame from which the problem is built-in - and this is why the reader's mind of such a conditioned or habitual presumption is not fed. It simply cannot translate into the old wine bottles and nor is that my desire. But that doesn't mean there is no bridge the the reader's recognition.

Bringing into a mainstreamed attention can indeed popularise ideas in seeking and finding agreement - but then the message is adulterated and diluted into marketing - which doesn't have to be for money - but for validation, self-reinforcement or attempt to lockstep alliances against feared or hated 'others'.

So I rest - truly rest - in the meanings that I share. And yet I am aware they are often very compressed or 'intense' - there's enough in a paragraph sometimes to make a chapter. 
But if a long slow process of adaptation is offered, be sure that the ego - or self-manipulative mind - will learn to pass off as true. That's it job description - and our learned expertise.

The sudden shift of recognition is not the refinements of a 'babylonian structure' of levels by which to define, divide and control - but a direct intuition - without any intermediary to your own being.

The apparent conflict between a 'fear and control mindset' and the direct intuition or felt quality of life is coming up to a head. But it isn't a conflict OUT there - it is our choice, now.
But a choice of priority - not of exclusivity. By all means let us use the mind and systems of control to serve the living. But not to replace it - or there simply is no living.

The dynamic of this pervades everything and so regardless what is or isn't said, the mind of a lockdown self isolating defence against loss of control as if loss of self, is founded on vigilance against love's honesty now - because it represents the weakening or loss of invested defences, identified in emotionally driven and necessary denials, lies and illusions.

No one is going to untangle what we have made WITH the tools or focus that made it.
Aligning in a transparency to presence is the allowing of the undoing of such identity in fear and guilted lock in as we are willing to release.
But all that I am saying gives power to the process of genuine curiosity and sharing in the discovery of healing anything - as bring it back from a specialised isolate to a direct integrality within a wholeness of being.

Witnessing from wholeness must meet the defences (attacks or denials) of the choice for self-isolation under fear's control, but also pass through the temptation to react in like kind and effectively rejoin the reinforcement and witnessing to a crab-barrel world. So I respect our freedom to choose against what we are not ready and willing or moved at all to engage with as long as we own our own decision rather than guilting and blaming others for our attempt to shut down, wall off or eradicate what we are effectively choosing to ignore for our own reasons,

By all means let Shaun move on - but realise that power is known by having already done it.
By all means ask me to limit my input so as not to fill a page with long posts that perhaps few find any movement or moment to alight in. Ask and be answered. Its easy. But it opens relationship - and that is where our fears are already enacted as a pre-emptive judgement that replaces relational freedom with contracts and rules of ritual exchange set in manipulative avoidance.

We were already normalised to a lockdown, social distancing, and conformed compliance and it is already a great strain of death and taxes on our unfolding a shared experience of who we are. It is the human conditioning - regarded as a noun or concrete hardwired fact.

Now, as T.S Elliot offered, "we arrive at our starting place to know it for the first time". How so? Because it was first set in division, fear, confusion of unknowing. Now it is given us to look on from a new point of perspective. Fear's toxic debts cant be 'hidden' by clever accounting and more comes into the open. We might to be retching out what does have a true belonging rather than locking down further into denial. Perhaps the 'Reset' for some may be of the same order, but only as they are willing to accept or choose this for themselves. 

No one can choose for another. But the intent to do so will entangle those we seek to control. if others play along in outsourcing their responsibility as if to escape consequence, there will be a  'joining' for keeping the appearance of a mutual getting device that locks in a parent-child  - and a child-parent manipulation at expense of genuine relationship as the basis for life and growth.

Below is the context.

Jerome Savage 
Sorry Binra
Read that twice & still cant quite grasp your message
Shaun Clark 

Jerome, Can we move on? Whomever this is he /she is a fruitcake. Sorry

I regard your comment as exactly what a disinfo troll would get paid for, by sowing discord, undermining trust and limiting communication under cover of pretended familiarity. It seems to be a habit of yours. If you have something of substance to say – man up and say it.
(Why Malcolm do you give any support to posts of no point but scapegoating smear and incitement to social exclusion? ) 
I include myself by reason of interest and participation in the issues and themes raised. If you are only looking for what gratifies your personal terms and conditions – then you must meet so much to despise in your life and yet take such satisfaction pushing it from your mind.
But your mind is going with it.
The underlying issue behind the covid19 pretext is control of communication.
Masking as a need to protect life – while actually feeding more control to a destructive control agenda. That infantilised and mindless people are induced to suck on and applaud!
If you can show evidence to the contrary, I welcome hearing it. If you want to shut me down then I identify you as that agenda – regardless your presentation of ‘matey’ direction as if the moderator is absent and the inmates can take over the asylum. I’m not saying you cant try. But then you get your results in kind. The same will apply to mad people who try to rule the world.

Now that was easy to understand. Basically, you tend to write in jargon and use what are unfamiliar terms to most people – that’s what is meant by “fruitcake”. If you wrote in plainer language, you’d probably find that most people agree with you or can at least understand what you have to say and comment accordingly
- - - - - - - -

a short follow up to another post by teedee126:

As someone who volunteered for years at a Crisis Centre, I dealt with people on all points of the mental health spectrum, but the one thing that many callers had in common was a feeling of intense loneliness, mainly brought on by the despicable stigmatism against the mentally ill. It was heartbreaking that their families, former friends and coworkers, as well as their own GP’s and sometimes their Psychiatrists, who above all should know better, all made them feel ‘less than’ as a person.I found it despicable to see someone on this thread called a “fruitcake” and dumbfounded as to why the comment was allowed to be posted in the first place. Regardless what any of us think of Binra’s writing, whether we get something of value from it or find it difficult to process in our often tired minds, that was inexcusable and has me questioning a comment I once made about this site being ‘an island of comfort and sanity’ or whatever it was I said. It’s very much a place of favouritism and cliquism in some cases, but why that should disappoint or surprise me is something I’ll have to work out for myself.

At risk of over-commenting - it is how we respond to problems when they come up, that establishes our character or culture - not an ideal of perfect freedom for having them.
I have no axe to grind on my own account but if we don't support the principle of communication, why be surprised when we suddenly find we no longer have it - or feel so self-censored as to lock-down and self-exclude?
See how easily our fears can trigger reaction! I don't mean that in blame to anyone but simply to promote vigilance to pause and consider before acting from our first emotional response. I of course include myself in that invitation.  To be safe we have to honour our current sense of where we choose to be in relation to our world. There is no safety as such in the world. Growing trust together is growing a safety that includes accepting differences, respectfully. If we replace all such (at times messy) process with systems and rules - we can have our problem free robotic world order.
Problems must then be opportunity for growth rather than a way to fund a private agenda at expense of the whole - when we step back from them rather than jump in.

Monday, 11 May 2020

We have and are the right and the freedom to uncover a gift in anything

Can someone really argue that autism is a gift? What ?

We have and are the right and the freedom to uncover a gift in anything - but no one has the right to usurp or pre-empt that by their own imposition.
There is both a beloved, and a heartbreak compounded by injustice - under which one either deepens a faith in life for the living, or loses it to a cover story seeking lockstep agreements to set against the pain of not only the above - but also shame of self betrayal.

This pattern is also seen in covid-mind-masking as mind capture under an escape-narrative from self-conflicted fear. It is a very hard place to be in when your sense of self and world fall apart. That's the last place we would go - and so we often try to leave it to the very last minute and never actually share the gift of a life we are effectively running away from.

Suffering CAN initiate a journey of waking compassion - but only to the willingness to both give and receive love's acceptance. Those who evangelise for what they have not truly accepted for themself are always dissociated from their own rage and terror and so it leaks out in all kinds of unintended consequences. On the other hand using our own or anyone else's victimhood as a political or identity agenda is underhand and deceitful.

While our world depends on short-cuts and labels - I see that everyone has and is their own unique version of 'whatever' and need not be defined BY it. Whatever we take definition from becomes 'god' to our choice to accept it. It tells us who we are and frames how we respond.

The danger of any litigious or grievous claim is investing in the wound as the means to vindictive vengeance instead of justice. But bitterness poisons the accuser and those around them.
The dedication to truth in the service of others  releases the personal agenda to a path of honouring truth and true witness, above the means to mask, hide, and evade it that persist the lie along with its tragic consequence.

Unless new evidence convinces otherwise the denial or attack upon the biota of our world and gut is effectively cauterising us from our life support biologically, emotionally and mentally.
Self-isolated, locked down and effectively behaving in a cancerous way. Don't blame the virus.
Unless of course coming OUT of lockdown is more fearful than all the devils we know.
In this sense I am using the term for a human consciousness that became pathologically normalised.

The underlying dynamic we cannot and need not escape

I just noticed Siddel's twitter dump within the comment I had replied to.
(My email notification of the post did not show it).

The agenda reveals a mouthpiece. Siddel supposedly self-launched himself to covid fame with a kitchen report, still sweating from the trenches while frantically entreating; 'This is not a virus!'.

Whoever he may represent, he is restating the core hypnotic suggestions by which the many are accepting dehumanising degradation and a course in social-relational (spiritual) death assenting to bio-slavery, as willing compliance to a control agenda that has NO willingness for real communication. Who listens there WANTS this on one level or another.

There is no treating with it BUT to hold it at heart as released of legitimacy from alignment in our own appreciation - while IT runs its course. What makes NO sense, inherently attacks and undermines all sense to take in or be taken in by. To take offence is to act from already being attacked - and thus invested.

This 'control agenda' is locked down, socially isolated and isolating, and treating a situation of living and called for communication as contagious threat - but love is not contagion. Love belongs here. Fear is the estranger.

The underlying issue here pertains to Communication in the fullest meaning of the word. New science is uncovering us to a Universe and a Biosphere of communication that is of vibrational resonances within self-organising expressions of dynamic equilibrium. I will uplevel from quantum observations (or downlevel from plasma cosmology) to the matrix of micro-biota as the foundation of our biosphere. If we seek to kill or enslave this 'Mater' we set the measure of our own receiving. No one else is ultimately responsible for our own choices to give our will to others, or to circumstances.
Our self justifying narratives do not resolve or truly escape consequence. Repackaged debts are still called in.

The basis of consciousness as cell or self of larger living system, is the balancing of inner and outer conditions as an interstitial medium of total communication - within which are relatively distinct domains that are integrally participant and yet also themselves.

The nature of a traumatised human consciousness is a loss of the field or embracing sustenance of connection and communication, to a contracted sense of isolation and control surrounded by an 'alien' threat. Under specific conditions of threat, this is our 'reptilian' brain. It has functional necessary service to preserving the life of the body. But under trauma, it will override all higher functions and operate against its own true function. Self-destructively. A fully closed system in which control has conquered life, is death.

The willingness of aligning in control agenda paints itself in a corner from which there is no way out and the cost of survival in such terms demands always greater un-humanity to be accepted as normalised sacrifice that will never be paid off. 'Infection' with innate intelligence  awaits required or mandated official treatment? I object! And I let it be known that I object.

The demands of a phase of compression naturally occur when a period of expansion reaches chaotic disequilibrium call for qualitative refinement of purpose. But to invested identity may feel like being crushed or deeply threatened, and invoke regressive contraction from life in a stricture of death, instead of to the seeding synchronicity for a new phase of expansion.

When we are triggered, we literally operate a dissociated and dissociating persona and are not in our right mind. Conditioned, triggered, and controlled by hated fears - or loved hates.

Releasing trauma, or conflicting elements set in grievance, is necessarily to revisit the triggering conditions in willingness to uncover new perspective that is wholly recognisable and understandable as an appreciation, shared.



How much of that was actually In English? I could have filled a buzzword bingo card. Just sayin’

Hateful propaganda can be coined in English and believing we understand it can and does deliver us unto evil.
From where would you question your current presumptions, terms, conditions and demands that deliver you to the world you judge as real? Many not only don't question, nor does it ever actually occurred to them to do so. Nor can they follow any who do.

Covid-capture syndrome is a state of dissociation under which the subject simply refuses to see, hear, understand or accept anything that is not mandated by a lock-stepped mind.

It is the privilege of those who step outside of such locked down meanings, to be mistranslated by an intent to immunise against feared truth. Truth never has been locked into words, but embodies and is given witness in truly shared meanings. As distinct from 'Newspeak' in which anything means whatever Big Brother says it means today regardless what it meant yesterday or shall mean tomorrow.

When you sign off in feigned retreat as 'Just saying' you illustrate a way of undermining what you have to say in self depreciation. Perhaps to pre-empt someone else reacting in a way you don't want to have to engage with or stand up to? Why not say truly 'just' things and stand in them - while you are alive? Why not aspire to grow a better experience of yourself and your life instead of looking for something to 'relieve yourself' on?

Perhaps you can share what YOU see as motivating a huge and intentional contraction of the global economy set under draconian reaction to a pretext for panic, meekly followed and even applauded? Why would anyone choke back supply but to set controls over the lives and minds by conditioning the behaviour of another's 'normal"?

At the moment the political will is a Gated community.

We may choose or be moved to focus on any aspect and at any level of a rich drama unfolding, and that is our freedom. I take no less and no more than that, and share it to any who at least dimly recognise the drama operates a negative self-reinforcing loop. But if you have something to say - why don't you say it instead of dumping on those who - for your own reasons - you take offence from. Show that you are not 'just sayin' things to provoke division and distrust?

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Magical Beliefs Oppose And Undermine Our Life Support


I note your assumption that Cov19 only began when scientists 'discovered' it and only spreads as we test for it, and also note that Sars-Cov-2 has not been demonstrated to CAUSE an 'infection or disease' that has no clinical symptoms in about half or more of its 'hosts' and variable clinical mostly mild symptoms that are shared with other respiratory diseases and which viruses (of association) are also present but not tested for. (Though I saw one account where this was done and of course CV19 was not the only virus detected as present at some degree in the host.
But giving one thing exclusive priority renders all else in its image.

I suspect along with Fred Hoyle, Zach Bush and no doubt others, that the winds (meteorological conditions) carry genetic info all around the biosphere - just as they transit intercontinental teeny weeny spiders. Would UV level affect this communication network in the light that the higher spectra of UV deconstructs all viral structures. Perhaps there is too much of this in the summer?
While I don't see virus as The Cause, I do see it as genetic messaging that includes instructions - ie: to initiate defences against toxicity in the lung (periodically or as triggered by new toxicological - environmental alerts).

Of course life doesn't have to make sense and concocting superstitions and magical rites against an ultimate meaningless torture is all one can resort to in lockdown against it and thus seem to make sense by opposition. I hold that magical beliefs are what conflict with and oppose or undermine our life support. Especially when we intensify our investments to protect them from re-evaluation in the light of failure. 

Truth and war


Janet Love commented on COVID Update – Focus on Vitamin D.
in response to Mr Chris:
David Ferguson is an interesting case of modern news management The story about his private life has been around for a month, suddenly it appears in four right wing newspapers on the same day Secondly all of sudden someone brings to David Davis’s attention an analysis of his model very nicely written, demonstrating that the […]
The ‘TRUTH’ is always the first and *enduring* casualty in politics / war.
– as the wind veers, so do politicians, setting sails to gain future advantage.
Methinks the UK govt dropped the ball at the start, and this is part of ‘catch-up’ …

in response to the themes above:

I hold this basic recognition runs more deeply than is commonly supposed.
IE: it is not a speaking of a world out there - or others - that by engaging war, then kill the truth.

Truth is unconflicted in itself, while conflict is a state of partial of conditional relation of dissonance.
If you want something to be true (in a way) that isn't, as your own way of organising or managing your experience, then you set up a bias or torsion of dissonance, which you can put to one side or set the mind to 'ignore' while pursuing something you want. If you know you are doing this you use the mind as a tool. If you become exclusively invested in the tool you become 'tooled'.

In a sense then we can sacrifice (awareness of) wholeness of being in exchange for a world we (think we) want. Because we can give truth to a partiality or an illusion, we can also suffer it.

Within collectively reinforced illusion, suffered as if true, we have essentially become subjected and controlled by the impulse to subject and control our world. But our experience is not at all as if we do this unto our self, but that what we are taking ourselves to be, (conditioned by experience to accept true of us), is set in struggle or powerlessness of entanglement in polarised reactions that effectively set order or an appearance of balance that is actually stagnant and life-denying, such that the strain or burden undermines the will to live that is our vital capacity of survival and creative growth or life - but actually in expression - not bottled up in virtual rehearsals.

Judgement is the mind of substitution and replacement of truth. It is inherently a mind of limiting, selecting and rejecting, that when applied to the living, divides to rule, and sets the rules of its own rejection and denial. While we invest in the struggle to enforce or conform others or narrative reality to comply to our judgements, we are given to the truth of what we think we want or need, from a past set in separation trauma or war within self. We all have unique and different patterns of loss of love, or subjection to fears, doubts, shames, or hateful sense of inadequacy in regard to the life, family and world we are born into. And we all learn to varying degrees, to insulate or mask over from painful, feared or hated truths that we have taken into our core beliefs without any process of conscious reflection but simply the impulse of love, life and survival. For the impulse of love without self-differentiation, will take on the pains or fears or depression of others as its own and even sacrifice its life in attempt to address the unresolved issues of another - that do not truly belong and are biasing or blocking the true expression of one's life by a belief we have to be what we are not - or not be what we are. This is war set over the truth on its own unique expression, but is experienced as patterns of life that are in effect a script of conditionings that automatically operate from that early core sense of self and world but with more sophisticated strategies of rationale and masking behaviours as a result of learning and adapting a self to its world... and a world to its self.

In practical terms, I hold truth to be discerned - and in truth moves within our awareness as the gift of noticing. Discernment is an acceptance of the whole instead of a pre-processing censor and narrative that rules by ruling out or limiting in order to enforce a negatively maintained bubble of segregation and defence. It is discernment of love's honesty as the true and spontaneous or unselfconscious flow of being that is denied and blocked by fear or conflict given power. This is what results in lockdown, self-isolation, a driven need for allies in 'lockstep' and sacrifice of a commonwealth for a realm of private control, set in defences that need fear and threat as fuel and funding while presenting a narrative front of the emergency of solving them. 

This holds the underlying alloy of love and hate that characterises the human conditioning as a result of seeking to establish love within the 'unfaced or unowned terrain' of the hateful.
And so the reclaiming of our lives must open to and pass through the hateful and the feared so as to address them truly - instead of fight-flight and the freeze or lockdown into a state of displaced identity in a world on which we have cast out not only our denials, but the truth and wholeness of a love that we simply are, that is, and knows itself in being the gift of itself.

War is the first casualty of love's honesty. But we cannot make love and paint it over hidden hates but only set a cruel and hollow parody of life against which opposition seems more virtuous, and gives hate a license to kill. Recognising hate as hurt and locating the hurt in the heart is a discernment not a thinking that seeks to apply itself on a judged hatred.

Fear of loss of face is humiliation, rejection, exclusion and invalidity.  All core facets of separation trauma. The undoing of such a pattern from automatically running is the desire and willingness to be released from its pain of conflict - on all levels of its expression, so as to be truly moved in who we are, what we do, share in, discover and embrace as our experience or part in a whole that holds us integral, connected and connecting, and awake to our responsibility for listening or receiving the gift of noticing, rather than sleep in the mind-habit of a gift we thought to take for ourself alone and apart and special. Uniqueness is the signature of wholeness in all Creation.
Every moment is its own unique expression. The database of past learning is not that which produces the future, but the palette of experience from which we choose. But in order to BE a choice, we must be awake as to what we are choosing between instead of programmed into defaults that are set to old patterns of action that have never been consciously re-evaluated.

Listening will arise naturally from asking a real question. The willingness and desire to know runs counter to the invested beliefs of a set mind, narrative identity or established thought system. Hence we are liable to ask pseudo questions that are really statements of self reinforcement in the form of a question, or maskings in the form of love or concern, such that the forms of mutually agreed meanings operate their own hidden code and effectively dictate or set the rules for an officially sanctioned reality - within which are every kind of polarised struggle, and yet all of which operate in unison against the recognition and witnessing of truth - whose movement reveals  meaning as extending, expanding and integrating of all that it is. While all that is not, is already released, or not here - without any process of demonisation denial or masking over.
The creative is the infinite potential to alight in. And patterns of consciousness that are grown for specific goals, find their true function in true alignment.

Truth centres. A battle of illusion of truth with illusions sets an off centred inertial fulcrum. We can become lost in our own spin. But yielding to the centre is not a surrender to 'other', even if release of a self-centred investment seems like imminent death or disaster. The key is to live the willingness of the moment of the gift of noticing, instead of rehearsing plans, and setting conditions for the plans and sacrificing life to the conditions that serve the plans.

Whenever we succeed in achieving what we thought we wanted, we discover, that that wasn't it.

perhaps it then serves a greater learning, unless we merely persist the same pattern with new symbols for what we ultimately and already are.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

I look for healing and correction not vengeance


I'll use up one of my three lives to say that - like a cat - I wont put my full weight on what you are hoping to be true. But I can and do leave the future open and hope for a shared waking from a false sense of life to a true by any means - or simply - just because!

I look for healing and correction, not vengeance. That may sound soft and vengeance may seem strong - but only by addressing what is truly here can he find our right place or response to it. Raging at shadows that can never really be eradicated nor need be is futility and vanity in one.

My sense of the old paradigm winding up is of a diminishing turf and thus turf wars. Which could  escalate to open wars. I don't see the 'elitists' as being willing to face the consequences of an entanglement in lies and corruption that goes way back and down deep. But at the same time, there is no other path to peace than setting or debts, releasing and finding release. Destruction of our world or our consciousness of it is not an answer, so much as a refusal set in our own terms as some form of 'See what you made me do!'

So I have said that I don't see the globally orchestrated lockdown as a blunder - although many are hapless and easily led. Or already bought, trained and fed.

However at root I see we all make mistakes that became a basis for fear, self isolating and attempt to mask over and control our reality against exposure that damns us. Shakespeare and other Tragicomedies illuminate our archetypal patterns. We cannot be free while trying to escape a mask we made ourself and then suffered at the hand of fate or others.

The willingness to truly address corruption would HAVE to set a new economic and social model. But I do not see those who are active in such corrupt thinking as the ones to set the framing or terms of the new. Nor would it BE new. Nor would it be workable within a new context that they simply cannot control, any more than a boat can control the tides.

There is no going back - and never has been. But the 'normal' is what we are conditioned to expect, to see and to do. Discipline of awakened purpose are 'self-conditioning' in the sense of making new choices to set a new habit in place of an old that has been transformed to the level of choice by owing it.  If we do not accept and live our responsibilities - someone else will take over.

Perhaps life is not a destination to survive in or perfect, but a journey of awakening potentials that opens perspective of a presence that we forget, mask over, and believe irrevocably lost.

Zach does touch on this at the end.


Theories believed mask as fact and used as basis for laws become official facts

in response to the themes in:


Theories believed, masquerade as facts - and once used as basis for law become official facts.
The beliefs about actual transmission of viral information are generally just that.

Likewise the superstitions set up to defend, counter or protect.
But the consequence of our actions have real effects.

Unless otherwise shown wrong, I accept that I live in a viro-sphere or viro-soup of trillions of communication packets that travel through the winds that are the breathe of our Biosphere, unless in water droplets when they may travel a number of feet. Without which life on Earth would cease.

Nanoparticulate and environmental toxins and exposures are the common risk factor for Respiratory disease - including lack of nutrition, microbiotic health, exercise and sunshine - along with strain and depression or dis-inspiration from our lives.

I am getting the impression that many places has already 'had it' as a bio-communication update with little or no symptom BEFORE lockdowns were imposed. the discover of America was novel to the Europeans, who as principalities presumed the superiority of race backed by technology and I think - and insane history driving them to GET rather than be part of.

'Reality is what I have just told it it has been! Now we must all get in step with what I tell you we must do...'
The Mistaking of hindsight as sight is the blinding ability to judge the present as the past - as the usurping of a true presence. Thus a past made in grievance or fear, stamps upon the face of a controlled 'present' as a kind of narrative continuity of 'I told you so!' - which can never be whole, at peace or rest because presence is not as the model dictates - and has to be locked down and only move in lockstep or be sent to Room 101 (More Orwellian reference).

If you tried to catch a cold do you think it would be an easy thing to guarantee?

Note - all the funding and media attention and 'consciousness' such as there is - will follow the drama of the virus, as something that asserts priority as a narrative investment - without any real questioning of almost anything about it.

Why do some people (at some times of their life or in some locations or conditions) 'catch' viruses and other not? Or indeed why of all those who show the indication of such a virus under tests, most of them have little if any clinical disease symptom.

Chasing the wrong suspect is the most lucrative research and development you can get - as long as the crime can be set as an ongoing threat and the suspect flagged to invisible knobbly spheres - which are neither proven to be this exact suspect nor to cause the conditions - mild or severe or fatal - that are being associated with it.

More likely is toxicity and a compromised or undermined immunity - and that is where medications and antibodies from flu vaccinations, lack of Vit D and all the rest - including an induced state of terror  and fear of connection with the lives of others - come into play.

Friday, 8 May 2020

The Lockstepped Media

To the themes of a conversation in which a media brand was extolled as a worthy source of news.

You are still ok with the brand that 'suits you sir', but many have become aware that despite apparently taking turns to present some sort of plausible denial for being organs of state, (or of a captured and Gated 'state of affairs'), ALL of the established media brands are effectively the lock-stepped media. Unless you have awareness from outside the narratives of confinement you MUST seek and find your identity and thought within them.

I don't see any need to be hostile so much as essentially extend a disregard to what is only of interest in seeing what the mind-captured are being told to think or find diversion in.
But when something that is pretending to serve a public news service is lauded as if it really does - then it is put up to be pulled down.

The questioning of everything about this pretext for a globalist power grab that is  - as we speak - reorganising how government and society is to operate in its newly conditioned state mandated Paramount Safety - is  conspicuous by its absence from any officially accepted 'news source'.

Your example of merit is an extremely token 'challenge' to what is being rolled out over the destruction of civilisation as we have known it - and for all it faults and horrific underbelly - it still holds some continuity for unfolding the potentials of our human being.

By all means you are free to choose where to go for your information and support - and abide in who you feel yourself to be regardless the opinions and judgements of others.  It may be that people in any walk of life meet a line they are not willing to cross, or an integrity they are unwilling to forsake - and this might result in getting an article published despite editorial concerns - or after receiving editing to meet those concerns.

Hitchens and Sumption were willing to speak their genuine concerns into an emotionally generated storm. They are willing to debate rather than consent to the imposition of 'truth' that denies any real debate. The Telegraph was and is no less instrumental in pushing such a propaganda blitz as all the others. If you do not recognise war propaganda, you could review all of its behaviour with a critical discernment rather than already reacting to its payload.

Instead of taking steps to shift paradigm, the elites dig themselves into a much deeper set of denials as if fear and coercion can inaugurate a new world order. But they don't want anything truly new, so much a more effective ways to consolidate control from an illegitimate intent to possess. Because they can dictate new laws by which to protect their lack of substance only demonstrates or proves a lack of substance.

'Comply and conform or we will hurt you'.
also expressed as 'Your safety is our paramount concern'.
If you learned how to read bollox as bollox - you might be less willing to suckle poisoned milk.

I don't ask you to trust me or tell you I can be trusted - but extend trust TO you as worthy of an honouring communication - even if we disagree. Because communication and relationship are what is being targeted and sacrificed to a false god that can NOT protect, guide, support or sustain - excepting by the redistribution of human sacrifice to its demands as 'normal'.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Team Trump or Tooled Trump?

teedee126 commented on COVID Update – Focus on Vitamin D.
in response to Binra (@onemindinmany):
Trump is played as a wild card to shuffle the pack. Is he his own man? Not in my opinion. But insofar as your criticism – surely it applies no less to most all the rest? But the professional political class presented a kind of groupthink that Trump does not at least overtly support. The […]
The only ‘team’ Trump has ever been on is Team Trump, and I’m going to just leave my remarks there for now.

But teedee126 does it occur to you that the greedy are those who are selected and tooled by the manipulative?
Goldman Sachs looks to be one of the most represented teams in continuous office – and I have NO sense they would allow ANY election not to be a selection.
Every front man is used for their particular image and brand and for the most part power doesn’t come to the front, but uses a masking persona – and indeed a constantly shifting and polarising effect is all part of the sleight of mind.
The image of the many headed hydra comes to mind. They are one thing – but can each seem to act as a front. Cut one head off and seven more grow.
Trump is consummately branded to both appeal to those who hate virtue signalling lies and so take joy in their exposure, and as to set off hate in those whose virtue is set in ‘resisting evil’ (to quote Jesus) rather than aligning in the truly Good.
There is no one who is fit to judge another.
But our fruits or behaviours are accountable.
In this difference is freedom from deceit.
Sefishness could be discussed further.
But note how the self and hate are so closely associated.
You are a self, you have needs and interests and right of being and are unique in being you.
Monopoly is associated with dominating and controlling and denying others – and can use all and any masking deceit to do so – including good cop, and bad cop.
Shooting at a barn door at point blank range does not expand your skill set!

Medica Mafia


“Who the hell is Bill Gates to deliberately scupper a vaccine safety commission? How are Bill and Melinda Gates wielding so much power, these unelected people who are dabbling and interfering in the lives of billions? ” Excuse me, but this is totally illogical. You are quoting Bill Gates VOICING HIS OPINION in a conversation with THE PRESIDENT OF THE US. The only person who could “scupper” the commission, then, was Trump, because he is the decision-maker; the boss, in other words. So – who is this Bill Gates person to deliberately express his opinion to an elected official? A citizen of a country dedicated to free speech, no less (America is still that, I hope?). And it is the job of the elected official – especially the highest of them all – to *choose the best recommendation to follow*. Short but not sweet: if the president of the US is silly enough to make decisions about health isssues on the basis of a programmer’s say-so, then it is the president who is the problem, not the programmer.

While there is truth in that your decision is your own responsibility - even if there is a gun pointing at your head, you are clearly unaware of the system that runs behind appearances.
The reason such controls can operate a bloodless (so far) global coup, is that covert networks of control are merely being rendered as overt power. There is no real national or economic independence - unless permitted as appearance by a system of perception management.

'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' comes to mind for the principle at work.
Gates is an active player to a point, but is still a messenger boy for a larger network of control - and a poster boy (kindly grandad) for the public perception.

Fauci is running a similar role and for a while took over the presidency.
Whether Trump - as a representative of his network of interests - has any real independence from 'The Family' or is merely contesting a turf war - who knows?

But Mafia is the pattern of organised crime. Crime in this sense is knowingly set against the law of life, and not a misdemeanour to be corrected as part of aligning in a now recognised integrity.

'The Medical Mafia' is another book that may seem extreme but is simply evident once the blinders are off.
Personalisation of issues into 'Trump and Gates' or US and UN, always operates a diversion to the underlying themes of deceits that we are perhaps unknowingly party to and WANT not to know.
Responsibility has been substituted for by blame.
The ability to consider, to question and to know for our self, is our ability to respond.

If we do not live our responsibility we invite, oblige or even demand other forces to run in our name. But we never truly escape our responsibility - regardless how blame can be apportioned, ingeniously evaded, or simply blotted from our (thereby self-limited and locked down) mind.

Do we have any idea of the nature of the 'new world normal'?


Indeed. Though the vaxtracked social credit system goes far beyond merely gathering revenue from mandatory product placement into our DNA.

UK Column News are offering good UK coverage of what is to me clearly a restructuring of government, law, and society under pretext of a virus lockdown. Corbett report is also willing to speak in mostly sane ways to the underlying patterns that have been unfolding to such a pass throughout our lifetimes.

Where is our true immunity to the fear that lies, for controls that tyrannise?
I call on the truth of love, as the love of truth, to undo fear's contagion in my mind, and deny giving power to lies that would sacrifice all that truly lives and loves life, in exchange for notional security systems that demand such sacrifice be re-enacted in perpetual payment.
Because whatever corruptions are derived that cover us in conflict, limitation, lack and loss, the core essence of life remains itself, innocent.

I have a sense that after war experience, there are some whose sense of human capacity is so deep in disgust as to shun society and seek the natural world for its touchstone of honesty of grounded stillness of being. Perhaps there can be no real renewal in health of cultural wholeness without going into the arena and experience of what needs to be thoroughly released of value and allegiance or else will by nature corrupt or self-sabotage all seemingly positive endeavour.

Do we have any idea of the nature of the 'new world normal' that is being successfully instituted to a prepared and willing compliance? Perhaps we do - but cant bear to look and so concern ourselves with diversionary minutiae.

BTW there are fresh updates on the 
also to the same site

'Follow the science' = deny the science and comply with orders.
'Save lives!' = your lives are under our jurisdiction, if you show your compliance you may mitigate your condition or be considered for protection or restored privilege.
'Stay home' = we have taken ownership and control of rights to the natural world and freedoms of travel. You are now to connect through electronic infrastructure of surveillance and control and to be a node of such as part of restored mobility.
'Save the NHS' - means that the medical mandate is to be the principle resort of the state to disregard the right to individual personhood. IE: Your rights to your body are overridden by the rights of eradication programs.


On the other hand, the breeze coming through the window is of an exquisitely beautiful spring morning. "That the birds are singing now! There is no other guarantee, that singing, will ever be!".

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

waking other people up is another form of virtue signalling


On best ways to promote vaccine risk awareness

Are you presuming a right to force people to accept that they are willingly putting their children in harm's way - by an expression of their protective love?

The idea of waking other people up is another form of virtue signalling is it not?

When people are ready they are already coming into contact with information or experience from outside their bubble. Perhaps if they are not ready, they focus on the self-righteous pushiness (such as we can all at some time enact), that reinforces retreat and defence instead of willingness to listen.

The art of discerning the true will in others and joining them might first honour their current choice as their right, without reinforcing it as right. In relationships we are always a beginner - or else we jump in with assumptions taken from another context. I quite understand that our own emotional outrage is both maddening and unhelpful - unless it can be channelled to learning how better to be a channel or serve a channel of communication.

However, Elizabeth is exemplifying an approach that may find a willingness to listen - or at least seed to possibility of questioning an accepted certainty, or emotionally invested  commitment.
As soon as we engage in our own moral judgement of others - rather than illuminate the questionable, fraudulent or destructive behaviour of others, we muddy our own signal  by using it to get satisfaction of an emotional charge dump - and often with the signal smugness of believing that just for now, we put them in their place!

Much of the pharmaceutical and perhaps all of the 'biological' or vaccination issue rests on a model of disease as pathogenically CAUSED by microbiota and viruses, along with a model of immunity as a battle set against such malign 'hijackers'.

A cat and mouse game between system and hacker operates the progressive lockdown and lock-in of the user. By the way - the Internet is essential for the implementation and maintaining and normalising of lockdown and lockstepping compliance.

'Where Do You Want To Go Today?' said the Spider to the fly.

How far upstream to the cascade of symptoms and whack-a-mole displacement effects are we willing to question?

Within any issue is the liability to become define by what you oppose, resist or disagree with - sometimes quite invisibly. That's why the information we need to take our next step is often hidden in or behind the forms of what we deny, or hold anathema.

Malcolm X is quoted to have said: “I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”

Identity investments will absolutely block and lock in a negative confirmation bias. Such that if someone or something representative of what you are against says it - it MUST be a matter of opposition and ridicule.

It isn't the rich who cant let themselves into heaven, but those who mistake their identity-investment as riches set over truth.

Mistrust of doctors forever more...?


Mistrust of doctors forever more...?

Trust is both the basis for and the fruit of a real relationship.
Your use of the term 'trust' is a counterfeit or corrupted derivative.
Doctors need to actively refuse to operate outside of a real relationship. Does the current structure allow that?
A state or effectively corporate employee under regulatory lockdown cannot grow a true clinical practice - and relationship with his or her community.
I used the term lockdown, because there is of course a place for standard and regulations and protocols - but without a fundamental trust - the whole thing is a heartless machine whose safety is its paramount concern.

If you take advice from anyone anywhere and any-when, weigh it in your own heart and take responsibility for YOUR decision. Relationship is not there for us to simply use when its suits us. BUT acting that way sets up the law of returns. 

To look upon the gates of hell and know this is not who you are


Gates - while an active player - has been incorporated into his current role within a cartel monopolism that masks as globalism - in terms of global masking in 'tackling global problems' and 'making a better world' - which includes such holy orders as the 'eradication of  (insert value)'. But all of which are simply PR or the manipulation of our own thought, word and emotional response as a means to either recruit a proxy leverage or undermine any check or boundary to a monopoly of 'broad spectrum' control.

Control that is robbed of its own intent of plunder, rape and subjection, by the insanity of the 'gods' - or re-enactment of archetypes of arbitrary power set over and upon the living. So I see the persons or agencies of such a control as an expression of the terrain and not as independent  psycho-pathogenic powers. And Gates is clearly a front man for the band - that is to say a projecting image of kindly ageing concern and generous commitment to use the fruits of a ruthlessly acquired and effective monopoly control system, for 'solving the world's problems'.

Anyone who doesn't WANT to look at the disturbing underbelly to our world can find a 'positive' comfort and support for their world-view in applauding him. This pattern is being literally ritualised. (My MP responded to concerns of conflict of interest with refusal to take them seriously - along with a gushing account of the unquestionable merits of everything Gates represents. As his OPINION was not what was asked of him, but his duty of official responsibility, the demand for representation persists).

At a historical political level the development of cartel monopoly is associated with corporate and banking cartels that acquired the insider benefits of new industrial and technological leverage.
So though it goes back further, 'Rockefeller' expansion and control set the restructuring of society and governmental institutions as a captive revenue stream - while handing out a few dimes for the narrative PR. This is completely embodies in the military industrial as well as the medical industrial complex - as an active and powerful orchestration of perceived and believed self-interest. While there are conspirational facets, it is largely hidden in plain sight, by the capture of the public mind in narrative identity diversions that for our own reasons, we buy into on some level, even by emotionally reacting against them as an 'anti-whatever'.

Re-educating our selves regarding our actual history can provide more understanding of how things became what they have, but doesn't in itself resolve - and can reinforce despair. So I embrace a psycho-physical or integrative approach of uncovering the patterns of fear and control seeking immunity from change by setting itself as the arbiter of change. Insane - but readily observable in our world, others and our selves.

The threat to the vaccination mindset, is not disease, but disregard resulting release of a false model of disease and immunity. One of the things going on it the very intense restatement of its right to rule (Medical tyranny). But the bringing of a covert fear and control to overt dictate is a replacement of fear of disease by fear of social exclusion and state imposed pain or penalty running on the pretext of disease. And so 'believing' the pretext is necessary to protect you life, your career, funding or ability to provide for your family, and status and privilege as a member of society.

Fixating on details about any lesser evil is then safer than calling the pretext into question.
In another post recently I touched on a personality that would rather die than experience deep emotional upset, and in projection of itself onto others, rather 'kindly' murder its own than subject or expose them to such upset. This is the balance point of whether opening our mind to a greater perspective delivers us to psychosis or to an expanded integration at a new level.

Insulating our mind from our fears is NOT immunity, but a dangerous and deceitful counterfeit. We need to own and face and grow responsibility rather than be infantilised to a dead end dependency.

Regardless what 'Gated' governments (sic) intend, or manage to implement, we will meet waves of fear that are infectious if not brought into responsibility, and when people do not accept or recognise where they have responsible choice to make, they oblige or demand others to make choices for them. Not everyone who rushes in to help has your safety as their paramount concern. Even less so when all the measures are already in place to seamlessly contain and neutralise the viruses of mass destruction (VMDs).

To look upon the gates of hell and know this is NOT who you are, is to allow a true foundation to move as an awareness within. 

The Call to War - The Call to Peace

This comment greeted me this morning at

Terry W: 
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/05/06/professor-ferguson-coronavirus-update-uk-lockdown-end-government/….. please ……. unleash the dogs of war ………………….

The Telegraph is paywalled. And ...anything that promotes itself as a trusted source is clearly virtue signalling - as if it had any. Why give trust to its content - or click-promote its narratives?

The 'virus' as pretext is already an unleashing of the fears and hates and destructive intent of war.
But your plea echoes a comment I just read in a Mercola article welcoming the virus and all in its train as Nature's Vengeance on an evil humanity.

But be certain, vengeance is hate, and while nature embodies rhythmic energetic exchange in an ever flowing dis-equilibrium that serves the unfolding of a living Universe - human hate is set in refusal to release a past made in hate, to a renewal in moving or unfolding presence.

Giving 'vengeance to the Lord' or yielding to the love that you are, is releasing it from your own energy field of manifesting thought in habit-identity - or else hate lords it over you - and you will propagate destructive hate as if a holy calling, whether as victim or victimiser. So as to give in the manner you have received and elect to receive in NO OTHER CURRENCY until your debt is settled. But what comes around, has gone around.

So how does thinking in the heart have any relevance to the lies and deceits of a world descending to madness?

Consider how easily triggered to react we are - and how manipulated we are as a result.
How else could a system grow on lies but that those who invest in it WANT them to be true?

Is it then meaningful to ask - in the heart - what in all honesty you want to align in or be found in as true - ie something that truly makes SENSE - can be truly understood, appreciated and shared in?
The appeal to reactivity is of bolstering a sense of lack of self, weakness or fear of being hurt, denied, or overwhelmed - and yet inciting or  joining in the appeal to hate and war gives reinforcement to the underlying sense of lack of true immune function of centred and aligned living and is therefore reacting from fear rather than owning and addressing its 'mind-set' or framing beliefs in yourself - so as to choose to act from a consciously accepted sense of self and life and others. This includes the  willingness to desist from reacting until a clear movement is felt trustworthy.

The outside world is NOT the only thing going on, but it can become and overwhelming fixation in the terms our mind is setting it. Unless we can release insane thinking to some moment and willingness of a connected peace, we are consenting to be driven, insanely while assigning ALL responsibility to our targeted hate.

Whatever opportunities are available for rebalancing the mind involve a decision to give time and act in willingness to a release and rebalancing. Many find walking in nature centring, but in extremis, yielding to what is, one breath at a time, through whatever is being experienced, is the release of inflammation or misery to simple unadulterated presence such that the storm subsides and the heart knows its connection to life.

Nothing I have said is denying your right to feel. I am not seeking to take away your power of choice, but to restore it to a more integrated and connected and conscious purpose.

If we want sane and workable outcomes we have to recognise and release the habits or appeals to insane ways and means.

If the elitists expected more reactive violence to use as justification for more draconian imposition - perhaps they overplayed terrorising those who trust them? 
Perhaps this 'psychopathy' that is in vogue to assign to 'leaders' and corporate cabals, is much more pervasive in the whole population like a fungal parasite that operates its host to reseed itself from high places.

Fear of possession by an alien or evil will - works that very agenda - by attempt to escape, overcome or get rid of it. That is why the determination to be the love that you are is not an attempt to try to become something you are not - and then hate a world or life or others for not supporting 'you'.

I don't know how this thing will work out either. I'd say we have to feel our way with all the resources we can uncover or draw on, one day at a time, or indeed one moment at a time.
There is a LOT in our own habit-mind that imposes upon and denies the life in others under all kinds of judgemental frameworks of mutually reinforcing belief. That this comes back to us with interest - doesn't have to be loaded with retribution or vengeance but discerned as feedback.
Garbage in; garbage out. If we are getting garbage back - should we feed an industry to attack the 'bug' out there or address the code that is being run - or being allowed to run unattended.

The call to war seems much more succinct and easy to understand, because it is merely the triggering of an already acquired development of complex strategy and defence that is invisible in operation - as the old normal. I like to repurpose everything to support and align purposes I freely align under and can be whole in. Old habits that no longer work or serve are being broken ANYWAY - regardless of the agencies involved, and so the opportunity is to renew our heart and minds in persistent and consistent choices or willingnesses for life. Despite the temptation to frame everything in terms of a war that demand sacrifice of love - until the war is 'won'.

The idea of the Economy as a version of perpetual war is the same as seeing everything as predator and prey - with pre-emptive attack running against anything threatening the 'Economy'.
'Do you want to eat or be meat?' is a variation of a self-justifying self-betrayal in the realm of a false appetite driven by scarcity, given power. The abused re-enacts the pattern of its abuser.

This day, I live! The capacity to rehearse our own death is a mixed blessing! Conscious alignment of our imagination doesn't let it run away with itself as already real. The body holds the mind present so as not to be completely escaped by mental dissociations. I see a quality of 'lockdown' in running out of ways to evade ourselves - but my version is an implicit self-limiting structure of our own making.

One last point - the ego of a narrative self justification, prejudges and post-evaluates what is in any case CURRENT or actively in play, so as to seem to be (or have an experience of) some sense of private control over its experience. The idea of Current, is nigh - nearer than a now set in between it also evolving past and future. To say that 'Life is Bigger' than our capacity to frame or control is not set in quantitative scale - but in qualitative generation. Ignorance of life MUST become arrogant in its presumption to have gained possession and control, and is driven to use it as the basis for survival exclusively in such terms. If 'survival' of such a mindset demands denial of the light - not just sunlight as the context of our vitality, but awareness as the light of our consciousness - then it has to be questioned or brought to an innocent curiosity.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

The recognition of a consequence is seen as if it just suddenly happened.


The cause was a long way back, but the recognition of consequence is seen as if it suddenly happened. However you are right, tyranny is invited or given a back door or even mainline connection into our homes, our kids our minds. It doesn't seem to be what it actually does.
To what degree is this a popping of a reality bubble for many who have been insulated to a large extent from having to confront the 'backend' or underbelly of society?

Someone said 'how dare they..?' in a recent comment. Well audacity is their strong suit - and the bigger the lie the better it works.

Those mortally afraid of an extraordinarily oversold respiratory infection have been induced to a patriotic fervour for our boys on the front line. Saving lives and saving an already captured privately owned 'NHS' - apart from token show.
This formula worked in the past and it works now because fear is the underlying basis for protection and survival in all but a few - and the fear response shuts down all else to fight or flight - but in trauma of overwhelm we have another option; freezing, immobilisation and dissociation.
We can also have the situation where the abused emulates or repeats the abusive pattern.

If the infected can be recast as vermin - they can be treated as vermin as a moral necessity or virtue. This can be seen in not very distant human history.
Calling up fear is extremely dangerous for it can and does mutate into a monster when it is fed rather than starved of fuel. It only offer illusion of control - but for the Fauci's of the world any illusion is a way to evade and delay a terrible upset.

After reading Elizabeth's post - to which you reply - I had the image of someone who would rather medicate his family to death by stealth than upset them with such terrible experience. I have read of such cases.